chapter 12

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 An hour later surkeha  had called arohi  to inform that kartik  and naira  r no more
Arohi was shocked at first and then  cut the call and started crying.
Abhi who was silent saw arohi  crying while neil asked what happened
Arohi : kartik chachu  and chachi  r no more she said hugging neil while all were shocked
Abhimanyu was shocked just recently he had seen them both and now this news when suddenly a person came into his mind
Abhi : Akshuu he whispered....
akshara was all abhimanyu could think of... they were not on talking terms after he had confronted her but for him she was still his bestie
Vidyut: we can take the flight it will save less time plus I have a friend who works at the airport so he can help us
Harsh and Anand went to get the bodies formalities done and they were told they could take it home the next day
While police had caught the person driving the car who ran away as he was scared he would get caught since he was drunk
The goenka family were all in distress nobody said a word and sat outside the ward  quietly letting the silent tears roll down their eyes.
Surekha was sad but at the moment she knew she had to handle the family as they were not in a state to do anything  while manjari  and mahima were helping her to make the rest have something
It had been an hour when the police had finished questioning the person however they still decided to bring him to the hospital to see if anyone from the family recognises him...
inspector: Mr Goenka.
Ranveer along with the rest of the family looked at the police man Except Akshara
Ranveer: ji? He said getting up walking to where the inspector was wiping his tears
Police: we just want to confirm if u or anyone know this person
Ranveer shook his head while the police officer looked at everyone at the back who shook their head
Person: I told u Saab they don't know me
Police: shut up!...Mr Goenka this is the person whose car collided with your brother car ...he was drunk that caused this accident he said looking angrily at the guy

Manish suddenly came and held the person collar

Manish: are you happy now for taking my son and daughter away from us...are you happy to ruin my families peace and no matter what there will always be soming missing...are you happy now that we will never get to hold them again he said shaking the person holding his shirt collar tightly while akhilesh came and took manish away who let his tears flow

Ranveer moved closer to the person
Ranveer: shame on people like u who drink and drive and the rest has to pay  the wont understand the pain we are feeling because it hasnt happened to your family who has lost two loving souls  he said coldly to the person who looked down in guilt
Person: I'm sorry I should have been careful
Suddenly the person felt a slap on his face...ranveer turned to look at akshara standing beside him glaring at the person
Akshara: is your sorry going to bring my parents back? your sorry going to lessen the pain in our your sorry going to make me and my family hear their voice again...she said holding his collar speaking loudly while tears were  continuously flowing
Ranveer: akshuuu let go of him.
Akshara: no he is saying sorry as if it's a small matter. But it's not ...he killed two people he killed my parents ...because of him they will never come back....they won't be there for us when we need them... we wont get to hear them calls us.
Suhasini  and swarna cried hearing Akshara worlds while Sirat, naksh, Keerti and gayu looked at akshara with silent tears rolling down.
Akshara: even if he gets life sentence won't make any difference after all we have lost our dear ones
Akshara suddenly  got pulled in a hug. She cried while hugging the person while he was comforting her rubbing her back...Akshara knew that touch... she looked up to see those eyes which were telling her that he is there for her
Akshara: Abhiii ...mumma aur papa she said pointing to one of the room and hugged him tightly hiding her face in his chest crying .... While Abhimanyu  was stroking her hair
Abhimanyu: shhhhhhhh...I'm here...everyone is here he said soothingly

Naksh: take him away inspector before we do something that we regret he said
The police inspector took the person away.
Arohi moved to sirat  and hugged her. While neil moved to kariav whereas vidyut, tanya and Juhi stood near them.
It was 4am when all had left the hospital and headed to the goenka  mansion. While the doctor told them they can collect the body later on in the day
Mahima , manjari and surekha were making calls to inform people about the loss and also to give the funeral time while tanya and Juhi offered to help and they agreed.
Akshara was sitting on her bed looking at kartik and naira picture with tears rolling down her eyes.When Abhimanyu  came and sat next to her       
Abhimanyu : Akshuuu
Akshara: what was there fault in all of this Abhii ...they didn't deserve all was going to be their anniversary in few days but fate played such game and took them away.
Abhimanyu : come here he said pulling her in a  hug
Akshara: please say na this is some bad dream..Abhimanyu  heart sank seen his bestie all broken.
Abhimanyu : Akshara...I wish if I could say that but this is the truth ....naira aunty  and  kartik uncle r no more...I know i won't be able to fill the void or none of my words r going to make u feel better but u have all of us with u Akshara...u r not Alone
Akshara closed her eyes crying while still hugging Abhimanyu  who was rubbing her arms...both looked at the smiling face of kartik and kaira  in the picture which they will never see again....Abhimanyu  wiped his tear silently

Akshara: I wish....I wish  if they didn't go to the party...they were so happy before going and we were happy to plan a surpise for them...mimi had felt something bad was going to happen and I wish if we had taken that seriously and stopped mumma and papa from going then maybe...maybe we would still be able to see mumma and papa Alive..I would get to hug  them and like Always papa would save me from mumma scolding and give me one of the bestest hug which always had his love...but now when I will spread my arm to feeling that love but instead of that love all I'll get is emptiness....emptiness only she said her voice cracking as tears continued flowing non stop

Abhi listened silently trying to control the lump that forming hearing akshara speak...he felt her shivering and pulled her close to him

