Chapter 4- The biggest loss

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The next day we kinda just decided that we would forget everything that happened that night. Me and Sasha went home and acted as if nothing had happened.

She went home the next morning and I decided to just spend the day relaxing and playing some online games like I used to no matter how much I had changed some things would always remain the same and that was my love of online games.

I was about to log on when I got a text from Fc Hey shu what you up to? I typed a quick reply Nothing much just about to play the game you? a few minutes later he replied Oh nothing really, hey shu can I ask you something.

sure shoot I typed while lying down on my bed and got more comfortable my phone soon buzzed with a text that I wasn't expecting Can I know your real name?

I thought about it for a few seconds then decided why the hell not its not like he's gonna know who I am anyway and he's been my closest friend since forever how bad could it be to tell him my real name.

I typed nervously my fingers shaking slightly what if he does know me and thinks I'm a bitch or something well I kinda am so what harm could it really do Aphmau can I know yours?

wait Aphmau like the one who made her friend cry Aphmau he typed and I kinda freaked out mentally that meant I knew Fc in real life but that also meant he knew all the terrible shit I had done recently oh god he must hate me.

I was to busy freaking out to realise I hadn't typed anything for 10 minutes yeah that's me I typed but that message couldn't convey the sadness I felt at the fact that he knew the shit I had done to the people I once called friend.

Oh my Irene please tell me your lying it it cant be you that I've been talking to all this time I thought you were nice but your just some cold hearted bitch who doesn't give a shit about anyone even the ones who treated you as a friend.-Fc

I know I've done some terrible things recently and I can't change them but I still want to know who you are. -aph

Terrible doesn't even begin to describe the stuff you've done recently oh but if its all you give a fuck about then its Aaron but in all honesty I don't think I want to be your friend anymore not after this. - Aron/Fc

please don't do this Fc, Aaron- APH

I was freaking out on the inside fuck what had I done no it couldn't be Aaron that was fc I refused to believe it, it had to be someone from my school lying.

I could feel the tears dripping down my face before I started full on sobbing NO I REFUSED TO LOOSE HIM

He was the only person there for me when I was homeschooled when I was alone and had no one he was my best friend I couldn't loose him.

I stared at the screen reading his last message over and over again praying to Irene that somehow the words would change

I can't be you're friend anymore and I'm not even sorry about it you've been a bitch to everyone you used to call friend why would I be any different -Aaron/fc

I didn't know how to reply all I could do was sit at my computer desk and cry. How was I supposed to face Aaron at school? How was I supposed to be happy without my best friend?

Everything I had don't this week had come crashing down I had made Laurence cry I had broken both his and Gareth's heart.

Worst of all I had met Fc and made him realise how horrible I was and now he didn't want anything to do with me.

I would try one more time one last text if it didn't help I would give up at least if I didn't have him no one could stand in my way

Fc Aaron you are different you're my best friend I don't know what I would have done all those years without you please don't leave me -Aaphau/shu

Only seconds later it came up as message seen but no reply minutes later no reply it had been hours but still no reply

All I could do was cry it was different with the others but not just because they weren't as important to me but also because it was my choice to stop being friends with them

This was Fc deciding to not be friends with me and now I knew how Laurence had felt and why Gareth had looked so broken

It felt like I had, had my heart ripped from my chest thrown on the ground and stomped on. It felt like every part of me was broken and would never be fixed

I had never felt this way about anything before and it seemed like one of the reasons I had decided to join the shadow Knights was so I wouldn't feel this way

So I wouldn't feel weak and alone but the worst feeling of all was the vunrubility it kept me up most of the night

I was afraid to close my eyes because Fc was my safety net no matter who I lost he was there to catch me but now I was in free fall and I knew
no one would want to be around when I finally hit the ground.

A/n sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I had a serious case of writers block but tonight it just came to me 😂😂 this chapter was pretty hard to write cause I basically became the ice burg that sunk the ship in titanic (S.S Aarmau) but as always I hope u enjoy and don't forget to leave a like and comment on what I can improve

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