Chapter 04

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In the next days we cut more trees and constructed a log floor on which we erected a framework and slowly a hut to shelter us from the elements. I was happy to see my wound healed nicely and I could move more freely. Even better was Naylee's progress and I noticed they probably healed faster than humans. That would be of tactical value for the military and I stared out over the water. It wouldn't be of much use to take note of such things because I expected not to return home anyway.

We only heard the thing's roar once since the time we fled the bunker, but we kept up the discipline to hunt in pairs and keep the entrance closed when we were together at the hut.

Apart from that I started to feel like I was on a vacation, sitting on a rock at the back of the hut, fishing, watching girls swim in bikini.

My eyes grew wide. "Bikini!?" I thought, seeing Tashee swim through the water nearby.

She splashed around a bit, dove to the bottom in a graceful move, then shot back up.

She shook her head and found me staring at her. 'Something you never seen before?' she asked, smiling brightly.

'Ah, no, well, not really.' I stammered. 'There are some feline species on my planet who swim. Just not as graceful.'

A shadow appeared under water next to her and Naylee came up for air.

'Let's eat.' Tashee said and they swam back to the beach where they shook themselves dry.

I turned halfway and watched as they walked into the hut, their fur shining from the water. Tashee's was completely black but Naylee had a sheen of dark red on it. They wore just their military bras, which were like sport bras, and slightly loose sort of boxer shorts. Now I could see Tashee had a nice size chest, C cup I guessed, while Naylee had an equally nice chest in B size. Their tales moved along with their steps and it was one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen, if not the sexiest thing.

'We do swim when we can on our planet.' said Tashee. 'I was dying to do it when we were settled.'

I nodded. 'I can imagine. I hadn't thought of taking one myself yet. But then I never was one to go to the beach to swim and ogle women like comrades of mine loved to.'

'Ogle?' she asked.

I felt a blush coming up, but I thought it better to explain. 'Look at beautiful women for enjoyment, mostly in a sexual way.'

She gave me a slight grin. 'Does that give same reaction of body?'

I saw her eyes go down to my hips and realised the bulge pressing against my pants. 'Shit!' I said and turned my back to her. 'Sorry. I didn't mean to look at you like that.'

'Like what?' asked Naylee who had been busy with checking how much food was available.

'He might not have same sense as Silth males, but body does react in same way to us.' Tashee giggled and stretched one finger as a hint.

Naylee had to ponder about it for a moment, then snapped at me. 'Bad male! You also worse!'

I knew it wasn't completely my fault, but I did feel shame and shrank. 'I didn't mean to!'

Tashee shushed Naylee. 'He not that bad. Other males would have taken advantage or tried to grab us.' she said and laid her hands on my shoulders.

The cool sensation of her furry, wet hands was surprisingly soothing.

'Rafe first male I trust in long time.' she said softly with a hint of sadness. 'Even if enemy.'

I laid one hand on hers and looked up, giving her a gentle smile. 'Don't trust me too much. I still have genes that push certain urges onto males when it comes to attractive women.'

She chuckled and pricked my skin with her claws. 'We have good defence.'

I grimaced at the prickly sensation. 'I'll be good! I promise! It was meant as a compliment!'

She leaned down to whisper in my ear, 'Thank you for praise.' then gave me a soft purr and nudge of her muzzle against my cheek. 'I'm in mood for fish.' she said as she started preparing with Naylee.

I glanced back long enough to see Naylee look at her mother, then at me and shake her head. I imagined this vacation might have its own difficulties.

I rubbed my chin after eating, it was time to cut that beard back again. I didn't mind having a beard, I only didn't want it to get too long and it had been a while since I last took my knife to my skin.

I grabbed a bowl of water, rinsed my beard and scratched carefully along it with my sharp blade. I probably wouldn't get it all, but it was better than leaving it all to grow longer. I checked in the reflection of the blade after each part of my face until Tashee came up to me.

'You not see everything well? Still patches of hair left.' she said, examining my face.

'It's difficult without a good mirror, so I'll have to make do with this.'

She held up her hand to me. 'Let me?'

'Give a former enemy my sharp knife and let it take it to my throat?'

Her ears flattened a little with guilt and I put the hilt of my knife into her hand. 'I think I'll trust you with my life.' I said, smiling softly at her.

She smiled back at me and proceeded with a little nervousness to finish shaving me. I liked how she caressed my face with her fingers and would ask her to shave me from now on.