Sirat was sitting in Her room with kariav head on  her lap as he had fallen asleep while crying

She was looking into space as she recalled her time with naira...when both had won awards during school days be it for boxing or dance both always shared happiness with each other...having cooking competition after getting married at goenka mansion...both sharing their pregnancy news to each other and other special and beautiful moments with them
Ranveer came and sat next to her
Ranveer:. Sirat he said in low tone placing his hand on hers...Sirat looked at Ranveer
Sirat: y did all this happen ranveer ..hours ago we all were happy and making a plan for them to celebrate their special day and then all this happened....why did this happen to them she said...her voice cracking

Ranveer himself had these questions going on but he knew for everyone he has to control himself no matter how much pain he is in
Ranveer: I know how you are feeling sirat because somewhere we all are feeling the same.. but none of this was in our hand ...sirat kartik and naira meant everything for us but now for this family especially for  kairav  and akshara we have to be matter how much pain we are in we have to handle them...we can never take their place but we have to be there for our family which is broken at the understand na ..he said cupping her face
Sirat closed her eyes sobbing silently while Ranveer moved closer  to her
Ranveer: I know this is hard  but Akshara and kariav  need our love the most...we won't be able to take kartik and naira  place but we will give them endless amount of love....just like arohi they are also like our fact they are our kids....Sirat looked at Ranveer she knew he was right and slowly  nodded.. he wiped her tears and pulled her for a  hug
Sirat looked at kariav  who was sleeping on her lap she caressed his hair while letting her tears flow. 

In akshara room
Tanya came into Akshara room to give some coffee to her and Abhimanyu ...  gayu had told her where the room is..she knocked but when she got no response she slowly turned the door nob and walked in balancing the Tray

As she entered  she saw Aksharas head was on Abhimanyu  shoulder,  his hands around her arm while he rested his head against the headboard as both of them had fallen asleep  ...she decided not to disturb them... placing the tray down she walked towards them and covered them with a blanket and left the room taking the tray with her
30 mins Later Abhimanyu  woke up because his neck was paining when he felt Akshara head on his shoulder...he didn't realise when both fell asleep...he looked at the time and saw it was 6am...he slowly made Akshara sleep properly on the bed while she frowned in her sleep. He took the photo frame and placed it back on the side and covered  her properly and left the room without making any sound
When he went down  he saw all sitting there except vansh, arohi,  kariav and Akshara who had fallen asleep
Suhasini : fate played such a dirty game na kartik and naira left happily from here not realising that this will be the last time we would see them smile and talk to us.
Mahima : maaji we can't change whatever has happened...this won't be a easy phase but after some time everyone will learn to move on. Maybe this is what god had decided...I know it will take but for everyone and for the kids especially we have to accept this harsh reality and move on

Swarna: you are right... even though it hurts knowing my son and daughter in law will never come back we have to learn to live with their memories no matter how much it pains....keerti squeezed her shoulder
Surekha : I'm  worried about Akshara and kairav
Manjari : I understand what u r trying to say surekha ji   but we all r there for Akshara and kairav... they r not alone

The birla family decided to leave from there after some time

Neil  told   Vidyut to stay at his place and he agreed while gayu told tanya and Juhi to stay at the goenka mansion
Around 9am Akshara woke up...she opened her eyes and smiled when her eyes landed on naira and kartik  pics making the reality hit back on her recalling whatever happened yesterday.
Sirat came to Akshara room and sat next to her both looking at the picture
Sirat: ranveer and kabir have gone to bring naira and kartiks bod..bod..she wanted to say bodies but couldn't utter the word
Akshara looked at her
Sirat : this is toughest time for us bacha but we have to be there for each other... to comfort each other as that is the only way we can lessen the pain
Akshara: we can only lessen it Sirat maa but we will never be able to get rid of it...never
Sirat looked at akshara and pulled her closer hugging her tightly

After some time
Kartik  and naira  bodies were been bought...while some people started to attend. Suhasini, manish  and swarma sat near them for  one last time as after this they won't be able to see them again
The gang had arrived along with the birla family
Abhimanyu  moved to hug kairav  as he always considered him as his elder  brother
Preparation were been done for the funeral while people were praying for kartik and naira  soul
Akshara and Sirat came down....seeing kartik and naira  covered in white cloth made Akshara stop in her tracks
Sirat: bacha what happened
Akshara: I....I don...don't wanttt to come down...I...I can't she said seeing them all lifeless .
Sirat: bacha
Akshara: she said shaking her head...she couldn't see her parents like that....
Abhimanyu  saw this and went towards her
Sirat: Abhimanyu  u make her understand now
Abhimanyu : Akshuuu come ...he said holding her hands
Akshara: no....I won't be able to see them go.... no please she said about to pull her hands away but Abhimanyu  tightened his grip and cupped her cheeks with the other hand
Abhimanyu : this is the only chance to see them closely Akshara after that u will never be able to see them...they won't be happy that their daughter didn't see them one last time...come and see them 
Akshara silently sobbed when Abhimanyu  said that... he started to take her down and made her sit where laid a lifeless naira and kartik  
Precrap: ...funeral....Akshara makes a decision...what happens to tanya

Thanks to those who voted and means a lot will reply back
Will be waiting for all the comments and votes so keep it coming

Lots of love sonu

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