6. Hurt

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Adam punched him on his face as soon as Qasim entered into the living room. Blood oozed out out from his nose as he stumbled back to hold himself together but he didnt stop and beat him.

"What the hell is wrong with you Adam?" Qasim shouted for the first time in front of him.

But he didn't pay any heed and once again he hit him on the face. Qasim was trying hard to keep himself back from fighting but he was hell bent on testing his patience.

"Just tell me what is wrong!?" Qasim shouted once again standing up and Adam moved forward clutching his collar he was going to hit him again when Qasim hold his fiest in his hold.

"If you hit one more time without even telling my mistake, I swear I will not keep my hand back." Qasim growled clutching his fiest tight in his hand and Adam snatched it away from his hold feeling pain but not showing it.

"You knew she is mine, still you are trying to hit on her!" Adam shouted pushing him back in anger and Aaron smirked standing away silently, as he was successfull in his mission.

Qasim growled internally hearing his words, no body can call someone who is his! But he couldn't show that anger on face as accepting that truth means putting both of their life in danger, specially hers!

"What ever are you saying? Who is she now?!" He played the dumb card wiping the blood away from his nose.

Adam looked at him confused for once and then looked at Aaron while Qasim followed his gaze and found him smirking. He got what was going on and glared at him.

"What were you doing in Aara's room at 3 of night behind the close door?" Adam shouted narrowing his eyes at him and Qasim just mask the expression of confusion.

"What?? Me and in that girl's room!? I was sleeping at my place, ask jhon. Who told you that? I can't even stand that wild cat whom you call your queen. Seeing me she always show me door as if I am dying to spend time with her! Then why are you saying this all nonsense!" Qasim said as if he was disgusted with those things and Adam gave Aaron a look.

"I swear I have heard him confessing to her that he is falling for her and liking her very much. He is lying boss." Aaron said coming forward in panick as he saw Adam was believing Qasim over him.

Before Adam could reply Qasim started clapping his hands and laugh and both of them turned to him. "Wow! Aaron. Didn't you get any other lie to make him hate me. Seriously who do you think I am to love an already married girl? Sorry bro but I am not intrested in those girls!"

Aaron gasped on his words and Adam looked at him shocked too. "Is... is she.. is she married?" Adam stammered and Qasim smiled in mind.

"Ofcourse she is. You have asked me to find it out so I did the search and found she is married although I still don't know who is her husband." Qasim said while smirking internally as colour drained from his face hearing his words.

"What if you are lying?" Adam asked and Qasim just shrugged his shoulder walking towards the couch and sitting down. "Ask her, you know she doesn't lie."

Adam rewind her words from the day when she has told him her name and told that she never lie as per her teaching.

"Alisha bring Aara down here!" Adam ordered her who was right in the next part which is kitchen.

Aara stepped in the living room standing at the thrsehold and gasped looking at the face of Qasim whoes nose was still bleeding and corner of the mouth still has dried blood. Qasim showed his eyes with the slight shake of head so as to indicate not to react and she quickly looked away composing herself.

Aara came in, stopped away from them and looked at Adam who was blinded by fury. He marched towards her but stopped as Qasim said "Stop Adam! She is still not recovered."

"How do you know?" Adam growled turning to him. Qasim shrugged his shoulder taking out his phone "I was the one who was bringing her meds and referring to doc. Anyways go on to test me on this too! I believe I have lost your trust in me, then what am I even doing here?"

Adam kept standing there and Aara looked down to mask her feels while Aaron was just looking at them all confused.

Looking at Qasim once who was busy in his phone Adam turned to her who was standing there with head lowered.

"Are you married?" Adam asked at once and Aara looked at him in an instant.

"What?!!!" Aara shouted with confused  face as she wasn't expecting that question and looked at Qasim from the corner of her eyes, who was pretending to be busy still being there.

"Just tell me are you married or not?! Damm it!" Adam asked with anger and Aara took a step back.

"I... I am..." she stammered looking here and there when Qasim looked up and said "Oh please Miss Drama queen. Cut this drama of yours and tell the truth. We are wasting our time on you here just because he isn't ready to believe me, not so surprisingly reason is you again!"

Aara narrowed her eyes at him getting angry. "If he is not believing you then it's not my fault. You are working under a wrong personality. Just quit and go. Why to stay here and blame me from all these?! Have I asked you to stay with him?" Aara gritted her teeth in anger and Qasim was surprised by her words.

Before he can even reply back Aara turned to Adam with a step ahead who step back instantly making Qasim chuckled slowly. "You.... yes I am married. I have a husband so what ha??! I am not answerable to you for anything in my life. Stop bothering me." Shouting so she left from there running away leaving Adam shocked and Qasim smirking with lower head.

Aaron was going to sneak out from there when Qasim hold him in once bringing him to Adam. "Say some words to defend your lies!" Qasim asked and Aaron growled gritting his teeth "I wasn't lying! You were there with her."

Adam got furious by his words and punched him hard on his face as he warned "Never try to provoke me like this ever again."

Qasim left him with a smirk and Aaron left from there in anger. Qasim was going to walk out when Adam said "Find who is her husband. I will kill him with my own hands. I just want her only to be mine."

Qasim fiested his palm but nod his head with just his back facing Adam and left from there.

Adam took a sit on couch and called someone. The person other hand picked up the call and he ordered in an instant "I want to meet you!"