It was Naylee's and mine turn to hunt and I had Wendy go along with Tashee while she went looking for firewood. At least that made me feel better than letting her go alone.

We were lucky and caught a pig after a chase and having to shoot it several times before it went down. We gutted it quickly and dragged the rest down to the beach where we let it bleed on a couple of stakes into the sea. That way there'd be no blood to attract predators.

Naylee looked rather proud of the big kill and I smiled at her.

'What?' she asked, looking at me with suspicion.

'It's just good to see you smile.' I said.

She looked away. 'Why you care?'

I sighed. 'Because I'd like to see you happy. You'd look more beautiful too.'

'Stop being nice!' she said.

'Why? Just so you can sulk? I know Tashee wants to see you happy too!'

She glared at me. 'You know nothing about mother!'

'Look. I don't know why you hate me so much, but I know she loves you and it makes her unhappy to see you like this.' I said, getting a bit angry.

She pushed me onto the sand and pounced on my chest, extending her claws. 'You know nothing about mother! About the pain given to her! Nothing!'

I pushed up despite the bleeding pricks into my skin. 'Then tell me! I won't know otherwise how to make you stop hating me!'

Naylee's jaw trembled and I saw tears welling up in her eyes, making my anger dissipate for the urge to hold her.

'Naylee!' said Tashee, who had hurried closer. 'Why?'

Naylee looked at her mother and at Wendy, who gave her a growl, then jumped up and ran away along the beach.

'You okay?' asked Tashee, sitting down on her knees to check my chest.

'I'm fine.' I said, sitting up. 'I just wish I'd knew what was eating her.'


'Worrying. Why she's in such a bad mood.'

Tashee looked down. 'I should explain.' she said softly.

I put my hand on hers in her lap. 'If it's too painful, don't. I'll just shut up about it.'

She shook her head. 'I must. She carries my pain with her.' she said and looked up at me. 'She hates males because of what happened to me, how she was born.'

I felt a hint of what she might say and squeezed her hand a little, giving her my full attention.

'I was very young and thought I fell in love with son of high official. He came by house often because of father's work. He was handsome male and spoke sweet words to me.' she said and a soft smile came to her face. 'He gave me little gifts and sometimes came just for me. Then one time he took me to secluded place in garden, where we sat close and he started undressing me.' The smile went away and I waited for her to continue.

'I was afraid, but also excited. I heard about male and female by that time. He took me then, and it hurt but I was afraid he no longer liked me if I wanted to stop. When he was done he gave me kiss and promised to come back with present.' she said, took my hand in hers and I felt a tremble through them.

'He did came back, bringing gifts and taking me when it was possible. It hurt much less and I thought I was going to marry him. Then one day I heard father say he was marrying a daughter of other high official.' Tears fell down Tashee's cheeks. 'I cry for long time, then find out when doctor check on me I was pregnant with his child. I bring up courage and go to him and he laugh, saying the child not his and sending me away. When father found out he was ashamed of me. I was bad woman and shunned by society. I met older woman who took me in after I ran away. She knew more like me and helped me with birth, then bring child to parents who would raise her. I went to military as only place for me to get work.'

She wiped away her tears, then put her hands back on mine. 'I heard few things of her growing up and was happy to know she was okay. But then she try to get job and they see her papers are false. They sent her away and she found out about her birth. Then she tried to look for me and end up going into military where she had rough time. When she found me I said I was very sorry and asked forgiveness. She only want to be with me and we spent night crying and talking.' Tashee's sad smile made my heart skip a beat. 'We were chosen to go on secret and dangerous mission. Then came here and did battle with you and ended up here on island to survive.'

She smiled a little more. 'So, with all the bad things happening with males, it confusing to find an enemy male caring for us.'

I caressed her hand with mine, frustration twisting my guts. 'I'm really sorry to hear what happened. It makes me want to kick that guy's face into bits and turn back time.'

She shook her head. 'Then I would not have Naylee. I love her.'

I nodded. 'I just wish I could do something to make you both happy here.'

'You done more than any have before.' she said and smiled gently at me.

Wendy barked and we noticed the sun was setting soon.

'We better get inside.' Tashee said.

'Yes.' I said and helped her up. 'Where's Naylee?'

We checked in the direction she had run off to but we saw nothing.

'She come back when feeling better.' Tashee said.

'I would agree when we would be alone on this island.' I said. 'I don't want her to be alone in the dark. I'll go look for her while you prepare dinner.'

