Love is blind!

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Thank you everyone for the votes and comments for the previous os, 'Mr.Ape vs Ms.Guinea pig.'

I wrote this story in my other os collection. Thought to write it in Abhigya's version. Hope you like it.

Happy reading📖😘❤!

Pragya's POV!

"Pragya!! Wake up and get ready dear! It's already past 6!" Sarala, My maa's voice came making me to open my eyes lazily. I took calculative steps and opened my window.

Like others, I can't see the sunlight yet I can feel the warmth as sunrays touched my skin. I smiled murmuring a 'good morning' to Mr.Sun.

Today is a special day in my life. Entering into my restroom, I completed my morning ablutions. I wore the chudidhar which my mom kept on the bathroom hanger as usual. Since I can't see anything, she always selects my dress and accessories.

Brushing my hair, my maa farded me mildly. She then flipped saying that 'You're looking so beautiful and your furture hubby should be lucky to have you in his life'.

I mentally sighed. "Ma please! Don't start this today! I have to maintain my good mood so just stop it now. No one will marry a blind girl like me! And I also don't want any pity-love or regret-love from anyone. I'm happy and contented with how I'm and what I have." I tried to explain.

"I know you baby. It's just that I can't die in peace if I didn't see you with someone who took care of you like us. You're too innocent in this cruel world. And We can't be there with you always so I have to make sure of your safety before we leave this world." My maa said her usual dialogue. She'll never understand or change!!

"I beg you to disagree mom. I'm strong enough to take care of myself. I may not have sight but I have strong bones and brown belt in karate! Did you forget? And also you and papa is not going to leave me any time sooner. Did you think that you'll escape from me this much earlier? No! You have to bear me for lot more years. Or did you think me as burden like others?" I asked her playfully but her eyes welled up immediately.


"Shut up Pragya!! Don't talk like that! You're our only princess!! We didn't think for even a second that you're our burden! You're so precious to us raag! And you'll know what I'm trying to say when you see the right person. He'll bring the light to your dark life." She said in tears. I kissed her cheek. Hugging her, I patted her shoulder in a consoling way.

I don't want someone to bring light which I can't able to see ma.

As much as anticipated to tell this, I chose otherwise because I don't want to stress her more. I smiled.

Having my breakfast, I entered my papa's car and made myself comfortable. I asked my papa to turn on the radio. I heard the tamil song 'kannana kanne' from 'Nanum rowdy than' movie.

The lyrics sends me positive vibes and confidence. It was like god is saying the lines through the lyrics. I rested my head at headrest closing my eyes.

Today is the most awaited day in my life. I'm going to recording studio to sing a chorus for  a song. It was like dream comes true. Despite, this is just a chance for chorus not a main lead singing, I'm more than happy for my first chance.

It's my dream since when I turned 13 years old. I'm blind since birth. My maa and papa neither hate me nor regret giving birth to me. They loves me more than anything. Because of me, they didn't give birth to another child as they want to look after me with full care and attention.

I can't thank them enough. They didn't make me feel that I have disability, that I'm not a normal child till now. They treat me and talk with me carefully not mentioning about my disability.

In fact, Till 12 years old I never thought that I'm blind and I'm different from others as my parents sent me to blind school and never allowed me to attend any other function that they don't want me to hear some rude or rubbish comments from others.

They didn't even welcome any of our relatives to our home. It's just my grandma, and maternal aunt who came to see me once in two months. They too loves me like my parents. Otherwise, I don't even talk with much of my relatives. Let alone talk, I didn't even know their names.

It was when I'm 13 years old when I felt that I'm a burden for my parents and I'm not normal and I can't get normal even if I wish.

And it's because of my adamant nature!! Yes, I literally cried and made a hunger strike to allow me for my aunt's daughter engagement and wedding. They gave in and brought me there. But that day became the worst day in my life.

I still remember that day..

Today is my cousin's engagement! I'm going to attend some function for the first time in my life! I can't express how happy I'm!

