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Welcome back!

After the ongoing disaster - truly the gift that kept on giving last year - that was my own little postcard challenge, I look into a fresh...ish new year 2020. I'e got some projects on hand, i. e. a fresh batter of portraits of my Vampire: The Masquerade group's characters, but I'd still like to occupy myself with a steady stream of smaller illustrations to keep me sharp. That's why I went out and bought another postcard block.
And more acrylic paints.
And tiny brushes.
So I guess you can expect monthly last-minute pictures with random motives that will definitely been done in some material I had lying around for years without looking at it once and bits and bops of everything else except acrylics. Though I'm not set on the monthly thing yet because I already let January pass by. But let's keep it in the back of my head, yes?

Of course, I don't post fully empty-handed. I did open the block and tried it out, and it's so much more comfortable for me to use than the one before! It has a smooth surface, for a change, and is also advertised for mixed-media use. My first little piece features recurring OC Lucinda (mother to also recurring Trisha).

It's not completely flat because I snap photos instead of scanning the drawings, and with the stripes you can see where the paper has moved because of the water. I tried the profile view with watercolours and gave her the slightly frustrated epression of a hard-working woman whose experiments don't turn out favourably after taking way too long, and budget's getting tight and the decan is getting pushy about results and press doesn't understand so they're printing emotionally charged nonesense ...
Her forehead turned out a bit too narrow, her hair quite light (her description originally features dark walnut-coloured hair), and I'm not that happy about the insufficient three-dimensionality of the cheekbone area. But for a quick little portrait it's okay, I guess.
At the time being I'm thinking about doing some illustration(s) with Darksiders motives because Genesis is out and I love the series and its designs. I'd love to have the artbooks (but, really, an artbook for every single installment for 45 bucks each?)

We'll see how this turns out in the future, but I'm optimistic regarding this new block. So, thanks for reading and until next time!

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