I wanted to walk away when she held onto my hand and I looked back at her.

'Thank you..' she said giving my hand a squeeze before letting go.

I smiled softly at her. 'Anytime.' I said and hurried with Wendy after Naylee.

I looked left and right for her tracks while shouting her name while Wendy sniffed for her scent. We had gone quite a distance and I was worrying I might have gone too far, but then Wendy found some of her footprints the wind hadn't swept away. After a few more hundred metres of shouting her name I saw her footprints leading to a couple of big rocks sitting between the beach and the sea.

'Naylee!?' I said, following the prints between two rocks, then seeing her sit on a rock just above the water.

I called out to her but she just kept sitting there, so I waded through the water to her, leaving Wendy on the sand.

'Naylee, it's getting dark soon. We'd better go home.'

She shook her head.

'I know now. Tashee has told me everything and I wished I could change everything so neither of you had to get hurt.' I said softly. 'I'm really sorry.'

I moved in front of her and saw her crying. 'Naylee?' I whispered and reached out to wipe her cheek.

'No!' she snapped and swiped her claws at my hand, cutting my palm. 'You're just lying like the rest!'

I bit through the pain and felt anger well up. 'I promise I won't do anything to hurt you or Tashee! You can cut my throat if I do! So will you please stop worrying us and come back!?'

'No.' she said and shook her head.

'Dammit!' I said and grabbed her waist and legs, lifting her up into my arms to her surprise and walked back onto the beach.

'Wait! Let go!' she said and struggled to get out of my arms.

'No!' I nearly growled and held her tight. 'I'm not going to leave you alone while there's danger around here!'

'I'll be fine!'

'I'm not taking any chances with that monster walking around!'

'We not seen it in long time! It must be on other side!'

A nearby roar and Wendy's barking let us know otherwise.

'I wasn't exactly hoping I was right.' I said.

'Maybe we better run.' she said softly and I let her down on the sand.

We started running but I saw her lag behind with a little limp and stopped. 'Something happened with your foot?'

'Just twisted a little on slippery rock in water. Nothing serious.'

'Always the same with you.' I said and grabbed her into my arms again.

'I can run!' she said.

'Not fast enough for my taste.' I said and started running when Wendy barked in warning again.

Another roar came from the trees and Naylee clung to me. 'Maybe you right.'

I grinned at the small victory but was too busy with running to speak. When we reached the hut Tashee stood outside with her bow.

'What happened?' she asked while I carried Naylee inside and she closed the defence behind us.

'That thing was out there.' I said, putting Naylee down on one of the leaf pillows on the floor.

Tashee grabbed a bandage and took my hand to clean it. 'What happened to your hand?' she asked and looked angrily at Naylee. 'You do this?'

Naylee looked down in shame. 'I..'

'It was an accident when I helped her get off the rock. She had twisted her ankle and couldn't walk properly.' I said.

Tashee looked at me and knew that wasn't it, but she also knew I wouldn't let this count against Naylee and sighed. 'Just not let happen next time.'

Naylee glanced up at me. 'I won't..' she said softly.

'I want to keep watch tonight, just to make sure that thing hasn't followed us.' I said, checking the bandage around my hand.

'Not all night.' Tashee said. 'I'll relieve you later.'

'And I watch too.' Naylee said softly.

I thought I heard a hint of happiness in her voice and nodded.

Tashee went to sleep shortly after we ate and I sat just outside the front of the hut. Naylee came out and gave me a bowl of sour fruit to keep me awake and fresh. She sat down on the other side of Wendy and scratched Wendy's ears.

'Thank you..' she said softly.

'Whatever it was for, don't mention it.' I said, picking one of the green parts in the bowl and smiling at the gesture she had made by peeling the fruit for me.

She hugged her knees with one arm while her other hand was at the mercy of Wendy's desire for attention. 'I'm still scared..'

I flipped a pit into the water. 'For what it's worth, I understand. Not only do you have the past to deal with, there's the present where you're stuck with an enemy man, and the future where either of our forces may appear to find us.' I picked another part out of the bowl. 'If yours comes, would I be able to see you go back to the life you had? If mine comes, would I be able to leave or arrange for you to stay on my planet in safety? I might just want us to live here without ever getting found if there's no better alternative.'

Wendy barked at me and I chuckled. 'Of course I won't go if I can't take you with me.' I said and deserved a lick for that.