My amma asked me to not to roam or run everywhere. But I'm in no mood for that. I ran here and there with the help of my stick. Someone asked me hastily to give the juice to my cousin. I guess they didn't know that I'm blind. They mightn't see my face.

Anyway! I know about the place well as my amma toured me carefully as she don't want me to hit by wall or gets injured. So I took calculative steps to my cousin's room.


I collided with someone and I heard the glass shattering sound which I brought juice. I gasped.

"What the hell! Are you blind? You spoiled my shirt!!! You stupid girl!!!" I heard one boy's voice. He yelled at the top of his lungs. I frowned.

"Yes!! I'm blind! But don't you have eyes? Can't you see who's coming in front of you? You idiot boy!!" I yelled in the same tone.

"What the heck! After ruining my shirt, you have the nerve to yell at me?" He sounds extremely annoyed.

Don't he have slight humanity to not yell at a girl like me?

"What is happening? Why she's yelling at you baby? Oh my! Who did this to you babe? I heard some girl's voice. Then I heard her gasp. Probably he pointed towards me.

"You stupid girl! What have you done? And to the top of this, you're yelling at him! How dare you!" She asked me furiously.

"What happened da? Any problem? I heard some middle aged woman voice.

"Yes ma! See she ruined my friend's shirt and she's yelling at him! Who is she? Who invited such low manners people?" That girl before complained to the woman, I guess.

"Oh my! Are you Raghuveer bhaiya's daughter? Pragya?" That woman asked me in a surprised tone. I nodded.

"God Tanu! She's your uncle's daughter! And she's blind." That woman told to that girl.

"I'm your maternal uncle's wife, your aunt girl! Your father never allowed me to see or near you since I asked him to put you in orphanage when we came to know about your disability to see. By the way, where is your dad?" She asked me.

"He's with grandma, I guess. I said little hesitant by her statement." I guess she left by hearing her footsteps.

"Haa! If you're blind, then go and sit somewhere! Why are you roaming like you own this place! And don't insult my guests you blind girl!

I heard that uncle never allows you to any functions, I guess it's because he doesn't want to get embarrassed showing his blind savage daughter to this world!" She said venom dripping in her words.

"Excuse me Ms.Tanu! Don't use that tone to me! I may be blind but I'm not weak! Do you want to know how strong my bones are? I'll gladly show you my karate skills if you talk once again like this! And I didn't insult your inhuman guests.

And now I understand why my parents are too adamant to bring me to functions. They didn't want me to be in place where barbaric people like you exists." I said furiously.

"How dare you talk like that to me? Do you know who you are? You're just a burden for everyone! You can't even do your things without others help!! You can't achieve anything.. Let alone achieve, you can't even earn and make your parents happy like others! You're challenging me?" She said furiously. I took a deep breath. Before I could answer, I heard that boy's voice.

"Tanu! Enough! Come with me now! And I'm sorry Pragya.. It's my mistake!" He said before I heard stomping sound and foot steps.

I know she's no worth for me to think, But the words she said hit me like hell. Is it true that I can't make my parents happy like other? Is it true that I can't earn money? Is it true that I'm a burden for my parents and everyone? Am I not capable of being independent?

And the answer for the last question is yes! But can I overcome this dependence and make myself independent? Yes! I can!

Though I felt little low, I tried to be positive. But the idiotic and unsympathetic comments from my relatives made me to rethink. They literally scolded my parents for not disowning me.

Being irritated by the comments, my papa dragged me to our home that day itself not daring to attend the wedding. I cried and questioned them about my insecurities and am I burden for them.

My maa literally cried and scolded me for talking rubbish! Then they both made me understand that I can achieve if I'm willing to. I love and had natural talent in singing.

So my parents made me to learn singing and said me that I can achieve in this field and I don't need anyone's help or pity in this field to achieve. If I have talent, I'll be the best singer in few years. So I made a pledge to become a singer and make my parents happy and proud of me..

