Yandere Intensifies

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Nath had been gone for twenty minutes and (Y/n) was starting to wonder about him. Finally, he was back.

     "What 'business' did you have to attend to that took so long?" (Y/n) asked innocently, oblivious to what had happened.

     "I killed her," he whispered in his (Y/n)'s ear.

And now...

     "Excuse me, what?" She asked, unsure if she had heard him right.

     "Did you not hear me the first time, mon cheri? I killed Sawyer," he told her.

      She shook her head in denial, head in her hands. "No. No you wouldn't. Surely not. That's not my Nath, the one I fell in love with. You're not the same person, Nathanaël."

"Of course I'm not the same person. You've changed me."

"Well change back!" She exclaimed.

He chuckled. "Afraid I can't, my dear, as much as I'd like to for you. I've grown accustomed to it now, and you will soon enough."

     "I can't believe you did that! There...there's no way."

     He smirked. "Would you like me to prove it to you? I'll show you what's left of her if you'd like...~"

     "No!" She yelled, and he laughed.

     "I easily killed her, and I can easily kill you as well if you resist me, so tread lightly, dear."

     Her eyes widened. She was in shock that this was the same Nath she had kissed on top of the Eiffel Tower, the Nath that had texted her calling her 'cutie', the Nath that always drew covers for her books.

     It couldn't be. She was in denial, even though she knew there was no point in denying it, she still denied it. She had to deny it to keep what was left of her sanity. "I'm having a nightmare is all," she said to herself. "That or I'm going insane! I'm hallucinating! Someone drugged me! None of this is real!"

Nath laughed at her words. "No, my dear," he said as he pulled her closer to him. "This is completely and totally real." She squirmed at his touch, wanting to get away from this killer. "Feisty, are we?" She finally gave up, knowing it was pointless to try and get away.

     He finally loosened his grip on her and she ran to Alya. "Alya! I've got to go home right now!"

     "What's the rush, girl? You and Nath were getting so romantic!~" Alya gushed.

     "You don't understand...." (Y/n) trailed off. "I have to go home."

"Is it your parents? Did something happen?" Alya was worried for her friend.

"Uh...yeah. I forgot my parents said I had to be home by 10," (Y/n) lied.

     "Oh, then you're late!" Alya exclaimed, checking the time on her phone. "I'll go find my friend and we'll get going."

Alya ran off, leaving (Y/n) alone and free for the taking. The last thing (Y/n) saw was Nath's long fingers covering her mouth so she couldn't scream. Then she blacked out.

(Y/n) awoke to hear Nath humming a tune nearby. She took a look at her surroundings and saw she was in a dark room tied down. She let out a yelp.

He chuckled. "No need to worry, my sweet." He caressed her cheek as he said this. "You're safe here with me."

"Where am I?" She said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"That's unimportant," he assured her. "The point is that we're together."

"N-nath?" He pressed a finger to her lips and shushed her.

"It's okay."

"You're not going to rape me are you?"

"(Y/n) what are you talking about? No I'm not going to rape you. God, I'm worried about you now..."

"Okay. Just making sure. I know nothing good comes from being kidnapped by a yandere."

"Yandere? Is that what I'm considered now?"

"Well you did kill a person. Why did you even do that?"

"I already told you. She was in our way."

"Yandere!" She sang.

"Call me what you want, mon cheri, but the problem is if you stop loving me." She said nothing in reply, until...

"Why am I here?"

He chuckled. "You were leaving the dance without telling me. That's not something a proper lady does, now is it? You shouldn't just abandon your date."

"So you knocked me out and took me wherever the crap we are now. Can I leave?"

"I don't know about that. What's in it for me?~"

"Depends on what you want. Keep in mind I'm underage for anything dirty and so are you so get your mind out of the gutter."

He laughed. "That's not what I had in mind, actually. Maybe you're the dirty minded one.~" She rolled her eyes. "I just want you to call my name. Say you're mine. Say you'll never love anyone else the way you do me."


"Are you questioning me?" He asked, an angry glare in his eyes.

"N-no. Of course not."

"Then say it."

"I love you, Nathanaël. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else and ever will." His expression softened and his lips curled into a smile.

"That was nice, (Y/n). Now then, let's get you out of here." He gave her a long kiss before she blacked out again.

She was back at home, in her room. She was no longer wearing her dress, instead she had her pajamas on. But who had changed her? Her hair was still left in the braid, although it was messy. She felt fine, except for the knowledge that her boyfriend was a yandere who had killed a girl the night before.

She grabbed her cell phone from her bedside table and saw her miraculous sitting there and a sleeping Zirea. She hadn't even thought about Zirea! She turned her phone on to see eighty seven new messages from Nath, just from the past five minutes.

Tomato Child: Hey are you awake?
And eighty six more unopened messages from Tomato Child

Me: Yeah I just woke up. Why did you message me eighty seven times?
Tomato Child: I was just wondering if you were awake or not

(Y/n) changed Nath's contact name to Yandere Tomato after that message.

Me: yeah I could tell
Yandere Tomato: got any plans?
Me: no why?
Yandere Tomato: I was wondering if I could come over
Me: uh idk I'll ask my parents
Yandere Tomato: okay

(Y/n) went downstairs to the kitchen to see her mum cooking bacon pancakes. "Ooh yummy! Bacon pancakes!"

"Yeah I thought you'd be happy," her mother replied.

"Mum can Nath come over today to hang out?" (Y/n) asked.

"As long as you two behave," her mum said.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Please Mum, you don't have to worry about us."

