70's love || Taehyung

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He extend his hand, and I put mine on his. He smiles, and gently make me step on the canoe boat. The boat swing left to right until we both sit opposite sides on the seat, facing each other.

He turns back and unhook the rope which made the boat move towards the lake. He pick up his violin and set his posture and I stare at his beauty, as he plays the violin.

The skyline silver lake, fresh wind that hung swap sweet smell in it as our hair lightly flows with it. Sound of soothing violin rang out from the shimmering emptiness of space around us.

Beautiful sunset with a broad span of Tuscany-blue and orange sky was slashed above it, making it appear like nature’s amphitheatre.

I pick up my pencil and my sketch book and stare at him dearly, before starting to draw him. The boat keeps moving, he keeps playing his violin which gave me so peace and I keep sketching him, and the scenario behind.

After some time, he put his violin down, and I feel his stare at me. I look up and he smiles.

“What are you doing?” He asked. I show him, his painting. After a rough sketch I filled it with colors. He smiles, showing me his rectangular smile which warms my heart.

“Pretty. Can I keep this?” He asked, and I nod, tearing the paper from my book and handing it to him. He rolls it, and keep it with him.

“We are almost here,” He said.

“Yes, I am so excited to see the museum,” I replied and soon we reached at the bank of the lake and he ties the rope with hook and get up.

He steeped out from the boat before grabbing his belongings and putting them down and extend his hand towards me, his fingers hugged my palm and he makes me step out too.

My hair flows, and I try to settle them. He chuckles and go behind me, his fingers brush past my ears as he gently tie all my hair back with the ribbon, I was wearing. He put his hand on my shoulder, and I stiff at my place when he whisper in my ear.

“Is it okay now?” He asked, and I nod.

“Let’s go,” He said, holding my hand once again and pick up our things as we walked towards the newly built museum.

We reached there and he deposit all our things there as one guide show us the museum by telling us about various things.

“You both are the first one to visit this museum, I hope you will enjoy,” He said to us.

“Before the museum built, what place was this?” I asked.

“A abandoned castle, maybe 100 years old,” He said and my lips turn into ‘o’ shape.

“It’s so pretty, so many beautiful paintings are here,” Taehyung said.

“Can you tell us something about these paintings?” I asked as we stopped towards two certain paintings.

“Let me start from this one,” He pointed towards the beautiful brownish painting of a king. “He was King Kim Taeyang, which means sun. He was a widower King.”

I look at the painting for a while observe it. I look beside me, and stare at Taehyung’s side profile, as his full focus is on the painting.

“Doesn’t he looks like you?” I said, and Taehyung look at me with a smile.
“Kind of,” He said.

“These two paintings are related to each other,” The guide said, pointing towards the King’s painting, and towards one more painting which is beside it.

“You might be thinking why? Let me tell you the whole story,” He said.

“Luna wait,”

The King giggled chasing his lover. She turn around and smile brightly, making his heart skip a beat. A smile took his gaze and he rinned, This feeling of being in love again is the greatest feeling he ever conceived.

His wife died, and after that he found Luna, an ordinary girl, non royal blood.

She is the moon to his sun.

She talks to him in her own little way, she is herself. Before he met her the days were worse.She touched his heart that he thought was stone. Her words became so appealing, he couldn't help but catch the feeling.

She couldn't denied her feelings either. In his arms, she wants to live. She haven't felt this way before. All she can do is walk around with a smile, looking at the King, who is deeply in love with her, and she is too.

They make each other happy with each passing day, Hoping it never ends is what they pray! When he calls her, his lover, she feel warmth within.

She knows that he had been through a lot in life, and now she is here to relieve his strife. He walk closer to her and took her in his arms.

“I am in love with you,” He said.

“I am in love with you too,” She replied.

“I promise to ask father for our marriage,” He said and she sadly smiles.

“Will he accept a ordinary daughter in law like me?” She asked.

“I will try my best.” He promised.


“Then?” I asked.

“Then the King tried to gain acceptance of his father, but he denied,”

“What happened after that?” Esther asked.

“The King was not backing off, so his father ordered to kill the girl,” The guide said, and my heart beat faster and my head started to hurt.

“The King was so in love with her, he couldn’t bear the pain of separation. He fall sick, and his condition keep worsening. When he was taking his last breaths, he described this painting and it was believed that he was describing Luna,”

I stare at the painting, even tho no face is shown but it’s beautiful. The story of Taeyang and Luna is so painful, my heart aches. What if me and Esther get separated too? No. No.

“Is there any painting of Luna, in which her face is showing?” I asked.

“No, there isn’t any.” The guide replied.

I stare at Esther, and look deeply in her eyes. My head throbbed, my heart beat faster when I saw something blurry. I close my eyes and try to recall.

Kings eyes stare at the girl from back, as he smiles.

“Taehyung what happened?” Esther asked, holding my arm and I breathe heavily, and stare in her eyes again.

”Who is she?” The King asked.

“She is Luna, she lives somewhere near,” The soldier beside him replied.

“Luna, Esther,” I whispered and Esther furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

“Please excuse us,” Esther said, and the guide went away. “What’s wrong Tae?”

The King walk towards the girl who is wearing pink dress, looking beautiful while holding flowers in her hand. She looks back and saw the King and instantly bow.

“Greetings your Serenity,” She said, her honey like voice make his heart smile.

“What’s your name?” He asked, even tho he already knows.

“Luna.” She replied.

“Tae?” Esther said, a bit loudly.

“Will you dance with me Luna?” He asked, making her shocked.

“Now as you promised to talk to your father, sure,” She said, he chuckled.

“My lady.” He said, extending his hand towards her. She smiles giving him, her hand as her heart shakes. The King pull her closer before twirling her round.

Her hand on his one shoulder, his hand on her waist, and their other hand intertwined. They stare into each other’s eyes and he finds himself falling in love with those beautiful blue eyes.


“Can I kiss you Luna– Esther,” I said, cupping her cheeks.

“You don’t need to ask,” She said.

I gently press my lips onto hers, she put her palms on my cheeks, and kiss me back lovingly. We both melted into the kiss, and close our eyes.

My heart beat fasten, I can smell her sweet floral scent. My mind clouded by the old thoughts, and I start to see clear images of her and me.

Images of Taeyang and Luna, loving each other.

I pull back, and open my eyes. “I am sorry,” I whisper and she looks at me.


“I couldn’t save you,” I said, caressing her cheeks.

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

“Don’t ask questions. I missed you, I missed you so much.”


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