I jerked from my thoughts when I heard my papa's voice.

"We're here da. Are you okay? Be confident and do. okay?" He asked me in concern.

"Yes papa! I'm more than confident. Besides, I'm just going to sing in chorus. There's lot more to come pa." I said with a smile. He squeezed my hand lovingly.

"Okay baba! But are you sure that you don't want me here? Why are you sending me not allowing to wait for you?" He asked me.

"No pa. I can manage. I don't want you here as I want to prove myself that I can be independent atleast for hours. So go and come in afternoon okay?" I said him in assuring voice.

"Okay beta! If that's what you want! Be careful and call me when the recording gets over okay?" He said. I nodded. Then he left after bringing me inside the studio.

"Are you all ready? Can we start?" I heard someone's voice.

"Yes sir!" I heard girls voice. Might be chorus singers like me. I heard foot steps making me assume that they're going to recording room.

"How are you Pragya? Come I'll help you to the recording room!" I heard familiar voice. It's my singing class teacher. I smiled at her and she led me to RR. She's the one who offered me this chance.

"Be calm and sing embracing the soul of lyrics. The music director is young but quite short tempered. So don't get panick and lose your composure if he yell or scold anyone. Okay?" She said lovingly. I nodded giving her my best smile.

Soon, everything got ready and the recording started. The music went off in middle. I don't know what happened.

"Aaliya please! If you don't know how to sing, then don't waste my time here! I already explained about the rhythm and everything! But seems like you didn't even listen my instructions then! Did you went to your dreamland when I explained you about the song?" A male voice echoed soundly in the room.

"So.. Sorry Abhishek.. I'll try once more." A sweet female voice said in a apologetic way.

"Okay! Start again!" He sounds little annoyed.

Again within few seconds, the music went off.

"Damn it Aaliya!! You're just literally wasting my time here, don't you? You have only 2 chance now! If you didn't pick up the tune, then just get out!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

Then again and again, we tried for 10 to 12 times despite the fact he just gave her 2 chance, he patiently gave her some more chances. But she didn't buy it.

"Pack up others!!! Aaliya! You better back off!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry Abhishek! But you can't reject me. We made a agreement!" She whined.

"I'll pay you for the agreement but you're not allowed to sing the song. I don't want to ruin my carrier because of your careless singing. Just back off before I do something which we both regret!" He said in a warning tone.

"Okay!" She said slowly.

"Sorry everyone! Today is no recording.. So you can leave. I'll inform you the date once I finalize the better singer. Take care. Bye!" He said in a genuine calm way.

Soon my teacher came and helped me to get outside the recording room. I touched my watch and found it's just past noon. I'm feeling thirsty and hungry because of the continuous singing.

I called my papa but it was not reachable. He'll come here in half past 1 only. I decided to wait inside the studio sitting in sofa.

I heard someone's foot steps. May be workers because I heard that musicians and others left already.

"Excuse me.. Uhmm.. If you don't mind, can you bring some water for me. Please don't think I'm bossy. Its just that I can't see. So I don't know where water is." I asked.

"Here. Take this." He gave me water and that's when I realised his voice is sounds like the music director Abhishek's voice. I choked while drinking as my brain alarmed about him. He patted my head in a soothing way.

"I.. I'm sorry sir. I didn't know that you're Abhishek sir otherwise I wouldn't have ask you water." I said in a apologetic tone.

"Hey! Chill! I just gave you water and you're apologizing like you asked me to slave you.." He said with a chuckle.

"By the way, who are you? I'm sorry, I couldn't recognize you!" He asked.

"Huh.. I.. I'm here for recording. I'm one of the chorus singers." I said.

"Oh! I never seen you before. What's your name?" He said in a thinking tone.

"It's actually my first time sir. I'm Pragya arora." I said with a smile.

"Prag.. Pragya? You? Huh!?" He asked me unbelievingly.

