E. 10. "Beware of Green" (4/10)

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Later that day, Kale is lying on the sofa, scrolling through his smartphone. He then hears footsteps echoing up the stairs behind him, causing him to look behind his shoulder.

The source of the footsteps is coming from Nolan, who is prancing up the stairs with a large smile on his face.

Kale carefully watches him as he leaps onto the second floor, spins into his bedroom, and closes the door behind him.


Kale instantly peers back ahead of him with his phone lowered, staring at the front door across the room while his mind processes the opportunity that has arisen. He swishes his head from left to right then back to left before looking ahead back again.

He then hops onto his feet, rounds the sofa, and climbs up the stairs.

He strolls down the second floor hallway and halts in front of the closed bedroom door to his right. Then with a sharp breath in, he knocks on the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

Kale stands silently in front of the door, waiting for the sound of footsteps or the doorknob turning. Yet there are no sounds coming from the other side of the door.

He knits his eyebrows at it in concern. "Pat?"

Silence replies to him.

His mind begins swirling in the possibilities of Nolan's state as his eyes widen and his hands sweat. With haste, he grabs the doorknob and turns it, pushing the door open.

Kale's eyes immediately fly open as a gasp escapes from his mouth. He stumbles back at the sight inside the room.

On the other side, Nolan is standing with his back facing the defenceman. Brilliant green energy outlines his shape, its soft ribbons drifting from him. Due to the dimness of the room, the energy is vivid and bright, casting the room in a green tint.

Nolan whirls around to face Kale, the wispy streams of energy twisting around himself with his motions. With the energy meandering from him, his hair and clothes majestically and slowly wave to its path. The most noticeable feature is his eyes: pure white with a green outline pulsing around them as they brimming with energy.

With trepidation written all over his face, Kale steps back into the hallway, keeping cautious eyes on the frightening supernatural sight of his friend.

"Pat...?" he forces out in a quivering tone.

"Nolan's not here—" Nolan replies to him in Carter's deeper tone.

Kale's heart skips a beat at the different, unexpected tone of his voice.

The energy from Nolan's eyes recedes, revealing his clear blue eyes.

"—but I can take a message for him," Carter's voice finishes off with a sly smile on Nolan's face.

Kale instantly freezes as his face turns pale at the mental connection of the situation. "Carter...?"

His face lights up with surprise as the energy around him collapses into embers of green and white. "Good! You know it's me!"

With disbelief, Kale stalks into the bedroom. "What did you do with Pat?"

"No worries, he's in a safe place." He lays his head on the back of his clasped hands with a soft look.

Kale halts feet away from him. "Bring back Pat!"

"Sorry, I'm not doing that anytime soon." He rubs his fingers together, sprinkling leftover magic from his fingers. "I got what I want from him and I'm not letting go." He snaps his eyes down at him.

"But this is not you!" Kale jabs a finger at him. "You look like Pat!"

He places a haughty hand on his chest. "That's because I am now his demeanour. And he's okay with it." He shrugs with a bat of his long eyelashes. "I gained his permission."

Kale's jaw drops with wide eyes. "He let you?!"

"Surprisingly, yes." He flashes him Nolan's signature, dazzling grin.

"No—" Kale begins stepping back as his face takes on the look of resolve. "—Pat would never do that!" He whips out a stiffen wheat stalk from each hand then shouts, "Bring him back!" He unleashes the two stalks at a high speed and dead aim.

Nolan throws his hand out in front of the wheat stalks.

The weapons immediately burn up into green smoke and ashes.

A smirk forms on Nolan's face as he watches the remains of the wheat stalks drift down to his feet. "How sad it is that even though you found positives to your powers" —he flicks his eyes up at him— "they're still pathetic."

Kale's eyes flash in anger as fury builds up in him. "They're not pathetic!" He launches into the air with the propulsion of fluttering wheat stalks and flies at him with metallic stalks in his grasp.

Nolan instantly emits a streak of green energy, striking his upper chest.

Kale flies backward due to the harsh force, speeding back toward the opened bedroom door.

Before he could soar out of the room, Nolan swiftly rotates his glowing wrist upward and releases another ribbon of energy, grabbing his neck.

