Iceburgh and the Gang Episode 4: Off-Season Practice

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One sunny day at Pittsburgh, Fleury is at his house with Iceburgh. He is sitting in the dining room, talking to his friend.
"Man, Iceburgh...can't you believe that the season is over..." Fleury types something on his iPhone.
Iceburgh shakes his head and eats an ice cube from the tray of ice cubes that is next to him.
"...and that we didn't get the Cup?" He slams his phone down in frustration and looks up at the mascot with crossed arms.
Iceburgh shakes his head again.
"We lost to the Rangers... How?"
Iceburgh does some hand motions, communicating to Fleury.
"Yea, okay, blame it on me--I let the Rangers score!" He throws his hands in the air.
Iceburgh shakes his head and does some more motions.
"Are you tellin' me that I have to practice? I'm not good enough with my skills? Excuse me!"
Iceburgh gets up and walks out of the room.
"Hey, look, I'm sorry, buddy!" Fleury calls after the penguin, still sitting down. "I didn't mean to say that you're wrong! Come back!"
Iceburgh returns with Fleury's hockey bag, leg pads, stick, and helmet. He drops all of it in front of the Penguins' goalie, on top of the table.
Fleury gawks at the equipment. "You want me to practice now?"
Iceburgh nods his head and makes some more hand motions.
"Look, Iceburgh, thanks for caring about me perfecting my skills, but I have other stuff to do." He unlocks his phone and holds it out in front of the Penguin, showing him his Twitter page. "Everyone awaits for me on Twitter."
Iceburgh takes Fleury's phone and types something on it.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Fleury snatches his phone away and looks at it with inquiring eyes; he reads what Iceburgh tweeted from his account: "'Going off to practice! #practice makes perfect #practice gets the Cup #perfecting skills #off season practice #Iceburgh is awesome...'" He looks up at the mascot with a flat look. "Hashtag Iceburgh is awesome? Really?"
Iceburgh nods his head and gives the goalie a thumbs up.
Fleury sighs. "Since you tweeted that out from my account, I have to practice since I cannot lie to my fans. I'll practice."
Iceburgh claps happily and skips over to Fleury, dragging him and his equipment out of his house.

About an hour later, Fleury is all geared up, skating around the empty ice rink. Iceburgh is on the ice as well, practicing his cradling.
Fleury brakes in front of the net. "Alright, Icebugh, let's see whatcha got!"
Iceburgh nods his head and cradles the puck a little more until shooting is straight at Fleury.
The goalie saves it, hugging the puck with his catching glove. He gets up, shaking the puck off. "C'mon, you can do better than that!"
Iceburgh blasts another puck, which slams into the glass.
"Nope, this isn't a soccer net, Iceburgh!"
Iceburgh shakes his head and shoots another puck, which sails into the net.
"Dang it!!!" Fleury gets up, digging the puck out of the net with his stick. "Do it again!" He slides the puck back to Iceburgh.
So they practice more and more with shooting and saving. And before he knew it, Fleury is able to save any puck that was flying towards him.
"Hahaha! I got the hang of this! Shoot another one to me, Iceburgh!"
Iceburgh grabs a puck from the pile of pucks there are next to him and makes an aerial shot. Fleury catches that shot with his catching glove.
"Easy! I'm the best goalie in the whole world!" Fleury smiles with pride as he throws the puck back at Iceburgh.
Fleury turns to his right, seeing another goalie getting on the ice. "Vokoun? Who invited you here?"
Vokoun crosses his arms as best as he could with his gloves. "Hey!"
Iceburgh skates over to Fleury and taps his shoulder.
Fleury takes off his helmet. "Can you tell this Czech dude to get off the ice?"
Iceburgh makes some motions and points to himself.
"You brought him over?" Fleury snaps.
Icebugh nods his head and make some more motions.
"Haha, in your dreams. I cannot be friends with him."
Iceburgh makes some begging motions.
"First, you wanted me to practice and now you want me to practice with Vokoun?" Fleury eyes his back-up goalie, seeing him having a fun time cradling a puck around the rink; he looks back at Iceburgh. "And what do you want us to do?"
Iceburgh looks around the ice, rubbing his chin. He then makes some motions back at Fleury.
"You want us to be the unstoppable goalies? So you even want the backup goalies to be good?"
Iceburgh nods his head.
"That sounds really great. And I'll be the best goalie out of the other goalies here, right?"
"Hey!" Vokoun shouts.
Fleury faces the Czech goalie. "Shut up! You have a long way from being as good as me!"
Iceburgh smacks Fleury's head lightly.
"Sorry, sorry." Fleury turns back to Iceburgh and shrugs. "But hey, it is true!"
Iceburgh just shakes his head.
"So, are we gonna get practicin' now?"
Iceburgh looks around the rink and points to the benches. There, Jeff Zatkoff is putting on his helmet and gloves.
"You brought Zatkoff over as well?" Fleury looks horrified.
Iceburgh nods his head with crossed arms.
More goalies walk onto the bench and on to the ice with Zatkoff.
"You brought all the other goalies as well?" Fleury just gaped at the five goalies that are skating around, warming up. "I thought this was a one on one practice session... Vokoun is bad enough!"
"Hey!" all the other goalies shout.
Iceburgh brings out a whistle and motions all the goalies to huddle in a circle; Fleury begrudgingly follows.
The mascot begins motioning the goalies the plan of the practice. They start practicing under Iceburgh's goalie coaching rules and when practice was over, they were the best goalies!
"Thanks, Iceburgh! Now we are the unstoppable goalies!" Fleury pats Iceburgh's shoulder.
Icebugh nods his head as he gets off the ice.
Fleury follows him. "Now I can't wait for the beginning of the season... I get to show off my moves! And best of all, we'll win! Oh man, thanks again, buddy!"
Iceburgh nods his head wraps his arms around the starting goalie of his team's shoudlers, walking into the locker room where the other goalies were at.

The End.

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