"Why sir? Do you know me before? I'm sorry that I can't recognize your voice!" I said quickly.

"No.. No.. Nothing. Its just that my mom's name is also Pragya. That's why!" He said in a sad tone.

"I guess you're not in good terms with your mom, isn't it?" I asked.

Its one of my stupid behavior. If I thought something in my mind, I don't hesitate to ask in front of their face. I mentally facepalmed myself at my stupidity.

"I'm sorry.. I think I crossed my line. It's just that God created my mouth with extra ability which he forget to put in my eyes. Hehe..😁" I said with sheepish smile when I didn't get any response from him. He chuckled immediately.

"It's okay! Actually I don't have a mom to be not in good terms. In fact, I'm an orphan." He said.

"Oops! I'm so sorry to ask you that. But no one in this world is orphan! You have me.. I mean you might have frnds and all. So you're not orphan until the last person dies in this world." I said.

"It's okay! By the way, Thanks for the words.. It really lifted my mood. Uhmm.. Why are you waiting here?" He asked.

"That.. I asked my papa to come on half past 1 but now time is just quarter past 12. I don't want to risk my life by going out in the place where I'm not used to. And I also don't want to disturb others by asking help as I'm too stubborn to accept my disability and also I can't believe anyone easily." I said.

"You're one strong girl, aren't you?" He asked. I nodded with a smile.

"Uhmm. How about having lunch with me? It's not like I'm helping you or you disturbed me. It's just I want some company while having lunch and you're going to accompany me as a friend. What's say?" He asked.

"Okay!" I said without second thought. He's so friendly to refuse.

He led me to stairs and told me to climb down. I climbed down as I counted the stairs before. Its just 14 stairs. When I was about to land, I got tripped!

Shit! It's 15 stairs!!!

But before I could experience the pain, I was pulled by a hand gripping my wrist and I was landed on hard wall!


Wait, I'm hearing some sound inside the wall uh? It's sounding like lub-dub. I placed my ear more close to that wall to hear it clear. Woah! It's pacing up with speed making it more clear to my ears.

I was so engrossed in listening to the sound that I got annoyed when someone pulled me forcedly from the wall. I frowned.

"What're you doing?" He asked me.

"I'm listening sound inside this wall! It's so calming. Let me listen for sometime before we go for lunch." I said in which he chuckled.

I was about to place my ear again on the wall when someone pushed me back by pointing their index finger on my forehead. 

Wait! Is it possible that this wall have hands?

"It's not wall! It's my chest dummy! And if someone see you listening to this wall, then they'll come and sit here with popcorn to enjoy our free show. Do you want that?" He asked me in a teasing tone.

Embarrassed! I felt totally embarrassed! I just want the ground to open and eat me alive!!!

My cheeks heated up in embarrassment. I turned and about to climb down and again got tripped. Great!!!!

"Hey careful!!" Saying this he again pulled me but this time I didn't collide with his chest. Thank god.

"Sorry.. I.. I didn't know that it is.. I thought it's a wall as it was so hard." I said and bit my lower lip to stop my unwanted blabbering. He chuckled.

"Come let's go! I'm hungry!" He said in a jolly tone. I nodded. He led me to restaurant which was few steps away from the studio.

"What you want to eat?" He asked after  pulling a chair to make me sit.

"Anything but not too heavy! I'd prefer juice before meals as I'm extremely thirsty." I said.

Then he ordered lemon juice for me and then he ordered veg briyani for lunch. I started dig in as soon as the order came.

"So tell me something about you! I have a habit of talking while eating. I hate eating in silence. I always have meals with my friend but today he didn't come to studio as he's not well. That's why I dragged you here." He said.

I mentally frowned. So he didn't call me friendly. He just called me to do dupe for his friend? Idiot!

"Why are you so silent? What's cooking in your mind that makes you frown?" He asked me.

Is it too obvious?

"Nothing.. Just thinking.." I said in a boring tone.

