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     3rd person point of view
Abeille flew through Paris, desperate to return to Nath. She finally found the spot where he had been to find him gone. She wailed in outrage. She continued to fly, looking everywhere for her Nath. She needed him. Where could they possibly be? Smirking, she had an idea.

Your point of view
"So you're Abeille?" Nath asked me. I nodded. "And Sawyer really was a villain, with an akuma and everything, and now she's taken the miraculous that gives you the power to become Abeille."

"Yes," Ladybug said. "Like all akuma victims, she's working with Hawkmoth to help him get the miraculouses. Sawyer will be back to get Chat Noir's, and my own, miraculouses any minute now. Only problem is we need to get (Y/n)'s miraculous back, and somehow convince Sawyer to break away from Hawkmoth."

"So you don't think she's akumatized anymore?" Nath inquired.

Ladybug shook her head. "I'll bet he's had her transform into Abeille so she can use Abeille's powers to get the miraculouses."

     "What will we do now, my lady? It seems like we're in a bit of a cat-tastrophe," Chat Noir told Ladybug.

     "I don't know. I guess we just use Nath as a human shield and run for the hills," Ladybug replied.

    "What?" Nath whined. "Why am I the human shield?"

     "You're right," Ladybug agreed. "We'll use (Y/n) as the human shield instead."

     "Seriously guys? We don't need human shields, and we're not running for the hills," I said.

     "Then what do you suggest we do, Little Miss I-Just-Got-My-Miraculous-Taken-Because-I-Had-To-Pat-The-Villain-On-The-Damn-Head?" Ladybug said.

     "Hey, don't take that tone with me, Bug," I told her. "I really don't have a plan, but we can't let her believe we're afraid, or worse, cowards. Even if we do run, she'll find us anyway. Might as well keep what dignity I have left and go down fighting. Y'all can do what you want." I pulled out the dagger from my boot; thank god I always keep that with me. Maybe I should be worried for myself...? Nah, I'm just overly-paranoid is all. Never go anywhere without a weapon. You never know when you can't transform.

     The others all stared at the dagger in my hand in amazement and horror. "You carry a dagger in your boot?!" Nath exclaimed.

     "Doesn't everybody?" I replied. He shook his head. "No? Well it's better to be prepared to protect yourself than die, am I right?"

"I guess so, yeah, you've got a point," they all said.

"Anybody know how the living heck to trick this girl into giving us the miraculous?" I asked.

"I've got an idea!" Ladybug exclaimed. "Nath, better start stripping because you've got a lady to seduce."

Nath blushed a bright red that matched his hair. "Uh, I-i don't think so."

"Aw, come on! Do you really think she would listen to any of us?" Ladybug complained. "Your sex appeal is our last hope...oh my god I never thought I'd live to see this day. We're all going to die tonight."

     "He doesn't need to strip, Bug. Just have him talk to her; surely he can make her see reason without undressing," I said.

"If you say so," Ladybug agreed. "I think you're just afraid things might happen..."

"Great mother of Hades, Ladybug...I'm not even going to say anything."

"I agree with (Y/n). I'm not going to undress," Nath announced. I sighed with relief.

"Well, lets go, guys. Nath's got him a girl to talk to." Chat wiggled his eyebrows. Ladybug and I followed him and left Nath there alone. Nath gave me a tiny smile before I left.

"Je t'aime," I whispered.

3rd person point of view
     Abeille finally saw Nath waving at her from the top of the Eiffel Tower. He smiled at her and she flew down to hug him. "Senpai finally noticed me~." Abeille whispered. Nath squirmed a bit but knew he had to act happy to see Abeille.

     "Glad to see you, Abeille," said Nath.

     "Ah, so you know who I am?"

     "Why of course I do... Sawyer."

Abeille squealed happily. "I'm so happy I could kiss you!" She exclaimed, then did so. Nath tried his best not to squirm when this happened. His hands were in Abeille's hair as she kissed him and suddenly he jerked the comb from her hair. Her caramel locks fell to her waist and she gasped, backing away from Nath as she de-transformed. "Nath...?"

He smirked. "That was a lot easier than I had thought it would be...anyhoo, I'll need to cut my lips off after that, but if I do that I can't kiss the person I want to kiss. I'll just boil them. That'll work." He had gone from smug to awkward in a matter of seconds. That's Nath alright.

Sawyer was on her knees, tears streaking her eyes. "Why?"

"You stole from my (Y/n). For that, there should be hell to pay, but I'll be nice to you, just this once." Sawyer's tear-streaked eyes widened at the threat. "You have no power, Sawyer, as much as you'd hate to admit it. You can never separate me from my (Y/n). Run on back to Hawkmoth if you'd like but there's nothing either of you can do."

Sawyer shakily stood up, wiped the tears from her eyes, and ran to the elevator. She was humiliated and was powerless to change Nath's hatred towards her. Well, he didn't hate her, but he was close to hating her. He didn't want anyone to get between him and his (Y/n) ever again. She would be his until the end of time, and even after that. She was his, and he was hers. He waited for the next elevator to arrive so he could find his (Y/n).

Your point of view
Ladybug looked at Chat. "You didn't seem very surprised that (Y/n) was Abeille," she told him.

"That's because I already knew," he said nonchalantly.

"Seriously?! When did she tell you?" Ladybug demanded.

Chat shrugged. "I forgot. A few weeks ago."

"I thought we all agreed to keep our identities a secret!" Ladybug whined.

"Well all is not lost, my lady. You still don't know who I am, and I don't know who you are," Chat purred.

"I suppose," Ladybug huffed.

Nath suddenly walked into the bakery. "Seriously? You guys hid at Marinette's place?"

"Where were we supposed to hide, (Y/n)'s house?? That's the first place Sawyer would've looked!" Chat said. I ran to Nath and tackled him in a hug. He roughly kissed me, his hands snaked around my waist protectively.

"That was awful. I don't want to deal with that psycho again. I just want to stay here with you...forever," Nath said. For some reason, he whispered the word forever. I wonder why, but don't think too much of it. "I don't want to live forever unless I get to spend forever with you," he whispered.

I giggled a little at his romantic words. "Nath...there are other people here..." I said, a little embarrassed.

"No, don't mind us," Ladybug said. "We were just about to leave." Chat had already left, and Ladybug sighed upon seeing this. She threw her yoyo and disappeared.

"I wouldn't care if a million people were watching me right now, (Y/n)," Nath said. "You are mine, and I am yours, and that's that." I smiled as I pulled him in for another kiss.

Hello, my lovelies. Author-chan here to say sorry for the long wait! But yay! We finally have an update and a slightly yandere Nath! Yeah Nath's gonna go full out yandere in the future so be prepared...I have a feeling the future chapters are going to be very violent- uh I mean the next chapters will definitely not include people dying hehehehehehehehehhehehehehehe buy gold byeeeee~

      ~Much love, Author-chan

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