Naylee chuckled and I thought it was the cutest sound I had heard in a while. I was glad to finally hear it.

'You must have many women back home if you can get fierce predator to love you.'

I flipped another pit into the water. 'I've only been once with a woman, and it was when I turned adult and it was paid for by friends in the service.'

She raised her eyebrow as she looked at me.

'It was a sort of birthday present and I was half drunk at the time.' I recalled from memory. 'It was too quick and too uninvolved. It made me feel cheap afterwards, although I didn't say anything to spoil the fun for my friends. Since then I only wanted to do it if the girl really loved me and dodged every opportunity when it came to one night stands or hookers.'

'You haven't looked for a woman?'

I shook my head. 'I was away from home most of the time. Especially when I got drafted into this unit. A woman at home would just get hurt by herself. And I never was really good with starting a conversation with a woman I didn't know.'

Naylee stared in front of her. 'Lonely..' she whispered.

'Well, it's not all bad.' I said, leaning back against the wall and smiled dreamily. 'I'm on a tropical island now with two,' I looked at Wendy and scratched her chin. 'no, three exotic beauties close to me. I'm the envy of just about every man back home.'

A small smile appeared on Naylee's face. 'Even if they slice your soft skin?'

'If it helps to make her happy in the end, yes. It's worth a few cuts and bruises. I just hope it stays as few as possible.'

She chuckled and I saw her wipe her eyes. Wendy leaned against her and gave her a lick on her cheek.

'Well, well. Looks like Wendy shares my opinion.'

Naylee gave Wendy an extra dose of scratches and made her squirm from pleasure. 'You almost as bad as your master.' she giggled and cuddled with Wendy for a while before she started yawning.

'Why don't you take Wendy with you and have her join you on your watch?' I said. 'You can go nuts with girl talk then.'

'Girl talk?'

'That's when women and girls on my planet get together and talk about their personal things, but us men suspect it's only to talk about embarrassing things involving us men.' I grinned.

She thought about it for a moment, then grinned at Wendy. 'Want to tell about things he has done?'

Wendy murmured as if whispering she would have a lot to say. I hoped Naylee couldn't really understand her that much.

'Good night, Rafe..' Naylee said softly. 'Thank you, for not hating me.'

'Girl, I might have been angry, but hating you would be impossible.' I said and received a chunk of good night kisses from Wendy.

Naylee gazed at me for a few moments and I wondered if something was wrong, then she moved closer and gave me a nuzzle against my cheek before hurrying inside, giggling with Wendy as she laid down to sleep.

I leaned my head back against the wall and smiled, hoping I'd do more things to deserve nuzzles from those two women. Wendy barked softly once. "Yes, and from you too, Wendy." I thought and I really wondered if she could read my mind.


'Hey..' whispered Tashee as she came to take over my watch.

'Hey..' I whispered, smiling at her.

She sat down next to me. 'I saw Wendy sleeping with Naylee.'

I nodded. 'I'm afraid they'll be the best of friends from now on and give me a lot of trouble.' I chuckled.

She looked puzzled at me.

'I'll explain later.'

She didn't understand, but she nodded. 'All quiet?'

'Yeah.' I said and looked up at the stars. 'Maybe we're lucky tonight.'

She followed my gaze and we sat quietly for a while before she asked 'How you get into military?'.

I took a deep breath through my nose. 'The family I was born into was very poor. There's a big gap between those who have, and those who have nothing, and the only way to keep me alive was to sell me into the military who raised me and educated me. I did very well in certain areas and got assigned to the unit you encountered here, specialising in infiltration and operations behind enemy lines.'

'You ever try to find family?'

'I tried when I found out what had happened to me. But when I checked the original address they were no longer there. No clues to where they'd gone to.'

'You no have family like we do then..' she said softly.

'Well, my unit was my real family as far as I was concerned. There was Zeke, an old bastard who just couldn't be killed by anything and was like the unit's father. He would set us straight when we went over the line and support us when we had a difficult time. He was just a single rank higher than us because he refused to become an officer, but was most respected by anyone. Then there was Sarah who was our sister and mother depending on what was needed, she made sure everyone was taken care off, on and off duty. Singh, the nutty little brother who could always make you laugh, Han, the smart brother who always found a way to do things together with Zeke, Maria, another dear sister who was always up for a fight with us brothers, and Jan and Isaac who were experts at sniping and explosives and made sure we could get out of any situation.'