"That's what I'm asking! What're you thinking?" He sounds curious.

"So you just asked me to accompany you because your friend is not here. Otherwise you wouldn't have ask me for lunch. Isn't it? Am I looking like a object for you that you can use for your emergency?" I asked him straightforward.

"Huh! Where this is came from? I didn't say like that! I'll not ask anyone to accompany me in the place of my friend. I just felt some connection with you that's why I asked you to accompany me. You really did hurt my poor heart Pragya!" He said with hurt.

Oops! I hurted him! And it created uncomfortable pain in my heart!

"I.. I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for hurting you. It's just that I'm too straightforward for my own good. I can't hold something in my mind or heart for long time." I said in the verge of tears.

"Hey it's okay! Cool down! Wipe your tears! Everyone is looking at me like I harassed you.." He said.

"Oops! I'm sorry for that! I hate hurting others and you're hurted by me made me little emotional." I said wiping the threatening tears.

"Oh my! Do you have any disease of saying sorry? It's 6th time you're saying sorry, I guess." He said playfully. I smiled.

"Is singing your passion?" He asked me.

"Yes! You can say More than passion! Singing is my life. I want to become a best play back singer and make my parents proud and happy of me. I want to give them everything which a normal girl can give." I said sincerely.

"Why are you saying like that? Aren't you normal girl? Are you a vampire or snake girl?" He asked me in a fake panicking voice.

"I'm a ghost! Booohhh!!!" I said widening my eyes, extending my hands while sticking my tongue out. He chuckled.

"If ghosts are this much cute means, then Indian boys will search ghosts instead of girls to marry." He said with a chuckle. My cheeks heated up making me blush.

"So you want to become a play back singer ryt?" He paused I nodded.

"Can you sing me a song?" He asked.

"Now? But here?.. I asked. Yes! Just assume that you're the only one in this place. It's just that I'm eager to listen your singing." He replied.

I cleared my throat. When I started singing, the whole place went silent. I sang the Tamil song 'Malargal keten' from 'Oh kadhal kanmani'.

After singing the song, I heard the clapping sound and cheering words like 'Wow! Sweet voice sis!'. 'You'll become a singer one day!'. 'All the best for you future' like that. I blushed with a smile saying thank you to everyone. But I didn't get any response from the expected person.

Why he is so Silent? Didn't he like my singing?

"Sir?? Abhishek sir??" I called him.

"Can you sing for my album?" He asked suddenly.

"What?" I tried to register what he really meant. Is he asking me to sing the song? As a main singer?

"Will you be the playback singer for my music album?" He asked.

"Are you really asking me?" I asked in pure shock.

"Yes! You have talent! I want to show that to this world!" He replied.

"Are you freaking doubting me to refuse this?? This is my best day in life!!! I'm so happy sir! Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity!" I squealed in happiness.

"Hey chill! Calm down! And stop calling me sir. I guess, we became close to use honorific! Call me by my name Pragya!" He said. I instantly blushed without knowing the reason.

"Uhmm okay sir.. I mean Abhishek.." I said.

"Good! But Abhi is enough. My close ones calls me that." He said. Is that means am I his close one?

"Huh.. Abhi.." I tried to sound as normal as I could as a blush is threatened to came on my cheeks.

"Very good! That's my girl!" He said cutely. I smiled with a blush on hearing 'my girl'

Stop it Prags! Don't behave like a teenager okay?! This kind of statements are common now a days!

"Just call me Prags. My close ones call me that. And you're my first frnd." I said with a smile.

"Oh that's cool.. Prags!" He called me cutely and I'm swooned. He laughed seeing my awkward blush.

We both finished our lunch. I paid the bill but he refused. I told him to think it as a treat for my chance for playback singer.

We started walking towards the studio. He hold my hand which gave me a secured feeling. The warmth his hand gave filled my heart.

