Chapter 1

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Marriage binds two individuals while divorce lets them go their respective ways. But abdanoment neither lets you go nor holds on. It hangs you on a thin string of a half-attached, half-separated relationship.

"Good morning, sir," The office staff greeted him when he entered in the office. He nodded in acknowledgment. This was the usual routine of Akshay Singh Ranawat for years. Business was his passion and success his drug. He could work for long hours, for months without taking any holiday. People called him a workaholic or a work-maniac, he didn't care.

He moved towards his cabin. 'Ranawat construction' written by black and Golden colour on the wall leading to his cabin. Space in the alphabates filled by faces of his employees which is in line with the motto of company 'workforce is our strength. His cabin is slightly up from rest of the office. One wall is made up of glass while rest three painted in grey with combination of white. A big black mahogony desk placed near glass wall illuminating it with faint sun light. There is open cabinet behind his desk, showcasing various awards received by him.
He sat on his chair and started working on his laptop.There was a knock on the door and after his approval, a man in his late forties entered. He had dark circles and a few wrinkles around his eyes. The way this man cleaned and adjusted his glasses annoyed Akshay.

"Yes, Mr. Das if you are done with your glasses, we can start discussing about the work."

"Sir, I informed you earlier, our auditor is the one who is backstabbing us and today we will lost another tender because of him," he said adjusting his glasses again. He didn't have a problem with glasses. They were fine but whenever he was in front of Akshay, his nervousness appeared.

"I appreciate your loyalty towards me and this company. Type a letter, informing him that we are firing him because he failed to prepare a ledger. There are so many errors in it. "


"Sir, please, don't fire me for this petty reason. You are claiming that I can't prepare a ledger properly which proves I am incompetent for my job. No one will hire me. This will be a blot on my career. Please sir don't do this to me," the main auditor pleaded.

   Immune to his pleads Akshay was playing with a dart in his hand. He was throwing the darts on the dart board right behind the auditor giving him vibes that something terrible is going to happen.

" Shit, I missed it again. "he sighed and his eyes focused on the trembling body in front of him." You were saying something. Repeat, I didn't listen you properly last time. "he said in bored tone.

" Sir, I am..

There was knock on the door and his secretary appeared. "Sorry to interrupt you, sir, but we have good news. This year's government tender is ours." A victorious smile appeared on his  face. 

After hearing the news, the auditor's face paled. Blood dried in his veins. Realisation hit him. All this while, he was a mere pawn in his boss' hands. While he was thinking of fooling him, that man was planning to destroy his life.He falls on his knee, holding his hand with both of his hands.

"It's good that you concluded this on your own. Now get lost. You will be a live example for others. What will happen to them when they try to backstabb me. Now neither your boss will take you, nor others will hire you because I am blacklisting you." Akshay throw the final dart on dart board which hit the centre.

He took piece of candy from a sweet box and fed his secretary. "Congratulations to us. We did a great job." His face brightened like a teenager's.

His demeanor gave shivers to the auditor as well as his secretary, Shekhar. Being his secretary Shekhar knew him more than anyone else. He slowly moved towards his prey without instilling fear in them. His ways were so cautious that his prey realised the danger when there was no escape. Then he swallowed the prey without even chewing.

"Now get lost, I don't want to see a sorry face on this happy occasion." he turned his back.

"Sir, please...

Akshay showed him, his palm to shut up and pressed the bell to guards.

The guards came after a minute and held the auditor's arms and dragged him outside.

"I forgot to tell you one thing, the bank staff is coming to cease your property as you took a home loan on the guarantee of this job. Congratulations, you are royally destroyed." Akshay laughed at the auditor's figure being roughly dragged.

He patted Shekhar's cheeks. "You are safe, my boy till you don't cross my path. So, enjoy these sweets and distribute them among the staff."

He sighed in relief. He witnessed so many things here. This place gave him happiest and saddest memory altogether. On the verge of bankruptcy to highest growing company of country, he witness all, in short span of time. Shekhar was distributing sweets among the office employees. Everybody was chatting and laughing . The crowd dispersed and everyone departed to their respective cubicles noticing his presence.

"I have an announcement to make," he said and all eyes were on him, paying hundred percent attention. "As we all know, this company was on the verge of bankruptcy but we sustained it in time. We worked hard together and now we are in solvent condition because of everyone's dedication towards this company. Today we got a very big tender. From now on, we have to work extra. Are you ready for that?"

" Yes! "The response was enthusiastic.

"I decide to involve every employee in the profit of the company so we are introducing sweet equity share in upcoming months. After opting that option, you will be a part of the shareholders in this company. Go guys, I have given you another reason for cheering," he concluded, gaining wide smiles from his employees.

He dialled a phone number. "What is the progress, Ranbir?"

"I am waiting outside. She will be there soon, sir," Ranbir said confidently.

Imperial high school

The bell rang and students came out from the classes with great enthusiasm. They were running towards the gate. Some were talking to others and some were walking by holding hands. Girls were giggling and boys were flying paper planes. A few students were carrying their bags with great difficulty.

Akshita placed her tiffin in her backpack and held her water bottle in one hand. She came out of the class happily. After passing a corridor, she went towards the stairs and came downstairs. Kids were going towards the school bus and their respective autorikshaws. The parents of a few kids came to receive them. Her eyes were searching for her mother. She always waited for her near the doorway.

"Shona, I am going to take extra classes from tomorrow. Wait for me in school compound, don't roam here and there, her mother's words from yesterday rang in her mind. She removed her backpack and sat on the bench, which was placed under a big banyan tree. The hustle bustle was gone and there was complete silence now.

She looked around and a squirrel caught her attention. It was coming towards her and running backwards in swift speed. She stood from the bench and ran towards it. She was running towards it to grab while the animal gave her tough fight. "I'll catch you today you."

