13- Just A Dream?

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Before You Ahead, It's been awhile... Hasn't it....? So sorry!! I feel kind of non-responsible and yeah.. Just sorry! But I will make this chapter long in return!! I hope...... :3 Anyways.... Without further ado.. I now pronounce The Chapter to start!!!!!! lol


Aaron's POV:

I Screamed and Woke up in bed, Sweat everywhere and Aphmau.... Not in sight.....? 

 (Hah, Gotcha Didn't I....? XD)

"Aph...?" I say walking down the stairs. No where.... I see Celestia sniffing the ground near the door. "Hey Girl, Where's Aph?" I say petting her in worry.

 She whimpered and scratched the door. I opened it and Celestia ran, And I followed her.

(Let's Just say Aaron has his normal clothes on... Kay?)

She ran down the Block Towards a guys house. She got the door and scratched it. After minutes of her scratching and me knocking, I picked her up and went home.

"Maybe she went to work...." I said to her, But she would've at least texted me... We went inside and her phone was still on the counter,

Where it had been since last night. I picked it up and looked at her messages. Her back round was her and I, Cute. She had no new messages but She had a random number which I looked at,

 And read the texts. (Not a creep Aaron... :3) 

(???: Idk name (jk i do) Aph- Aphmau)

???: Hello Sweetheart....

Aph: Who is this???

???: You Have until midnight to breakup with Aaron or i'm coming for you.....

Aph: How do you know this!! Get out of my life!!!!

???: If you don't.... You'll regret it.....

Aph: Please, Stop!!!

???: Never... Break up with him.....

-=No More Text's After that=-

 Who is this Number....? And what Does He want with Aphmau!?! (The Number is a he btw :3) I'm coming for you Aph... No matter what it takes...

Five Day's Later.......

We haven't Found Aph... I spend my nights thinking of how I could've been there to help her. All we know is she is out there... We don't think of the Negative... Only the Positive...

Aphmau's POV:

"WHERE AM I!?" I scream. I was tied up to a chair in a dark, dark room.

"Well, Looks like your awake...." Someone said coming toward me. "Z-Zenix...?!" I said scared "Yep, That's Me... Did You miss me....?" He said coming closer to my face,

He always loved me, But i never did. "What do you want with me?!" I said trying to break out of the rope.

"You'll be down here For Awhile... Better make yourself at home...." He said untying the rope and Walked to the door.

I felt so weak I couldn't walk. He closed the door and locked it. There was a glass window but knowing him he probably used magicks to make it unbreakable.

I looked around, Hoping Aaron was here, But he wasn't... I started to cry in hope Aaron and everyone would come and save me... But they didn't....

 Irene.... Please........

(Your'e Going to hate me for this......)

2 years Later....


"Today is your'e lucky day Aph... I'll let you go...." He said, I looked down from the chair I was in. Zenix untied me and Let me outside,

It's Been so long... (FNAF?!??!) Almost 2 years..... I see the sunlight, I looked where I Was and Ran...

My hair was a mess and i was so dirty. I ran to My house. It seemed Different.... I knocked on the door and Some girl answered it. "IS AARON HERE!??!?!" I said,

"Uhh, Yeah! Let me get him!" She said walking away, Minutes later Aaron came. "AARON!!!" I screamed and hugged him.

 He hugged me back, hard. "A-Aphmau!?!?!?!?!" He said. "Aaron I missed you so much!!!!" I said about to kiss him, But he rejected. "Listen Aph... We need to talk......" He said grabbing my arm and taking me to the woods, We sat on a log in a clearing.

"Aphmau... Where have you been!?! You know how many night's I spent looking for you!?! How I knew I couldn't save you... The nights I spent crying...." He said with his voice cracking.

"Aaron... I'm here now... But i need to know... Who was that Girl....?" I said, "Ella... She... Is my Girlfriend....." He said,

And that hit me... It hit me hard..... "W-What......!?" I said on the verge of tears.