"Prags! Can I ask you something? Please don't get me wrong. It's just my curiosity. If you don't like the question, then don't answer. Okay?" He asked while walking. I replied a 'Okay'.

"Did you ever feel that it'll be better if your eyes can see? Or did you ever cry because you can't see? Or ever wondered what and how the world look like?" He asked me carefully not addressing me as blind. Kind!

"Did you ever feel that it'll be better if you can fly? Or did you even cry because you can't fly? Or ever wondered what and how it feel if you jump from a cliff and fly to other place?" I asked him.

"Why are you asking these absurd questions? What's the use in thinking that when I know it's impossible!" He answered immediately.

'That's what my answer is! What's the use in daydreaming when I know that is impossible. These thoughts are unworthy of my time to think." I answered.

"You're so positive!" He said.

"I know right!" I said proudly with a smile.

"But I did cry one day as someone told me that I can't achieve or make my parents proud as I'm just a burden for them. But then my papa told me about some achievers.

Stephen hawking, one of the brilliant scientist who born with a rare neuron motor disease and doctor declared that he'll die before 25. But he achieved a mathematician award from Cambridge.

Then Helen keller! She can't see, talk or hear yet she proved herself to be a Author and lecturer. And Einstein! His teacher declared that he's so dumb and had learning disability yet he proved himself as scientist!

So it's doesn't matter that we're physically healthy or not! If we're mentally strong and determined, then we can achieve anything!!

Even so many people are there who are perfectly alright yet they all are not achievers or making their parents proud right?

Let alone proud, some are making their parent regret for giving birth to them by doing rape, thief and all ryt?! So not able to see is not a problem for me as far as I'm happy with what I have!" I finished my speech with a proud smile.

"You're really incredible! You became my role model! I'm so proud of being your frnd now!" He said. I chuckled.

"Don't make me look like a philosopher please! I just said what I felt!" I said.

Then we reached studio. I heard my papa's voice.

"Pragya!! Where did you go? I was worried about you!! I'm searching you here and there! Papa said and hugged me.

"Sorry pa. I felt hungry so I went restaurant with him. He's Abhi pa. He's the music director of the song album and now is my friend. And you know what papa? I got a chance to become a playback singer! I'm going to make you proud soon pa." I said.

"I'm already proud of you beta!" Papa said.

"Hello sir. I'm Abhishek prem mehra!" He said.

"Hello beta.. I'm Raghuveer! Pragya's father. Thanks for trusting my daughter's talent." Papa said.

"My pleasure sir. I should be the one to thank you and Pragya for accepting my offer." He said.

"No problem beta. Since you said you're my Prags's friend, come to our home if you have time pa. My wife will be happy to see you." Papa said.

"Sure sir! I'll come one day!" He said.

"Papa give him our address! And note my number Abhi. Its 98******12" I said. He immediately gave him. Then we bid bye and went home.
It has been 2 days since I met him! He neither called nor came to my home. He didn't even say anything about recording. I felt like I missed something with him.

Maa went to temple now and Papa went to his friends home which is so unlike them. They'll never leave me alone in this house since these years. But today, despite I asked them to stay with me, they left😏.

Today is Sunday! I don't know what to do. So I'm simply listening to some old songs in hall. I heard a door bell.

I went to open the door wondering who could it be in this time. I opened the door. I waited for them to speak but they're silent.

"Hello excuse me.. Who are you? Do you want anything?" I asked politely.

"You!" He answered. Wait! It's his voice.

"Abhi?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"You found? I thought to tease you!" He whined. I laughed and let him inside. I asked him to sit in sofa. I went to kitchen and poured him juice which I took from fridge and gave him.

"How are you Prags? I'm sorry that I didn't get time to call or text you in these 2 days. And I have one good news and one.. Something which I don't know how to call that.." He said.

"Say anything! Don't hesitate! That's my policy!" I said he chuckled.

"The good news is your recording is in next week Wednesday! That's in 10 days! I arranged everything for that!" He said.

