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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
July 11, 2017

Meanwhile, in the laboratory of the GHP Headquarters, John is standing behind a countertop, wearing a lab coat, latex gloves, and safety goggles. He presses the finishing metallic shell onto the side of a thick, sturdy gun.

He holds his hand out to his left, not tearing his eyes away from the weapon. "Screwdriver."

Next to him, Kailer, who is wearing the same safety attire including his famous patriotic bandana, promptly hands him a screwdriver.

John takes it and screws the shell securely against the gun. He then holds his hand out to the right. "Solution."

On his other side, Katie, also with matching safety attire and her wavy hair pulled into a ponytail, hands him a cylinder-shaped vial of clear liquid.

John lifts the gun up and slips the vial into the ejection port located on the top. He then presses a small, blue button on the front of the handle.

The gun begins to glow gold through its designs and buttons as it emits a humming sound.

John stares at it in awe. "It actuated!"

Kailer steps up to behind John and gawks at it happily. "Fascinating!"

"Oh, this is so splendid!" Katie exclaims as she steps up behind him.

"Now the inquiry is—" John scrutinizes it while turning it around with both hands: "—does it in truth operate?"

Kailer gazes up at him with a slight gape. "Do you possess a guinea pig?"

"What do you utilize to assay your power-negating guns?" Katie asks in an attempt to get a clear answer.

John lowers the gun and whirls around to face the two. "Myself. I utilize myself as a test subject."

Katie's eyes fly wide with shock. "What? That's mad! You can be troubled with the deprivation of your potentialities!"

"I'm astonished you're even currently functioning well," Kailer points out with raised eyebrows.

"Don't fret, I'll be as fit as a fiddle. I will be competent to recoup my extramundane potentiality with Gorman's aid." John twirls the gun in his possession. "Unless either of you will tender as a test subject?"

Kailer jabs his right thumb over his shoulder, directing the others' attention to the door behind him across the room. "We can employ Duke."

John shakes his head. "No, it can merely be us three. Others may bungle the test."

"So you're going to undertake it?" Katie asks with worries eyes on the head scientist.

John nods his head slowly. "I will be. This isn't the initial juncture. I ought to essay this." He then breezes by them to the right, passing by the countertop.

Kailer and Katie exchange expressions before following John toward the front of the room.

Next to the countertop is a large whiteboard planted against the wall, bearing complicated chemistry and physics equations with numbers, letters, Greek symbols, and arrows. John halts in front of it, facing it.

His two apprentices halt behind him, standing in front of the island situated in the middle of the room. They stare at him with trepidation.

John lifts the whirring gun to his eyesight, observing it gently. He then presses its muzzle against his chest and takes in a deep breath.

Kailer and Katie gaze at him with grimaces.

Then John presses the trigger.

A golden ring of energy ripples through John, dissolving into sparks as it passes through him and dissolves in the air. He stays motionless as his shoulders subtly rise and fall to his breathing with the gun still on his chest.

Kailer and Katie have looks of growing confusion and anxiety with their goggle-covered eyes fixed on his back.

"Are you all right?" Katie asks with knitted eyebrows.

Thank you for coming home,

Sorry that the chairs are all worn,

He peers up at the scribbled whiteboard.

I left them here I could have sworn.

The two scientists peer at each other with looks of pure bewilderment.

"What's he uttering?" Kailer whispers to her.

John then turns around, the tail of his coat swinging behind him. He gazes at them with a soft look as he holds his gun by his chest with both hands.

These are my salad days,

Slowly being eaten away,

He drops the gun onto the countertop, zooms over to the two, and squeezes in between them, wrapping his arms around them.

Just another play for today!

He then pushes himself away, twirling around to face them, and grabs Katie's hands.

Oh, but I'm proud of you,

He slides over to Kailer, taking his hands.

But I'm proud of you!

He then dashes toward the island and presses his back against its edge as he leans backward and grips its edge.

Nothing left to make me feel small,

He whirls around to face the island and steps onto its surface.

Luck has left me standing so—

He throws his outstretched palms in the air, holding a long, smooth note:


John then spins around to face Kailer and Katie; he points to them, bobbing to the beat:


"What?" they exclaim in unison.

Always believe in your sou-oul,

John places his hands on his chest with passion.

You've got the power to know—!

"What is he performing?" Kailer hisses to Katie between his teeth.

You're indestructible-le!

John has his index fingers aimed at them.

Always believe in-n!

He then lowers a fist toward his side.

'Cause you are gold!

"Something went amiss," Katie whispers back to the small skater.

John hops off the island and steps up to them to the rhythm of the music.

Glad that you're bound to return-urn.

There's something I could have learned!

He twirls around and begins walking backward across the room, heading toward the door.

You're indestructible-le,

He halts in front of the closed door with a hand on its knob.

Always believin-in'!

John then promptly swings the door open and slides out of the room.

Kailer whirls to Katie with frenzy. "Balderdash, he's departing from us!"

Katie jabs an index finger at the ajar door. "After him!"

The two scientists sprint across the room and burst through the doorway. They stumble into the grey-coloured hallways with doors lined on both sides.

Down the hallway, John is spotted swaggering down the hallway to the tempo of the song.

Kailer and Katie rush up to him in a haste, halting by both of his sides.

John continues singing to them:

After the rush has gone,

I hope you find a little more time,

He hooks his arms around both of their shoulders.

Remember we were partners in crime.

He then darts through the archway of the hallway, entering the massive main room.

It's only two years ago,

The man with the suit and the face.

He rapidly sprints to the main table, where Kale, Reid, Brett, Jake, Matt, Ryan, Dru, and Emily are playing a large game of "Go Fish." He slams his hands flat against the table's surface between the two ladies, capturing all of the card players' attention.

You knew that he was there on the case!

He then pulls Emily and Dru into a one-arm hug on both of his sides.

Now he's in love with you,

He's in love with you!

He lets them go and straightens up, staring ahead heroically.

My love is like a high prison wall,

He lifts himself onto the table's surface.

But you could leave me standing so

He throws his hands out from his sides with his head craned back.


John then points his two index fingers from both sides at at all the card players.


"Gold!" Reid and Emily exclaim together with large grins.

Always believe in your—

John slams his hand to chest passionately during the pause.


He then jabs his pointer fingers back at them before reverting them to his temples.

And you've got the power to know!

You're indestructible-le!

He places his hands back on his chest.

Always believe in-n.

Kailer and Katie are standing a few feet away from the table, gawking at their head scientist executing his musical number.

'Cause you are gold!

"Gold!" Reid and Emily shout again, this time joined by Kale and Jake.

Kale shoots out a sprig of golden wheat while Reid emits a zap of golden energy from his sword toward John, clearly enjoying the song.

I'm glad that you're bound to return-urn.

John throws his hands out from his sides, halting from boogying for a moment.

There's something I could've learned!

He reverts his hands back at them and points to them, resuming his groove.

You're indestructible-le,

Always believiiiiiiiiiiin'!

John holds his note as he spins around in circles, conjuring majestic lightning, clouds, and rain around him.

The card players are gazing at him in awe.

From behind the two gaping scientists, Sidney approaches them with Jonathan next to him. He gapes at the head scientist before turning to the two. "What is going on?"

Kailer tears his gaze away from John and peers down at him. "Experiment gone awry."

"Excuse him for a moment," Katie tells him with an unsure grimace. "In a hopeful manner, it undermines."

Jonathan gazes at the dancing scientist with a scowl. "We need everyone in their right mind right now, especially the scientists."

"Too late—" an awfully familiar voice echoes through the room. "—you guys are in the wrong place of this pursuit for the leagues."

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