Chapter 24

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Since last fifteen days there is bouquet on the door step of Smita. Today is no different. Just like  every other day a sorry note attached with it by Akshay. Smita flip the note to read the message.

“I felt ashamed for what I had done. I don’t have any excuses. I did what I did. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions. I wouldn’t pawn this off on anybody. I’m sorry it happened. And I hurt you. "

This is  note by him and Smita put it in drawer as usual.


" Why you called me? Is anything serious? " Akshay asked.

"Yes, everything is serious. I clearly told you Akshay that I am not interested in continuing this alliance. Then why you are sending me bouquet and sorry notes." Smita blurted

"notes, bouquet, what are you talking?. I didn't send you anything. I may be a bad guy but I respect your decision."

"So you didn't send this notes?" Smita double checked.

"No, I didn't. If you wish I can find the culprit" Akshay suggested.



Four days later at flower shop

"can you tell me who ordered you to send flowers at my place." Smita asked.

"Ma'am a little girl came with a granny. They paid me money and asked this favour." florist reply.

"can you tell me how they look?

Her revelation shocked Smita but Akshay is not surprised. Akshita is doing all this with the help of neighbours. Smita can't blame her neighbours as Akshita must have narrate some tragic sad story to them
And granny living nearby is fooled by her sweet lies. Smita can't believe her daughter start conning people. She is naive child then how on earth she acts otherwise. After reaching home she marched towards Akshita.

"Akshita why you asked to deliver flower bouquet at our home?" Smita asked her sternly

"Mummy I...

" What.. I.. Me... Say it clearly.. "Smita showed him red eye.

" Sara's mom dad patched up after this bouquet and notes "poor child revealed everything in pressure.Tears were flowing from her eyes.

" What? "Smita was angry. She did not expected something like this from Akshita.She wanted to scold her but Akshay intervene.

" Its okay my child. Your mom is tensed. No need to worry about it. "Akshay wiped her tears." your friends were becomes cheaters nowadays. "
Akshita looked him with puzzled expressions.

" They were playing without calling you. "Akshay said and Akshita ran outside to confirm his revelation.

"She hadn't act like this before. Nowadays I am not able to understand her." Smita said her concern.

" You have no idea where is Akshita heading. She is trying to fix our marriage. She is acting out of her age. This sorry notes and bouquet thing is indications of her mindset. "worry present in voice of Akshay for the first time.

" You are over reacting Akshay. Sara narrated story of her parents and Akshita copied her. Children copies that's not a big deal. "Smita find it nothing alarming.

" You can't see the signal but I can. Its not normal and healthy. Our child is having insecurity of her future. She is confused and afraid. "Akshay shouted.

" How you can be so sure Akshay? It could be.. "

" Its not anything else but her efforts to unite her family. Her desire to be in a safe, secure and warming  environment. She is standing in the position where I was years ago. "in his rage Akshay spilled the beans.

" You were in Akshita's shoes. I am not getting.. "

" Leave it, what I had gone through is not important. What Akshita is going through is important. "Akshay said firmly.

" It is necessary Akshay so we can find solution for Akshita. You don't want her to repeat same mistake as you did, do you? "

" I was five just like Akshita when I start sensing ugly vibes between my parents. My father always gave cold shoulder to Ma (mother) . When I look towards my friend's parents there is love and understanding in contrast to my parents. " he paused to see her reaction and there is no sign of judgement on her face. Smita noticed warmth in his voice whenever he address his mother. His father's memories brings stiffness and uneasiness in his voice.

" 'If that dominating old man hadn't force me, I hadn't married you. ' my father was saying to ma. My mother was simple  homely woman that my father never wanted. In absence of Dadaji (grand father) there was fights in house. My father used to blame my mother for  tiny mistakes and she was  timid to protest. She used to cry for hours."

" He hit her if one of us commit any mistakes. I tried to protect my siblings from his wrath. Me, Anuj and Avni thought we were reason of their misery. Me and Anuj used to write sorry notes on behalf of father and Avni write to our mother. We tried to please them. Me and Anuj mimic comedians to make our mother happy. "

" Its not your responsibility to make your parents happy. "Smita sighed. She saw vulnerable child in Akshay who longed for his parent's love. She never knew Akshay has this side too. Akshay she knows can be extremely gentle or brutal beast.

" No child in the world is responsible for his/her  parent's problem. Kids are generally innocent and dependent on parents. Its parents responsibility to look after their kids. When parent's doesn't solve their matter maturely kids bear the burnt of it."

" Sometimes the damage heals and sometimes it never heal even after a decade. "

Its too much to take for Smita. The man she loved has emotional wounds. He was attacked and damaged for no fault of him. What would be outcome of maturity of his parents?

"Sometimes the outcome is far worse and destructive. I know you will hate me after learning this information  but its necessary for you take right decision."

Smita look towards him. There is nothing bad than this,or there is?

"Kristina, I met her when I was ten. She was wife of uncle Sam and  my father's mistress. She frequently came in our house. We used to like her outspoken and lively personality. We siblings was influenced by her and wanted our mother to be her look alike ."

Smita's stomach rolled and there is unusual ache. She felt nausea. It is ugly, very ugly truth which is not easy to digest by idealistic woman like her.

" That was day after Diwali. Our whole family went for pilgrims. My right leg was fractured so I wasn't make it to the trip. It was 11 in the morning, our maid, Juliet hadn't came so I decided to cook for me."

"I was passing by dad's room, I heard muffled sounds. Door was unlocked and curiosity killed the cat. I peeped in, Dad and Kat were in bed,devouring each other. Dad was saying he never felt like this with anyone. His heart were growing each day for her. He said he want to talk to her whole night. He was calling her lovely girl.  They were planning to leave their family for each other. "

Smita felt anger and disgust for both of them. May be they are in love but their love destroy Akshay's life forever. They were adults and their actions were cruel towards a child.

" I swear Smita I hadn't want to do that. "

" What you did Akshay?" Smita asked by gathering courage. She chant 'be strong' in her mind. Sometimes truth is that bitter and ugly that its better remain hidden.

"I was scared. I thought we shall be left alone on our own. Their resolve seemed a threat to secure future of Me, Avni, Anuj, Denial and Megan. We were not just family friend's kids. We were more than friends. Avni and Megan were like sisters. I treated Denial like little brother. "tears were flowing from his eyes. She never seen him crying like this.

" I saw in a film that when people got hit in a car accident,they forget everything. I wanted her to forget my dad. I wanted to forget her about their affair. I imitated cutting of wire of her car like that movie ."

There was silence in the room. Akshay didn't get enough courage to talk further and Smita doesn't want to know anything further. She resolved internally that she will not let Akshita feel left out.


Smita didn't know what to tell in this situation. He was child when he committed this crime but he can't go scot-free. Its still a crime, may be unintentional.

" My home was crumbling in front of my eyes. I want to do anything to save ourself. Her exit can reassure our security was my belief at that time.How naive I was? When a cild sense abandonment either they became insecure for life or take extreme measure."

"That incident was start of my downfall. I am cursed and deemed to doom but save our girl. I beg you Smita stop Akshita from going to that path."

"I'll ensure her safety and  both physical & mental health.You are different from your father and Akshita is different from you. Circumstances is similar but different. History won't repeat this time." Smita promised him.

Author note - Kids like Akshay or Akshita is not fictional. They are as real as you & me and if you look around you will find them in every corner of the world. If you see them please extend hand of help to this vulnerable kids.

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