"Wow!! Am I dreaming? Is this really true? Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much god! No! Thank you too Abhi! And what's the other thing which you can't label?" I jumped in happiness.

"Uhm.. The other thing is.. I.. I want to marry you. I love you Prags.." He paused. I stiffened.

"A..aa.. Abhi. That.." I stammered.

"Prags please don't interrupt and let me pour my feelings. That day was not the first day we met! We met before 12 years in your cousin's wedding. Yes, I'm the boy to whom you accidentally spilled the juice.

I swear I didn't know that you can't see. I just thought you're giving a comeback for my words. But when I heard what your aunt and Tanu said. I felt like shit! I dragged Tanu only because I don't want to see you hurt and also not wanting to create more drama by scolding Tanu there.

I came back to see to personally apologise to you after pouring my anger to Tanu. But you were nowhere to be found and I also expected you in wedding but all in vain.

That day onwards, you became my thinking subject! You totally occupied my brain. You even came into my dreams. Your innocent face haunted me day and night. I thought that once I apologize to you, I can live in peace and throw you out of my brain.

But I realised that I was wrong when I see you 2 days before. You not only occupied my brain but also heart without my knowledge.

When you told your view about how to live our life and all, I just want to live the life from your view with you. You really did find and entered my heart through my hard wall like chest!

I know I can't bring brightness to your life because you don't even have any idea about brightness. But I can bring a melody sweet music to your life. We will make each other life happy if we marry.

So tell me Prags! Will you be the music to make the plain lyrics like me alive? He asked.

I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. No words came from my mouth other than sobs. Do I really deserve this? Will I lead a normal life with him? And my mind bombarded with lot of 'what ifs'.

"No! Abhi.. I.. You.. No.. This will never work! I don't want to drag you into my dark life! Please stop this.. And go! I.. I can't get marry.. Let alone getting marry, I can't even think about marrying someone with my disability." I said.

"You know? the one which emits light can't see the brightness. Like that, you're unaware of the brightness you're emitting. I want you to bring brightness in my life. You're the only one capable of bringing brightness in my life.

And where's my Positive and bubbly chirpy Prags? You only said ryt? You're no different from others. Let me tell you something. I can't fly but I never thought to remain bachelor for the rest of my life just because of that. So why are you seeing it as disqualification?" He paused. I chuckled. Then he continued.

"And do you think you're blind? No! You're my eye opener! I was blind before seeing you!! Infact, everyone in this world is somewhat blinded by something like money, drugs, bad deeds and last but not least some are blinded by love like me. So please cure my love blindness by giving your love. Can you?"

He asked. That's it! The last straw to control me from hugging him was hammered down. I hugged him tightly like my life Dependant on it. I touched his eyes, nose, cheeks and lips to register his features in my mind.

When I traces his lips, he bite my finger. I pouted.

"You're playing with fire darling. Don't you know?" He whispered teasingly. I blushed burying my head in his chest.

"I love you Pragya.." He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too Abhishek!.." I said smiling while listening to his heartbeat.

We both jerked and parted when we heard cough sounds.

"Papa.." He said.

"I'm still wondering how come you melted my daughter's stubborn heart!" I heard my Maa's voice.

"Is this all planned?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, technically yes! I first asked your parents before confess to you. They agreed happily but their only worry is your reaction. I promised them that I'll make you agree and I did. By the way, you not only have to share your life but also your parents. Since I have no parents, they asked me to call them papa and maa." He said with a smile.

"I don't mind as long as they didn't transfer their properties in your name." I said playfully and they chuckled.

"Oh... I have other intentions than that cheap properties. I want their daughter *wink* " He replied playfully with including the word wink as I can't see him. I blushed. My-Our parents chuckled.

"Idiot!" I muttered turning pink. He chuckled.

"Bless us Papa and Mama.." He said. They gave us a family hug.

Sometimes giving in by listening to our heart will make us get every happiness!








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