Missed me, now you've gotta kiss me

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Your point of view
    It had been a week since I had held my sleepover and Nath and I were currently walking through the park together. I then smirked as I had the best, yet most childish, idea ever. "Tag! You're it!" I yelled childishly as I tapped Nath's arm and ran away. He rolled his eyes.

     "Leave it to you to turn a romantic stroll through the park into a childish game," he said, but ran after me. We ran all the way through the park until we made it to the Eiffel Tower. I ran onto the elevator and pushed the button. As the elevator closed, I saw Nath running towards the Tower and I giggled.

Nath's point of view
I couldn't believe (Y/n) was being so childish. Well, actually I take that back. I completely believed it but I still wished we could just hang out as boyfriend and girlfriend. Since she had already taken the elevator, I rushed for the stairs.
After what felt like hours of climbing, I made it to the top and flopped onto the ground, exhausted.

(Y/n) giggled and looked at me. "Looks like I won," she said and laughed victoriously.

"Not so fast," I tried to yell but in reality my voice was barely a whisper thanks to my exhaustion. I reached my hand out for her but she jumped away.

"Missed me, missed me, now you've gotta kiss me!~" She sang exuberantly.

"(N/n)..." I trailed off, gasping for breath. "I'm too tired for that!"

"Oh! Here, I've got some water in my backpack," she said, handing me a water bottle as I gave her an 'oh my gods, seriously?!' look. I snatched the water and drank it all. I took a few more deep breaths before finally standing up. "Sacré Bleu! He lives!"

"Oh, hardy har har," I said sarcastically before beginning to walk back down the stairs.

"Are you forgetting something?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and returned to the top of the tower, kissed her lightly on the lips, and started walking back down.

"Wait!" I sighed and bounded up the stairs again. -_- "You do realize we could just take the elevator, right?" She asked. I facepalmed. Why didn't I think of that? The elevator dinged and the door opened. (Y/n) and I walked into the elevator together, hands intertwined.

"(N/n)~" I cooed.

"Yes...?" She responded.

"Why did you do that? What was the point of all of this?!" I nearly yelled. Her (e/c) eyes were huge. My tone had changed very quickly, startling her.

"I-I'm sorry for wasting your time. But didn't you find this game fun?~" she replied.

      "No. Not in the slightest. Climbing dozens of flights of stairs to kiss my girlfriend isn't really my definition of 'fun'."

      "Well, I'm sorry. What would you rather have done?"

     "For starters, I would have preferred not having to chase after you across the city. It also would have been nice if we could've had a picnic or something. You know, just hang out and talk. Like normal people do."

     "Nath, did you just say I'm not normal?"

     "I just mean that this was a little crazy, what you did today."

     "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm really a childish idiot, aren't I?" She laughed and I joined; she just had this contagious kind of laugh you couldn't help but laugh along with.

      "Yeah. You really are."

      "How can I make it up to you? I'll do anything!"

      I smirked. "Anything?"

      Her eyes narrowed. "What are you planning, Kurtzberg?"

      I shrugged. "Nothing...much." I grinned devilishly and (Y/n) sighed.

     "Oh gods...what have I gotten myself into now?" I held up my hand, ready to answer but she pushed my hand back to my side dismissively. "Don't answer that."

      "And it'll come when you least expect it, so be prepared!" I warned. She rolled her eyes.

      "You know, why don't we just kiss and make up," she suggested, inching towards me until I put up a hand.

     "Nah-ah-ah," I protested. "Not until you say you love me."

     She laughed, going into hysterics. "That's all?! I've told you that before! I love you!"

    "You've never been in love with me. I want to hear that," I said, smirking.

     "Nathanaël I-don't-know-your-middle-name Kurtzberg, this is very unlike you."

     I shrugged. "Does it really matter?"

     "Fine," she huffed in defeat. "I'm in love with you. I admit it." I snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her slowly. She had her arms wrapped around my neck, her fingers tangled in my scarlet hair. She finally broke away and smiled. "Now are you glad we did this 'crazy, childish' thing?"

Your point of view

I was simply blissful after that time spent with Nath, but my kwami wasn't that happy, and she made that clear as we sat on the sofa in my room.

"Yuck!" Zirea complained. "You really need to stop dragging me with you to these things! It's disgusting!"

I rolled my eyes. "It would be nice, I agree, but I can't just leave you out in the open for villains to take."

      "Still! Stop being so gushy and romancy and in love! I spent that whole time wanting to barf!" Zirea exclaimed.

      I huffed. "Fine. I'll just leave you alone and take my chances of you being stolen by an akuma victim for Hawkmoth."

      Zirea crossed her smol arms angrily. "I hate when you're right."

     I smirked. "I know you do!~" I sang. Suddenly my phone beeped. It was Nath. (Yeah, I already had his number, you know since we were best friends.)

The tomato child: Heya cutie

Me: Oh my gods you did not just type that

The tomato child: Why yes I did

Me: Oh my gods. Is this what it's going to be like dating you?

The tomato child: Pretty much

Me: It's a good thing you're so darn adorable

The tomato child: What does that have to do with anything?

Me: If you weren't so adorable than I would've surely kicked you in the face by now

The tomato child: As if. No one would dare hurt the precious Nathanaël Kurtzberg, especially not you, mon amour!

Me: Arrêtz ça, arrêtz ça!

The tomato child: Je t'aime

Me: Je t'aime

The tomato child: Bonne nuit, mon amour

Me: Bonne nuit, mon amour

Zirea stuck her tongue out at me and I powered off my phone. I placed the phone on my bedside table, doing the same with Zirea and then I cuddled up in bed for a good night's sleep.

French Glossary:
(Yeah I decided to add some French words and phrases to *does jazz hands* spice things up.

Mon amour~my love

Arrêtz ça, arrêtz ça!~stop it, stop it!

Je t'aime~ I love you

Bonne nuit~ goodnight

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