Kale sharply halts his uncontrolled flight due to the supernatural restraint. He feels the fizzling ribbon wrapped around his neck tightly as it holds him in mid-air with his feet hanging inches from the ground. He brings his hands up to it to adjust it, yet at the prickling sensation of the energy, he immediately pulls his hands away. Therefore, Kale keeps his chin upward to allow himself to breathe as the energy around his throat strengthens.

From the other side of the restraint, Nolan chuckles mirthfully at his work through his smirk. "Nice try, but truth over assertion. That's how the world goes around."

Kale attempts to throw at him a reply, but with the clenched energy against his throat, no air is able to pass through his throat. All he can do is stare back at him with bulging eyes.

A threatening scowl settles on Nolan's face. "Now stay out of my business and I'll let you breathe."

Kale lets out a pathetic squeak as he writhes in his perilous position.

Nolan lowers his head with narrowed eyes as he concentrates on the tightening of his grasp on him.


A streak of brilliant golden energy strikes Nolan's hand.

"GAH!" Nolan pulls his hand back to himself, letting go of his energy.

Kale immediately drops to the ground due to the retraction of the restraint. With a thud, he lands on his stomach. He takes in deep breaths with coughing and gagging as he pulls himself up on his hands and knees.

Nolan shakes his stricken hand, waving the tingling sensation away. With an irritated expression, he peers up, spotting the source of the foreign energy.

Standing heroically in the doorway is Reid, who has a look of determination. In his right hand is his glowing knight sword.

"You're a monster!" he roars to Nolan. He then rushes into the bedroom, approaching him, and aims his sword at him.

Nolan throws his hand back, materializing his own green ergokinetic sword. He then swings it out in front of him, clashing it with Reid's tangible sword.

Sparks of green and golden energy pop out from between the sword's blades.

Reid swiftly pulls out his sword from the stalemate and thrusts toward Nolan's shoulder.

Nolan reverts his sword and strikes Reid's sword once again, blocking his attack.

With that, Reid slips his sword away from him and jabs underneath him for a different target.

Nolan follows his moves, quickly deflecting his charge.

Reid brings his sword back over his shoulder and flings up at his head.

Nolan strikes back by raising his sword over his head, stopping his strike once again. He then swings his sword out from under Reid's sword, releasing a pulse of energy through the blade.

The pulse blows through Reid's sword, causing it to fly out from its owner's grasp and clatter onto the hardwood flooring behind him.

Reid instantly peers behind his shoulder to look at his thrown weapon and holds his hand out to it.

In a streak of golden energy, the sword disappears from the floor and appears in his grasp.

He then grabs its hilt with his other hand and pulls at it, tearing the sword into two identical swords.

Now armed with two swords, one in each hand, Reid charges at Nolan with the sharp blades of the swords pointing straight at him.

Nolan swiftly disappears in a sweep of green energy.

Reid tumbles in his empty spot and hops back onto his feet. He sharply peers around his surroundings for his target. He then turns around, spotting Nolan standing pridefully in the doorway.

With resolve bubbling inside of him, Reid thrusts his swords out in front of him. He clashes their blades together, releasing a thick, powerful torrent of golden energy straight at Nolan.

Nolan pushes his glowing hands out front of him toward the rushing energy. The energy instantly flies back in the form of a wave, as if it struck a long, invisible barrier in front of its target.

The wave sweeps across the room, throwing Reid off his feet. He crashes onto the ground on his back, sending a shot of pain up his back. His two swords clatter right beside him, disappearing into sparks of golden energy.

Instantly, he feels the room settling into a much-needed silence and relaxation. With a groan, Reid slowly pushes himself up on his feet. He peers ahead at the doorway, spotting that it is now empty.

His eyes then lower, spotting his friend on his hands and knees with his head dipped down while letting out coughs.

"Kale Chips!" Reid rushes up to him with fright and slides on his knees next to him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine...!" Kale croaks out, "I'm fine...!"

"You sure?" Reid knits his eyebrows at him with concern.

"Yeah—" He hacks some more." —I'll be fine..."

"Here." Reid stands up and holds out his hand toward him.

Kale lets out more dry coughs as he takes his friend's hand and slowly rises back up to his feet. He rubs his throat with a crumbled look of pain.

Reid peers at him with worry. "Where do you wanna go—?"

"Living room," Kale rasps out.

He nods his head. "Okay." He then leads him out of the bedroom by the hand.

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