I stared up into nothing while going through the various memories of people I'd never see again. I had lost that family forever.

'Sorry for losing family..' Tashee whispered and I saw her look of sadness.

'You lost people close to you too, right?'

She shook her head. 'We been sent to this unit not long ago. I lost most of old friends long ago at other battles.. No family left to mourn like you..'

I laid my hand on hers. 'For what it's worth, as long as we're stuck together here you're family to me.'

She smiled softly at me, then looked up at the stars again. 'Mind if I ask difficult question?'

'No, but I might not be able to give you an answer.'

'When you save me, you say because of guilty conscious.' she said and I felt a twist in my stomach. 'Something bad you had to do in past?'

I twiddled my thumbs slowly, pondering if I could tell her. Not just because it was about a mission, but also because she might become hostile. I also didn't want to talk about it, and also did want to, to stop carrying the burden of the secret.

I leaned my head back, the thought of finally letting out the truth bringing me relief. 'It happened a few years ago when we were on a mission on KP-1221, better known to you as Kesh.

She raised her eyebrows. 'You were on Kesh!?'

'Specifically, during the big earthquake that cost your people a lot of lives.'

'How?' she asked, looking at me with disbelief.

'Stealth mission just like the one here. Observe, report back and sabotage in case of direct threat to us humans. I take it you were her for the same reason as us.'

She nodded after a moment.

'We thought the quake had given us a chance to take a look at the plant that we suspected built parts for your guidance systems and we sneaked our way to it while everyone was busy taking care of the wounded. Thinking the plant was empty since it was later in the evening, we got in and made our way into the office. That's when we were surprised by someone in uniform walking in on us. Han, who was closest to the door reacted at once at what looked like the flash of a weapon and fired a shot. Instant kill.'

I needed to have a moment to find the right words and was glad Tashee waited patiently.

'We had barely discovered that person had held a broken flashlight when we heard a little kid cry out "Okaa" and run to its mother who now lay lifeless on the floor.' I said and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. 'It kept crying for its mother to wake up. It was only maybe two or three years old, and we had torn its mother away from it..'

I wiped a tear from my cheek. 'She must have been at the office to clean it and had taken her kid with her because she couldn't leave it at home. Zeke pulled Han away, telling us to regroup outside. I couldn't leave the kid there and carried it outside. The moment we moved out of the building the big aftershock hit and we saw the part of the building we'd been in collapse. It must have taken a lot of damage in the main quake.'

I took a few deep breaths. 'We discussed the options of what to do with the kid, but there was only one thing we could do, Zeke and I set out for the nearest search party and left it close enough to have them discover it while we kept ourselves hidden. After they had picked it up we left for our camp, then left the planet shortly after. Han took it hard, but Zeke reminded him that if that accident hadn't happened, the kid, it's mother and us would have died in the collapsed building.'

I clenched my fists. 'None of us felt any comfort from that. Killing civilians is just not done! But we couldn't run away from it and had to live with it. Every year since, on that day, we drank ourselves into a stupor in remembrance of an innocent mother and child caught into our stupid war games. I vowed never to see another child lose its mother if I could help it.'

I don't know how long we sat in silence when Tashee spoke up. 'I understand now..' she said softly. 'In conflict, we all make mistakes. But you did not leave kid behind, that shows good heart.'

Her words gave me more relief than anything I tried before and I was glad she had asked the hardest question I had to answer.

After a while of hearing nothing but an occasional bird above the sound of waves moving slowly up and down the sand and rocks I yawned and stretched.

'You go sleep. Have kept you awake too long, sorry..' Tashee said.

I smiled softly at her. 'It's okay. I'm glad to finally get that piece of my past out into the open. Thank you for listening.' I said and handed her the bowl with half of the fruit left. 'To keep you awake?'

She shook her head. 'Naylee peeled them for you.'

'I thought so.' I said and stood up to stretch once more. 'Then I'll take them with me. Do you need anything before I go to sleep?'

She took my hand and looked up at me. 'Thank you for caring for Naylee..'

I caressed her fingers with my thumb and gave her a gentle smile. 'She wants to see you happy. You want to see her happy. I just want to see you both happy. Good night, Tashee.'

She returned the smile and let go of my fingers slowly. I watched Wendy and Naylee sleep comfortably for a moment, then laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I rolled over, then realised I hadn't thought of one thing when I had Naylee take Wendy to bed. Now I had nobody to hold for comfort and worried I might not be able to fall asleep at all.

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