She ran back upstairs and grabbed her phone to text him back.

Me: You can come over. Mum said as long as we behave xD
Yandere Tomato: No promises~
Me: I'm starting to regret this -_-
Yandere Tomato: Lol I'll be right there
Me: okay

She scooped Zirea into her palm and looked at the bee kwami, smiling. "Long time no see, friend." Zirea's little wings fluttered as she woke up.

"(Y/n)! That was awful! I hope that Sawyer chick falls over dead! She made me be evil temporarily, ugh!" Zirea whined (which seems to be the only thing she can do).

"Don't say that, Zirea! She...she was killed last night. And I know who did it, too. He told me himself."

"Who is it, Nath?" Zirea joked. Then she saw the serious look on (Y/n)'s face and her grin faltered. "Seriously?!?!"

"He's kind of crazy. I think he's become a yandere but that's just me."

"Why would Nath of all people commit murder?!" Zirea shreiked.

"He said she was 'in our way'," the girl did air quotes.

"Now that just screams yandere."

      "I know, right? He'll be here any minute, so uh just hang out I guess."

      "Don't I need to hide?"

      "He knows."

      "You told him? Are you insane?"

"No, it was when Sawyer took my miraculous. He saw me de-transform." Zirea nodded her smol head.

At that moment, (Y/n) heard the doorbell ring and stumbled down the stairs. "Nath's here!"

Her mum giggled. "You seem way too excited," she noted.

"Oh well. I don't care." (Y/n) opened the door and there Nath stood, a croissant in hand.

"I thought you would be hungry," he said, handing her the croissant. She hugged him and then began to happily nibble her croissant. "Hello, (M/n)," Nath greeted (Y/n)'s mum politely.

     "Hello, Nath. (Y/n) seemed awfully excited that you came to visit." (Y/n) blushed a bit and he chuckled.

      "Now did she?" He said, putting an arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders.

     "I wasn't that excited, Mum," (Y/n) pouted.

     "Now now, it's okay," Nath said reassuringly. "No need to be embarrassed."

     "Nath, would you like anything to eat? I'm making bacon pancakes and they're about done," Mrs. (L/n) offered.

     Nath shook his head. "Thank you, but I ate before I came." He held (Y/n)'s hand. "If you'll excuse us."

"Behave, you two!" (Y/n)'s mum said.

"Can I show you something?" (Y/n) asked as she led her boyfriend up the stairs.

"Uh, I guess so," he said. (Y/n) turned the doorknob to her room and Zirea flew to her.

"(Y/n)! Nath." Zirea said Nath's name with a tone seething with hatred. "You two are together in the same room as me. Great. I'm just simply dying to see you two doing what you do best: being a disgustingly romantic couple." She gagged.

"Zirea! Manners!" (Y/n) scolded her kwami. "Nath, this is my kwami, Zirea. She goes just about everywhere with me so she's been with us when we were on dates and stuff. She hates it but I can't leave her at home. God knows who would take her if I left her alone. She'd even go willingly if they offered watermelon..."

"Not true, (Y/n)!" Zirea argued, then she sighed in defeat. "Maybe it's a little bit true..."

Nath chuckled a bit. "Nice to meet you, Zirea."

"He doesn't seem like a yandere," Zirea whispered to (Y/n).

Nath laughed awkwardly. "So you told her I was a yandere," he stated. (Y/n) nodded, but was shaking with fear. She was afraid he would kill Zirea, or herself, or both. "Why are you trembling?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her gently. She buried her head in his chest, comforted by his touch although she had been terrified moments before. She didn't know why she felt the way she did around him nowadays, she would be comforted by him even if she didn't want to be. He just had this power over her that she didn't understand and didn't feel like questioning.

"I-I told her. I hope you-you're not m-m-mad at me-e," (Y/n) stuttered.

"I'm not mad at you, my (Y/n)," Nath said. She sighed with relief. "You just need to be careful not to tell the wrong person."

He let go of her and she whimpered. He laughed as he held her again. "Separation anxiety?" He grinned. He loved that she needed him, but he also loved to tease her.

"Yeah yeah, shut up." She snuggled up close to him.

Zirea gagged again. "I'm gonna go away. Maybe sneak some watermelon from the kitchen." Zirea flew out of the room leaving Nath and (Y/n) alone.

"You told her about what I did, didn't you?" Nath asked angrily, though he still held (Y/n). She wished in that moment that she hadn't let him hug her, hadn't given in to her need for comfort. She wiggled around but that only made him tighten his hold on her.

"I'm sorry!" She said, her eyes glistening with tears. "Don't hurt me!"

"I won't hurt you...yet," he told her. His voice was deep and menacing, and filled her with dread.

"Please don't hurt me, Nath. Please," she whispered. "I won't tell anyone else as long as I live."

"Why shouldn't I hurt you?" He asked curiously.

"I thought you loved me...if you love someone you would never try to hurt them," she told him.

"If you love someone you keep their secrets as well," he said in contradiction. "Ah, well. That was a misjudgment on your part, but the kwami has no one to tell anyway. Be glad." He smiled as he let go of her. He pecked her lips and walked out the door. "I'll leave now, I suppose. I'll see you again soon."

      (Y/n) looked for her phone. She had to somehow make an anonymous tip to the police about what Nath did, but not until she could gather some evidence. God, I hope he doesn't kill me when it's all said and done, she thought. She was terrified, but Nath had killed a person. She couldn't let him get away with that. She would find out where the remains were being kept, and record him saying it all, and turn it all in to the police. Surely it wouldn't be that hard, would it?

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