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The sprawling campus of the university buzzed with activity, a stark contrast to Abhira's quiet corner in the library. Students moved about in a blur of color and sound, their laughter and chatter blending into a constant hum. Abhira, an introvert by nature, found solace in the library's serene, hushed environment. Surrounded by shelves of books and the scent of aged paper, she felt at peace.

It was in this sanctuary of solitude that Abhira first met him.


One afternoon, as she was deeply engrossed in her research on behavioral psychology, a sudden loud crash broke her concentration. She looked up, startled, to see a young man sprawled on the floor, books scattered around him. He had collided with a chair and was now trying to gather his scattered papers with a sheepish smile on his face.

Instinctively, Abhira wanted to stay in her seat and avoid any interaction. But something about the boy's genuine embarrassment and the humorous situation made her reconsider. She stood up and approached him.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly, bending down to help him pick up his papers.

He looked up, his dark eyes meeting hers with a mix of gratitude and amusement. "Yeah, just a bit clumsy today," he replied, his voice warm and cheerful. "Thanks for helping. I'm Arman, by the way."

"Abhira," she responded, handing him a stack of papers.

As they continued to gather his belongings, a conversation began to flow naturally between them. They discovered a shared love for classical literature and a mutual disdain for the crowded, noisy parts of campus. Arman's easygoing nature and quick wit slowly drew Abhira out of her shell.


They met each other again the next day. "Do you come here often?" Arman asked, breaking the silence that had settled as they both sat on the chairs in the library's reading room.

"Almost every day," Abhira admitted, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's my escape from the chaos outside."

Arman chuckled. "I can see why. It's peaceful here. Maybe I should visit the library more often."

Abhira's heart fluttered at the thought. "It's a good place to think," she said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.


Over the following weeks, their paths crossed more frequently. Arman would often find her in the library, and they'd sit together, sharing quiet moments and conversations that flowed effortlessly. Despite her usual reluctance to form new connections, Abhira found herself looking forward to these encounters. Arman had an uncanny ability to make her laugh, to make her feel seen in a way no one else did.


One day, as they sat on their usual corner in the canteen after a particularly long study session, Arman glanced at her. "You know, Abhira, I'm really glad I bumped into that chair," he said with a grin. "Meeting you has been the best part of my year."

Abhira felt a warmth spread through her chest. "Me too, Arman," she replied, her voice sincere. "Me too.


As the final exams loomed closer, Abhira couldn't shake the growing sense of dread. Arman's hometown was in a different city, and she knew their paths might soon diverge. The thought of losing him made her realize the depth of her feelings. She was in love with him. Deciding to confess after the final exams, she held onto this newfound hope, her heart fluttering with both fear and excitement.


One afternoon, after a particularly grueling exam, they found themselves in their usual corner of the canteen. Arman was wearing a shirt she had gifted him, and the sight filled her with a warmth she couldn't ignore. On an impulse, she decided to take his picture, wanting to capture this perfect moment forever. She discreetly pulled out her phone, aimed the camera, and clicked.

Nothing. The screen showed the empty seat where Arman was sitting. Confused, she tried again. Still nothing. When Arman realized what she was doing, his face paled.

"Abhira, I... I can explain," he stammered.

A chill ran down her spine. She felt the ground shift beneath her feet. Desperate for answers, she called over the waiter. "Can you see him?" she asked, pointing towards Arman.

The waiter looked puzzled. "There's no one there, miss."

Panic gripped her. She recalled every moment they had spent together in this canteen. She was always the one ordering, their corner was isolated,  and he had chosen it for her comfort as an introvert. The pieces started falling into place in a terrifying pattern.

She bolted towards the counter, her heart pounding in her chest. "Have you ever seen me with anyone?" she asked the staff.

They shook their heads, confirming her worst fears. She felt as if she was losing her grip on reality. Arman chased after her, grabbing her hand, pleading with her to listen. But when she looked around, people stared at her with worry, seeing her hand held up in the air by an invisible force.

She tore herself free and ran to her hostel, locking herself in her room.In a single moment, everything changed. Abhira's mind spun with confusion. Was Arman just an illusion? Or was he real? Her heart raced as she heard a knock on her hostel room door, followed by the familiar sound of Arman's voice.

"Abhira, please, let me explain," he pleaded from the other side of the door. The realization hit her—how could he be inside the girls' hostel without permission? Then she remembered—he was invisible.

"Abhira, I'm so sorry for hiding this from you," Arman continued, his voice thick with regret. "Please, give me a chance to explain."

Abhira clamped her hands over her ears, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know what's happening, Arman! Just go away. Please, I need to be alone."

"Abhira, I understand you're scared and confused. I promise I'll give you time. When you're ready, message me. I'll explain everything," Arman said, his voice breaking.

She stayed silent, and eventually, she heard his footsteps retreating. When she was sure he was gone, she slid down against the door, her strength drained. After almost half an hour when she calmed down a bit she pulled out her phone with trembling hands, hoping to find some evidence that Arman was real. She navigated to her contact list, but Arman's name was gone. All their messages had vanished. Disbelief and exhaustion washed over her, making her dizzy.

"No, this can't be happening," she whispered to herself. Just half an hour ago, he had told her to message him when she was ready to talk. Her mind reeled, and everything went black as she fainted.


When Abhira woke up, she found herself in a hospital bed, the sterile smell of antiseptic in the air. Her mother sat beside her, eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Mom?" Abhira's voice was weak, barely more than a whisper.

"Oh, thank God, you're awake!" her mother exclaimed, clutching her hand. "I got the call from your hostel. You've been out for hours."

As the doctor came in to check on her, Abhira recounted everything, from meeting Arman to the events that led her to the hospital. The doctor listened carefully before recommending she see a psychiatrist.


In the months that followed, Abhira's life became a blur of therapy sessions and self-doubt. Gradually, she came to accept the psychiatrist's explanation: Arman was a figment of her imagination, a coping mechanism born from her loneliness and introversion.

Years passed, and Abhira moved on with her life, but the memory of Arman lingered, an unresolved chapter that haunted her. She often wondered if her feelings for him had been real, if their connection had been genuine.



I started this story as a full-length fanfiction when 'Ishqbaaz' was still airing. However, I lost interest in the show and subsequently, in continuing the story. I have around ten chapters written in draft form, but lacked the motivation to publish them.

Recently, a reader's inquiry sparked the idea to condense the story into a shorter format, and release it as a two-shot. After searching for a popular current TV serial couple, I found AbhiMaan and decided to adapt the story for them. Although I'm not familiar with their TV storyline or characters, I hope their fans will enjoy this fanfiction.

Thank you for reading!

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