The Guard's Visit

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But before she leaves she whispers to me,"Be careful with your secret," then she leaves. Leaving me confused.
Katelyn must have sawn the confusion on my face because she looks at me and asks,"What's wrong?"
I snap out my gaze and look at her. "N-Nothing." I say and look where Zianna walked off.
Vylad-"So where is everyone staying?"
Aphmau-"Jacob can stay will Malachi and Levin." I look at Aaron."If that's ok with you."
Aaron-"Yea. It's ok with me."
Jacob-"Yay!" I laugh.
Malachi-"LET'S GO!"
Aphmau-"Sush! You don't need to be so loud."
Malachi says,"Sorry,mom." And then looks down.
Levin-"Night, mom."
Aphmau-"Night you two." I say and I hug them both. Then the three boys ran off.
Vylad-"The boys can sleep in my room."
Katelyn-"And the girls can sleep in my room."
Katelyn-"I'm going to go for a walk."
Aphmau-"Ok." I say as she opens the door and leaves, shutting it behind her.
I turn to look at him,"Yes?"
Vylad-"Can you make supper?" He asks with a smile.
Aphmau-"But it's your turn!"
Vylad-"Please? I just reunited with my brothers!"
After awhile Katelyn came storming into the house.
Aphmau-"I'm almost done with super!" I yell to no one in particular.
Katelyn-"Guards. Coming." Katelyn said in between breathes.
Soon everyone came running down. Vylad and Katelyn got them into the basement and then Aaron come soon after with Kawaii~Chan.
Aaron-"Let's go!"
He pauses and looks over at me with a questioning look. "Yes?" He asks.
Aphmau-"Can you pretend to be my husband just in case if they ask about Malachi, Jacob, and Levin's father?" I ask in a quick breath.
Aaron-"S-Sure." He says and walks toward me,"Sweetie."
I blush and I hear bagging on the door. I run and open it.
Aphmau-"Hello, how can I help you?" I ask the three guards standing outside my door.
They each were holding a gun and were looking straight at me because Aaron went to attend our supper. They had a cold hard stare piercing into me like they were searching in me.
Guard One-"Hello, do you live with anyone? And if you do, who?
Aphmau-"I do, my husband and my three children." I say as calm as I can.
Guard One-"May we talk to your husband?"
Aphmau-"Yes." With that I turn and walk towards Aaron."Come in." I say over my shoulder.
As I say that the three guards come in.
Aphmau-"Honey? These men want to talk to you." Deep breath. Calm down.
Aaron-"Hello." How can he be so calm?!
Guards Three-"May we see your children?"
Aphmau-"They're sleeping, but yes." I say and with that I leave to go get them.
I walk upstairs to where the kids are sleeping.
Aphmau-"Awww. Kids! Wake up!"
The three wake up with puzzling looks on their faces.
Malachi-"What's going on?" He asks while rubbing his eyes with his hands.
Aphmau-"Malachi, Levin when we go to the front door call Aaron Dad or Daddy, and Jacob call me Mom or Mommy. Ok?"
Malachi-"Yes, but why?" Should I tell him?
Aphmau-"I'll tell you later, maybe."
Aphmau-"Let's go."
As we make our way downstairs I see Aaron and the guards talking. I'm not gunna lie, I'm a little scared about what might happen.
Aaron glances at me and the kids and smiles. The three boys start to run at him.
Malachi, Levin, and Jacob-"DADDY!" They yell and run to hug him. They are following along.
Aaron chuckles and repllies,"Hey, boys." He then hugs them back.
Guard Two-"What are your names?"
Malachi-"I'm Malachi, *points to Levin* he's Levin, *points to Jacob* and he's Jacob!"
Guard One-"Have you seen any criminals?"
Aaron and Aphmau-"No." We say in unison and I laugh.
Guard One-"Ok thanks. Have a good night you two. Night you three."
And with that they head to the door, one guard nods at us, and leaves.
Malachi-"Soo... What's that all about?"
Aphmau-"Nothing. Now go to bed you three." I say with a stern look.
Malachi, Levin, and Jacob-"Night Mom!" And they head up stairs to their rooms.
Aaron let's out a sigh and so do I.
I then realize that everyone is still downstairs.
Aphmau-"EVRYONE CAN COME UP NOW!" I scream,"And Aaron can you stay a little while after?"
Aaron-"Sure?" His voice sounding confused.
Aphmau-"Dinner will be ready soon." I say as everyone is upstairs now.
Katelyn-"Im sorry Aph."
Aphamu-"It's ok." Even though it's not your fault.
Katelyn-"I also feed the kids."
Aphmau-"Thanks. Wait. Is Jacob hungry?" I say as I look at Aaron.
Aaron-"No, he eat before we left. Also can we know your real names?"
Aphmau-"Yes, I'm Aphmau."
Katelyn-"I'm Katelyn."
Jason-"I'm Jason."
Vylad-"And I'm Vylad."
Katelyn-"Let's go finish getting the rooms set up!" And soon everyone but Aaron and I are in either Vylad's or Katelyn's room.
Aaron-"You wanted me?" He asks me.
Aphmau-"I wanted to ask you a question. If that's ok?"
Aaron-"It's fine."
Aphmau-"Where are you guys from?" I wonder if he's from Pheniox Drop?
Aaron-"Pheniox Drop, why?"
I look down and stare at the floor,"No r-reason. I going to finish dinner." And I turn and walk away leaving him confused.
After fifteen minutes I finished and I called everyone downstairs and we all ate and went to bed.

When I woke up I didn't hear anyone moving around, so I got up to start breakfast.
After 15 minutes of cooking everyone was downstairs waiting for breakfast.
Aphmau-"BREAKFAST IS READY!" I shout and soon everyone was at the table, eating.
Once everyone was done I started to do the dishes and then Jason came to me.
Jason-"I'll Finish the dishes you go see if O'kasis is doing anymore bad things."
Aphamu-"Fine. Galaxy!" (name of Ender when he is a cat.)
Aphmau-"Let's go!"
Galaxy changes into Ender and I hop on and we begin to fly around O'kasis.
After ten minutes we spot a kid getting surrounded by a couple wolfs.
When Ender gets about five feet off the ground I jump off, turning into a wolf.

Rossome Lover-"Will Aphmau get hurt? Will the kid be ok? If so, will the kid find his parents? Read on to find out! Hope you have a Rossome day and to stay Rossome!!" \(^W^)/

1127 Words!

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