"Listen, About 4 months ago we called off the search party for you... We knew you were gone... Then I was broken... Nobody to share my life with.... I was miserable... Then I met Ella... She reminded me of you... So i asked her to be my girlfriend... And now she lives with me...."

He said, having a hard time saying it. My Heart sank, The person I loved... Gone.... "I...I understand.... I hope y'all have a good future....." I said now bursting into tears.

"Where have you even been!?!?" He said, "Z-Zenix... He... Took me..." I said between cries. He held me close for awhile, "Well I better get back home....." He said getting up.

I didn't want him to go but I knew he had someone to take care of...

Someone more important than me.....

  Where was I going to stay....? If i don't live with Aaron anymore... Wait, Where are all my stuff?! When Aaron left i said something which he herd.

"I'll still love you.... Even if you don't want me too....." When I said that he stopped, but didn't look back. When he was gone I burst out crying. I fell to the ground smashing my hands into the log we sat on.

 I took rocks and smashed them into my hands. I screamed in pain but kept going, I didn't want to live anymore. The man I love... Gone.... Forever...

 What is my life going to be now without him..... Wait.... Celestia!!!

I ran back to Aaron's And peeped through his Backyard. There I saw Celestia, She looked to grown up..... I called her name and she ran the fence, Barking and scratching the fence.

"It's Okay girl... I'm here... I'm here..." I said touching her fur between the cracks of the fence. "I'll come back for you... I promise...." I said then walked away.

 I had No money... No Nothing... What am I suppose to do?! I knocked on Garroth's, Laurance's, And Travis' House. 

(Lets just say Nobody like grew/got older XD)

I knocked and Garroth Answered it. "A-A-APHMAU!!!!!" He said hugging me really tight.

"Garroth!!!!!" I said crying happy tears. "Garroth what is going on he-APHMAU!!!?!?!?!" Laurance said pulling me away from Garroth and Hugging me. "I missed you so much!!!" I said to both, Crying Happily.

"Guys, What's Going on-APHMAU!!!!" Travis said hugging me.

 "I missed you too!!" I said still crying. "We are so happy to have you back... But why are you here..........?" Laurance said.

"I... Have no Money.. I have place to stay... I have nowhere to go.. Since Aaron........" I stopped there, Beginning to cry.

 "Aphmau...." Laurance said hugging me. "You can stay In Dante's Old room as long as you want....." Garroth said, I sniffled,

"Thank you... So much....." I said breaking away from Lauance's And I's Hug. They showed me To Dante's Old room, The walls were now beige and There was a bed, a desk and chair.

"We can take you shopping tomorrow for some Clothes, And maybe get you a job, For some money..." Travis said.

 I nodded and sat on the bed. It was around 5:30 and i was terribly hungry. I was only fed 1 once a week, And it was only water, With bread. I was so skinny.

"Aphmau!!! Pizza!!!" Garroth yelled, I stayed in the room looking at the ceiling, Crying a bit. "Coming...." I said walking to the kitchen.

"We got an Extra Large, So Dig In!!" Laurance said grabbing 3 pieces. "Laurance you Pig!!" I said grabbing 4 pieces. "Excuse me???" He said, "Says the person who has 4... Pieces.....!!!" Travis said grabbing 5. "Wooooow!" Garroth said grabbing the last 3 pieces.

 The pizza was great. "I haven't had a meal like this in forever.....!" I said tearing up the pizza. "Aphmau... You never told us... Where have you been?!" Travis said taking a bite out of the pizza.

 "........Zenix... He took me..." I said then explained the whole thing, Why i was gone, Where i was, And how I glad to be back.

  I went to 'my' Room, Which i now call it, And snuggled in the soft sheets. How i normally spent the nights on a chair or on the cold floor. I thought About Aaron....

How he moved on.... How I wanted him so bad.... His hands holding me....

 I Miss him... So.... So.... Much......


I hope you enjoyed! And was this long enough!?!?! I am writing another chapter as you read this, Cause... If i don't wright now... I'ma forget all the idea's I have.... No joke XD But yeah..!

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