He was sitting with closed eyes at the same place in balcony reminiscing the last night when he felt someone coming closer to him.

Now he didn't feel the need to open his eyes to know who was there. He know she is here.

Aara sat infront of him and flinched looking at his face. "Why are you here? Tired from your running away sessions." He said with closed eyes and she was surprised as to how does he knew she was here that too with closed eyes.

"You need to be treated." She said putting the ice pack on his face near his nose and he flinched a little as she felt like she herself was getting hurt.

She wiped the dried blood from the corner of his mouth and hissed looking at the cut. Qasim opened his eyes as he felt a drop of wetness on his arms and find her eyes teary. He was confused.

"Why are you crying now? I am not bothering you anymore?" He asked trying hard to keep his hand back from wiping her tears.

Aara sniffed slowly to stop her cries and put the ointment on his wounds deciding not to reply. Qasim hold her wrist there stopping her actions. "Stop crying Aara. It hurts me." Qasim said in last words in husky voice and she looked up at him finally meeting his gaze and once again a drop fell from her eyes.

"Then stop doing this to yourself too. I can't see you like this. It's hurting me too Qasim." She said looking  in his eyes and Qasim froze on his place listening her words, the most effective was his name from her mouth.

A smile broke out on his lips finally and he slowly wiped her tears while she leaned in his touch. "Why it's hurting you Aara? Tell me. Do you like me too?" He asked with a soft smile and she tore her gaze away.

"I don't know what's these all. I just know I don't like you getting hurt like this." She said sliding away from him as his words and actions were shaking her soul. Qasim chuckled lowly masking the pain in his heart "Since when have you started lying!?"

"You should take rest. I am going. You don't want yourself to get beaten up again." Aara said standing up and Qasim stood up too. "If this hits will bring you to me again, then I am ready to bear it all over again.!" Qasim said honestly and Aara gasped on his words.

She took steps back to left as her heart was thudding loudly with each passing moment when holding her wrist once again he stopped her, she faced him with lowered head "I wasn't lying when I said I am falling for you. And I know you must be feeling like who am I to deserve you but this is harsh reality in my life. I am once again getting devoid of the most beautiful feeling in the world. I know I can't force you to fall for someone like me but remember  this I can't stop myself either too!" Saying so he left from there with quick steps.

Aara sat down on her knees as tears dropped down from her eyes. It wasn't her intention to hurt him more. She was here to help him heal but unintentionally she has increased his pain with more intensity.

She cried feeling herself getting break with his hurt filled words. She doesn't want to make him feel like undeserving but her insecurities have did it. She has hurt someone who has gain the most special part in her heart and life.

"Ya Allaah! Madad!" Once again she prayed same as she cried there but couldn't find herself to go behind him and accepting the truth all because of her fear.

She just knew their future are unpredictable when Adam was hell bent to make her his and could hurt anyone who will come his way and she couldn't bear pushing him towards that hell. She has heard those words of "killing her husband." And she now just want to keep this all buried to save him from any danger.

Lost in her pain she never realized when sleep took over her and she slept there leaning on the cold wall.


They hugged each other, when one was pleased to meet his eldest son other was pretending to be happy.

"Welcome my son!" Mr.Steeve said bringing him sit down and he took a sit.

"How are you dad?" He asked. "I am perfectly fine Adam. Please tell me how is Christina?" He asked helplessly and  Adam just shrugged his shoulder. "She is fine. What will happen to her unless there is a danger coming for me."

"No. No. No. There is no danger. I have talked with Daniel. He won't let them find out the truth. Just bring Christina back for us." Mr. Steeve pleaded as Adam took a sip of wine with smirk.

"Well.. then you can meet your daughter tomorrow. Send your son with his his men to my address to pretend attack and take Christina back but remind him not to hurt my main bodyguards. Otherwise I won't spare him." Adam threatened and Mr.Steeve got angry by his words.

"You want them to attack. What if Christy got hurt in all this fight?" Mr.Steeve said irritated by his son's madness.

"Then what do you want? Dropping your girl to you by myself safely? Which can easily prove that this all mission thing was pretend to fool him?"  Adan said gritting his teeth and Mr.Steeve look at him confused.

"Why the hell was there even a need to do these things?" He asked irritatedly.

"Qasim wants to save his best friend and has tried his best positive ways to help him but have failed everytime. Now this time he was hell bent on to use the powers of ours in this way to scare other and bring out the truth. So I have to give him my hand, you know I can't lose a man like him in  this nonsense. So I suggested this to fool him. Now he trust me as his helper and will owe me for this always. " Adam smirked revealing his plans and Mr.Steeve kept looking at him.

"So after this he won't be able to find the truth!?" His father asked and he laughed hard. "Truth... what truth? Who is gonna tell him? No one! No body knows except you that I was the one who broke him to keep him with me. I was the one who killed his sister like bestie and sent his brother like best friend in prison!" Adam laughed confessing his deed and Mr. Steeve sat there blank not knowing whether the person infront is his son or monster.

Adam stopped his laugh and said "let this to be handle by me. Just have your daughter back! Now I am leaving." Saying so he stood up and left from there with pride.

Daniel who was standing there has heard everything and fiested his palm to control his anger. How can a beast like him can be his brother?! He thought.

He sighed with the thought that tomorrow was going to a big day for him to bring his sister and little star back in his life.


(To be continued...)

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