Sex before marriage

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Last theme for today...

So I obviously know that sex is forbidden before marriage in more zaelous Catholic families.

By the way, is it still true that brides should wear a white dress if they are really virgins, and beige if they are not? I need to make some research about that to provide some explanation, but that should be easy to find.

Then, as mentioned in a previous part, Aaron attends these sessions with other youths at church during the summer break, and I would like to add a little speech by the Priest regarding that theme and I wonder if there are verses more significant than others about this in the Bible. Then I have questions like:

- What importance does virginity have for Catholics?

- Why is it considered a sin to have sex before marriage?

- What sort of penance would a Sinner get if he or she lost their virginity before marriage?

- What are the fundamental consequences of losing one's virginity before marriage in the eyes of God?


Later that day, Aaron has a short conversation with his mother about how it was, and for now this is really short but I might develop this later. I'd like to find new arguments from the mother, depending on answers to the above questions.

"How was it?" she asks softly, smiling as she is dicing some raw vegetables to make a salad. [talking about the youth discussion in the morning]

"Nice... Father Joseph spoke about embarrassing things but it was okay..." I reply meekly, trying to avoid laughing at his speech on virginity before marriage.

"What was it about, Darling?"

"Oh... he just reminded us how important it is to preserve our virginity before marriage and how sex should only occur with the intention of producing offspring..." I reply nonchalantly. You know what I'm talking about, Mom, right?

"He's absolutely right," she says, blushing a bit. "I believe your father told you this already, but it is very important indeed, Aaron. Never forget this!" she insists. [... I removed Aaron's inner thought to avoid spoilers ;) ]

"I know, Mom. Don't worry! Can I help you at anything?" I then ask. Enough teasing her, let's change the subject!

Still on the same subject, more or less, there is another conversation regarding the use of condoms between the guys. From what I have read so far, birth control is something forbidden: no use of pills, condoms, or whatever. Is this correct?

Here's a short part of the conversation I'm talking about.

I'm just wondering about the sex talk... I've seen documentaries on TV about these large families, and some of them were catholic. I remember this woman saying that she and her husband still have sex now that they had like ten children, but they just avoid ovulation periods so that she doesn't get pregnant. So, the question is:

- Is it that sex is really forbidden once parents have decided they have enough children (which could be the case of Aaron's parents, since they're really extreme in their practice of their religion)?

- Or is it tolerated as long as they keep the child if the woman becomes pregnant?


"And using condoms goes against my religion anyway!" I then add playfully.

"I didn't know they used rubber at the time they wrote the Bible..." Camden replies, frowning deeply.

"They weren't, Dumbass! But you know, they have all this talk about birth control is forbidden. Father Joseph says sex should only occur with the intention to procreate. If parents don't want children anymore, they shouldn't have sex anymore. If they do, they take the risk to have children, but they're not allowed to use the pill, condoms or whatever," I explain.

"Hey wait... Does that mean your parents haven't had sex since... since your mother was pregnant with you?" Joshua exclaims.

"I guess so... That probably explains why they're so uptight!!!" I laugh out. "Anyway, that's their problem, I don't care... I'm a sinner and I'll go to hell"

That's it for today! Once again, many thanks in advance for all the help, I truly appreciate! And now worries, I won't bother you for much longer with questions :)

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