E. 2. "Meeting Reid" (3/4)

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The warm, sweet aroma of ice cream and all of its candied toppings wafts through the air of Dairy Queen as the three teammates enter its building. The interior is bright and friendly with a countertop on the other side and red booths lining the windows behind them.

Kale and Reid stare up in awe at the restaurant's extensive menu displaying all of its various types of desserts ranging from ice cream cones dipped in chocolate to vanilla ice cream scooped onto brownies to the Blizzards, which are famous for being frothy milkshakes that can be held upside-down.

"I'm gonna go for an M&M's Blizzard!" Reid announces, tapping his fingertips against each other in eagerness. He spins to Kale, who is to his left. "They're sooo good and they can't spill, even if you hold it upside down!"

"I'll get the Reese's Peanut Butter Blizzard," Kale tells him. He then turns to his left, where Nolan is standing with a stern frown at the ice cream machinery lined on the wall below the menu. "How about you, Pat?"

He flicks his steely eyes down at him. "I'll pass."

Reid takes in a long, stretched gasp. "WHAT?" He stares wide-eyed at the forward as if he just told him he in truth dislikes hockey. "HOW CAN YOU PASS ON THE DELICIOUSNESS OF DAIRY QUEEN?!"

He crosses his arms. "I don't have to tell you why."

Kale gives him a concerned look. "But don't you like ice cream?"

"I never said that." He slowly turns his head away from him.

"Granités...," Kale sing-songs temptingly.

He sharply whirls himself to face him. "Granités is one thing. Dairy Queen is a totally different thing."

"They're both ice cream," Reid pipes in with a shrug.

He leans forward to make eye contact with him. "Different types of ice cream. I don't want any, thank you." He straightens up and stares ahead, maintaining his austere composure.

"Are you sure?" Kale knits his eyebrows with worry. "Not even a dipped cone?"


Reid wags his eyebrows at him in an alluring way. "Okay, you're missing out on all the fun...!" With that, he steps forward toward the cashier to order; Kale follows him.

Nolan silently twirls around and stalks across the room to an empty booth by the door.

Once they have finished ordering, Kale and Reid stand by the pickup area of the countertop on the other end of the room.

"Why doesn't Pat want any milkers?" Reid starts off with perplexity written all over his face. "I've never met anyone who would turn down milkers, or ice cream in general!"

Kale shrugs with his hands in his pants' pockets. "I dunno. He never explained why."

"Have you asked him why he never wants ice cream?"

"Well..." He tilts his head from side-to-side in contemplation. "...I'm thinking it's because they're bad for you. He's really into the healthy stuff." He shrugs. "That's how he knows all these kale-related names for me."

"Yeah, I can tell..." Reid throws his eyes to the other side of the room, spotting Nolan sitting in his loneliness with his smartphone. "Now he's making us feel bad."

"Eh, it's all choice." He spots the two milkshakes placed on the countertop's surface. "We worked hard for this." He takes both milkshakes and hands the colourful one to his friend.

Reid excitedly takes the cup filled with the icy, tasty dessert. "Right!" He then turns it upside-down; his eyes light up at his milkshake holding itself in place. "Yes, it works once again!"

Kale chuckles at the bizarre sight. "Whoa!" He does the same with his milkshake. "Hey, it does work!"

Reid gazes at his upside-down milkshake in awe. "I tried eating it like this one time—it didn't go too well." He flips it rightside up. "So I should stick with it being like this."

"Yeah, I agree." Kale turns his milkshake rightside up as well. "I wanna eat it, not wear it."

The two then stroll across to the booth Nolan is sitting on and slide on the other booth facing him.

Reid takes a spoonful of the frozen treat before holding it out at his isolated teammate. "Do you want some to sweeten up your life a bit?" He shoots him a kooky, closed smile.

Nolan flicks his cold eyes up at the milkshake. "I'm already sweet enough, thank you." He reverts his eyes back on his phone's screen.

Kale snorts at his statement with his hand holding his spoon over his milkshake.

"I heard that," Nolan states firmly, keeping his eyes on his phone.

Kale sticks his spoon back into his milkshake and makes an intriguing expression. "Come on, Pat, why don't you want ice cream?"

He lifts his eyes up at him. "I already told you: I don't need to tell you."

"But why?" Kale holds his hands out at him. "What are you afraid of?"

"Nothing, what makes you think I'm afraid of something?" With an irked expression, he turns back to his phone.

"Because, you're not telling us," Kale shoots back gently, yet firmly. "If you're not afraid, why don't you wanna tell us?"