She ran towards it with full speed. There was only an inch's gap between the two when it spoofed her and climbed on the tree. This lead to her fall on the ground. Her knees and elbows got bruised. She rubbed her elbow. Tears were brimming in her eyes.

"Are you alright, young lady?"

Akshita looked towards the direction of voice. A man almost triple her height was standing in front of her. He was dressed in complete black. His trouser, shirt, boots, everything was black. Even his eyes were covered by black glasses.

She nodded. "Who are you?" she inquired.

"I am funman," he said while sitting on ground to talk to her face-to-face.

The statement brought confusion on her face.

"Pretty lady, you are getting bored in the compound, so I came here to entertain you. What do you think about having some fun?" he continued.

She glanced at him blankly.

"Your mother sent me."

The sentence got the desired result. The young girl looked at him intentively. Should she trust him or not?

He showed her mother's picture on his cellphone. "Look your mother and I were college friends and this picture is the proof.So are you in?" he asked again.

"Okay," she said after a little hesitation.

He played with her for a few minutes.

"What do you think about ice cream?" he asked.

The kid battled the temptation of ice cream, which was against her mother's orders. She wanted to have it but didn't want to disappoint her mother.

"We shall come back before your mother's class ends," he suggested and the idea brought a broad smile on her face.

She happily joined him on his bike. After riding for half an hour, they stopped near a three-storeyed building. He held her hand and moved towards the lift. He pressed the button for the top floor. As the lift started moving upwards, she clenched her skirt and shut her eyes tightly.

"Afraid?" he asked.

"No," a whisper came from her.

The lift haulted. He held her hand and moved towards the office cabinet. A blonde girl greeted him in the corridor.

"Where is sir? he asked in a low voice.

"He is in a meeting and will be here soon," she replied in the same tone and gave a warm smile to her before leaving. He looked down and dound Akshita clutching his trouser.

"What it is, princess?"

"You promised me ice cream." She pouted.

"I know princess, come inside." He took her into his boss's cabin and made her sit on the couch. "I'll be back in two minutes. Stay here."

After fifteen minutes, cups of various flavours: butterscotch, vanilla, strawberry, kesarbadam, chocolate, coconut milk, mango, raspberry, and blueberry were placed on the table. Instead of eating, she looked around.

"Have I missed anything, princess?" Panic rose in his voice.

"Where is everyone?" she asked.

"Everyone? This is for you princess," he answered politely.

"All of this?" Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, princess." He smiled.

She handed him one cup and then started eating. He got an instant liking for her. She was so innocent and adorable. She had inherited her parents' features. Her mother's brown hair and milky-white skin and her father's blue eyes. He smiled at her warmly and his phone rang.


The meeting ended and he headed towards his chamber. Someone special was already waiting for him and now it was time to end the wait.

He opened the door of his cabin and find only empty ice cream cups. He marched in the direction of the adjoining bathroom. "Princess, are you there?" he asked and knocked on the door.

He twisted the door knob and to his disappointment, it was empty. He slapped the wall. "Ranbir Singh," he shouted.

The poor fellow appeared in front of him.

"Where is she?" He clutched his collar.

" She... w-was... here... itself, s-sir... " He shivered like a dry leaf in a storm.

"If she was here, then where is she now?" he shouted again and grabbed his neck. It started suffocating him and he struggled to free himself.

"If anything happened to her, you will be dead." He removed his hold and Ranbir fell on the ground. Akshay ran towards gate to find her.


"This is for today. Tomorrow we shall discuss about quadratic equations, "Smita concluded and dismissed the class.

She took hasty steps towards the door. She knew her daughter. It was difficult for her to stay at one place for long and without her presence she became more agitated. She ran towards the exit and to her disappointment, her girl was not in the compound. She checked the garden area, then the playground. She checked every classroom but couldn't find her daughter and at the last burst into tears.

How I can be so careless? I know his capabilities stil I left her alone. I put her in danger. It's all because of me she is trapped in this vivicious circle. He openly gave a threat to harm her and I was roaming freely and why wouldn't I? I am the brave girl, who refused to bend in front of threatening calls. Smita, the super woman, who brought haughty Akshay on his knees. Look what you have done? You ruined everything.

"What happened, ma'am?" Sudhir sir asked from behind but she didn't reply. She became numb. He shook her hand and she came back to her sense.

"Akshita.... she... is m-missing..." She sobbed.

"Relax, ma'am, she is a very intelligent child. She will be here itself or she must be have gone home with her classmates. Call your neighbours," he assured her. She called her neighbours, but no one picked up.

"If her father..."

"Go home. She will be there and call me when you find her. I will search for her in the school premises." He called peons to search for the missing child. Smita ran to catch an autorikshaw.

Recently , I got so much hate and abusive comments for this story .
Nobody is forced to read it ,people accept flaws of male lead, but they wish picture-perfect female lead. Can't women have flaws and improve it in later part of life. There are hundreds of stories where female leads have a lot of self-respect and leave the male lead for it , but for once, can't women readers give a chance to a woman character to  learn and grow. There are hundreds of woman around us who don't have courage. They are meek ,misguided by societal preconditions or wrong perception. But road ahead lies to acknowledge the flaws and move ahead .Think about it .Your male lead can kill people ,sleep with dozens of woman and you people ship him with female lead. Why for once you people aren't ready to allow a flawed woman character to acknowledge and improve.If you can't have that much maturity don't read .I hadn't force anyone to do so. I already gave warning of dark romance so be prepare for it or leave it.I hadn't knew I'll get so much hate for this . Very disappointing that woman can't tolerate a woman character with flaws.

If you can tolerate a very flawed female lead than read this book otherwise leave it here itself.

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