With that, the whole table goes silent. Reid throws Kale a look of trepidation with his spoon in his mouth. Kale doesn't tear his bewildered gaze from Nolan.

Nolan lifts his head from his phone. "Fine, I'll tell you why." He turns off his phone and places it facedown on the table. He then straightens up and announces, "I'm allergic."

The two friends stare at him blankly. They exchange looks with each other before returning to face him.

"Really?" Kale asks with raised eyebrows. "That's it?"

Nolan leans back with crossed arms, softening his solemn expression. "Yeah."

He narrows his eyes with confusion. "Why did it make it such a big fuss to tell us?"

"Because I didn't want to be the rain on your parade." Nolan adjusts himself, scooting closer toward the table. "I wanted you guys to get what you want without me holding you back. I don't want you guys to be so cautious over me because of what I can't eat." He folds his arms on the table. "Trust me, it's more difficult than you think."

Reid stares at him with pure shock. "So you can't have ice cream?"

He shakes his head with pursed lips. "Nope."

"But you can have granités!" Kale pipes in, throwing his index finger at him.

"Because it has no milk or cream included." He gives him a dazzling smirk.

Reid holds his panicking expression at him, this time having a spoonful of ice cream to his mouth. "No...pizza?"

He turns to him with a piqued expression. "Not at all."

"So that's why you don't have pizza whenever we eat pizza with the boys," Kale points out in realization.

"Yup—" He nods his head. "—the crust and the cheese."

Kale makes a confusion expression once again. "The crust has dairy?"

He shakes his head. "No, gluten. I'm gluten intolerant too."

Reid snorts with a mouthful of his milkshake, instantly slapping his hands over his mouth with wide eyes. Some of his milkshake escapes from his mouth and dribbles through his fingers and onto the table.

Nolan gives him a look of revulsion while leaning away from him. "Ew, gross!"

Kale gawks at him. "Duker!"

Reid clumsily takes a napkin from the napkin dispenser with a sticky hand and wipes his mouth and nose. "You're allergic to your own team!" he cries out deliriously while cleaning his hands.

Kale makes a look of excited understanding at him. "Ohhh, I get it! Because of wheat and Wheat Kings." He chuckles.

"Very funny, shmooker," Nolan comments bitterly.

Kale turns to Nolan and begins stirring his milkshake. "So no dairy or gluten for you."

Nolan gives him a stern nod. "That's right."

"Anything else?" He takes in a spoonful of his milkshake.

"I'm staying away from eggs too."

Reid lifts an arched eyebrow at him. "Vegan much?"

"No, I eat meat." He crosses his arms. "I'm more paleo."

Kale points at him after swallowing. "Cavemen diet, right?"


"So you can't have..." Reid's sentence fades off as he places his spoon in his mouth.

Nolan begins counting off the foods off limits with his fingers. "Ice cream, pizza, bread, hamburgers, pasta, cake, cupcakes, yogurt, cheese and crackers, tacos, and like much more stuff." He drops his hands onto his lap.

"That sounds like all the stuff we shouldn't have!" Kale exclaims with surprise.

"Yeah, I am pretty pleased with my allergies keeping me away from that fattening stuff." He shoots them an innocent look with his fingers interlaced on the table.

Kale gives him a look of offence. "Wow, putting us on a guilt trip, eh?"

He shrugs with an aura of insensitivity. "Yeah."

Reid makes a sly, yet curious expression. "What happens if you eat gluten or dairy?" He consumes another spoonful of his milkshake.

"I get sick."

Reid swallows. "Like cold sick?"

"No, like" —he flicks his eyes aside— "vomiting sick." He places his hands on his smooth, blushed cheeks, gazing back at the two. "And my face breaks out."

Reid stares at him with a grimace. "Ohhh yowww..."

"I'm so sorry," Kale tells him with a look of sorrow.

He drops his hands and gazes at him with indifference. "No worries, it's not your fault."

"But is there a dessert we can get you?" Kale leans over the table toward him, grasping onto his milkshake cup. "Then we can hang out somewhere else where we can all eat our dessert."

A massive grin pops onto Nolan's face. "A granité."

Immediately, Reid jumps to his feet and pumps his fist and milkshake into the air. "Granités it is! Let's go!"

"Thank you." With a short sigh of relief, Nolan stands up as well. "All this delicious ice cream was tempting me anyway." He slips out from the booth.

Kale follows his movements and waits for him to catch up. "I'm sooo sorry." He then puts his free arm around his shoulder.

Nolan slips his arm around his back and grasps onto his waist. "I already told you: don't worry."

They then exit Dairy Queen with Reid trailing behind them.

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