chapter 26

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Back at the goenka house sirat was sitting in shock as swarna, suhasini and ranveer told her how they had planned to get abhira  married
Sirat: unbelievable... u r joking right?
Swarna: no we r serious.. mahima  is completely fine... we r telling the truth sirat... after akshara  came back  from the birla  house...mahima  felt the matter was more serious so me and maaji met her and manjari at neils cafe... and by chance all the kids came there too.
Ranveer: i heard maa speak to mahima ji  about akshara  and Abhimanyu  so I thought to.go and see...when I reached there I heard their convo and told about How akshara  realised  her love for Abhimanyu  and whatever happened with them after
Sirat:u guys think this will work? .. Abhimanyu  doesn't even talk to akshara  and by your talks it's clear that even akshara  isn't speaking to him.
Suhasini: how long can one stay angry from their close ones... one day their anger will melt can  be Abhimanyu  or   akshara  too we never know
Sirat:they r married now and they need to make this relation work... god please give my kids their happiness back and also make them find happiness in each other she said praying
1 hour later

Sirat and ranveer  had come to pick up akshara  while it was only mahima akshara  and manjari  as Abhimanyu, anand, parth, neil and harshvardhan had left for hospital 

Akshara was quite lost in her own world while ranveer  and sirat looked at her.. but didn't disturb her
Soon they reached to the goenka mansion. As soon as they entered inside akshara was given a warm welcome
Suhasini: finally u r here we were waiting for u since long...avni gave a small smile and hugged her.
They all chit chatted and akshara diverted her mind to enjoy time with her family
Time was actually going quick,  arohi, kairav and  vansh  were with akshara, all chilling on the terrace

soon it was 6pm and sirat had told akshara that she and Abhimanyu  have to stay back for dinner with them
Akshara:sirat ma I don't have a problem but u need to ask Abhimanyu  if he hasn't got a problem
Sirat: u don't worry about Abhimanyu  I will convince him.. akshara rolled her eyes while sirat went to make dinner... she always hated it when sirat or naira would give more attention to Abhimanyu  
around 6:30pm... Abhimanyu  stopped the car outside the goenka mansion and got out of the car... he walked in to see manish, akhikesh and Ranveer were looking at some files and vansh and kairav were talking to suhasini as they were talking about vansh new blog
Arohi who was coming down with akshara saw Abhimanyu  
Arohi: hey Abhimanyu .. as soon as arohi said that all looked up to see Abhimanyu  standing there smiling a little.

Vansh and kairav moved to hug him while manish, akhikesh and ranveer also got up
Arohi:u came to pick up akshu right
Abhimanyu :yh...Abhimanyu   said and looked at akshara who went and sat next to suhasini.
Suhasini:Abhimanyu  today u will be having dinner with us
Abhimanyu :mimi that surely is not needed u don't have to take trouble
Suhasini: of course it is needed even though u came to this house before but as a son-in-law it's your first time right. Besides we told mahima and manjari  and they said it's completely fine
Suhasini: akshu..beta come on go and get water for Abhimanyu  
Ranveer:yh  your name is akshara so go.. akshara glared at ranveer 
Akshara: I'll tell the staff
Suhasini: come on akshara u can at least get water for your own husband right
Abhimanyu :it's ok mimi I'm fine.

Gayu who came out of the kitchen heard what was been said
Gayu: what do u mean fine.. u came from work u must be thirsty...akshara go come on... akshara faked a smile and went to get water for Abhimanyu .
Ranveer: Abhimanyu  come sit with us..Abhimanyu  nodded and went and sat with the men 
Akshara entered the kitchen angrily. Sirat who was cooking with swarna and surekha saw her come in with gayu
Sirat: what happened y r u angry.
Akshara. I have been told to serve your son in law some water she said walking to the fridge taking the water out from the water despencer.. Sirat smiled a little knowing maybe suhasini must have told her .

Gayu: and there is no harm in doing that now stop complaining and go give abhimanyu some water  she said shaking her head smiling at her niece antique
Akshara came out and stood near Abhimanyu  showing him the glass of water by moving it near his face
Abhimanyu : thanks he said and took the glass and drank some while akshara went and sat down.
Soon all sat down for dinner.. Abhimanyu  was talking to everyone now and then except akshara while she didn't expect any communication from him
After dinner Abhimanyu  and akshara left after saying bye to all
The journey was actually quite akshara was looking out of the window while Abhimanyu  was looking ahead on the road
Abhira soon  reached to the khanna mansion. 

Abhimanyu  got out of the car and closed the door ...when he started to walk he realised he didn't hear the passenger door close.
He turned to look slowly and was surprised when he found akshara sleeping in the car... but how would kadhoos chidkuram birla know since he didn't look at akshara once
Abhimanyu : great how do i wake her up now

Rubbing his head annoyingly he walked over to her side and  knocked on the car window looking in the other direction but when he felt no movement he turned to find akshara was still asleep .. he tried knocking the window again louder this time but still akshara didn't wake up
He closed his eyes and opened the door and cleared his throat but it still had no effect on akshara
Abhimanyu  ; just pick her up Abhimanyu  otherwise she will sleep like this and u will be standing here the whole night 
He slowly bent and took the seat belt off and placed her one hand around his shoulder and pulled her out in his arms .. whereas akshara rested her head on his shoulder... he looked at her to see her all comfortable and headed inside after closing the car door with his foot
When he entered he saw mahima  and manjari  in the  hall while harshvardhan was busy talking to anand while parth and neil were watching something on neils phone  but all looked up when they saw abhimanyu walking in with a sleeping akshara in his arms

Abhimanyu suddenly  felt uncomfortable seen his family staring at him like that
Abhimanyu :woh she slept in the car.. I tried waking her up but she still didn't so had to carry her  he said explaining seen everyone's amused face
Manjari :so y u telling us abhi she is your wife after all.. go to your bedroom and carefully place her on the bed  Abhimanyu  nodded...
Mahima  looked at Abhimanyu  walk away with akshara and thought she needs to do something..
As soon as Abhimanyu  bought akshara to the room he stopped in his track as he didn't know if he should make akshara sleep on the bed or couch... after a lot of thinking he placed her on the bed and went to change his clothes... once he came out he turned off the lights and slept on the couch keeping his hand under his head while the other hand rested on his stomach
Meanwhile mahima told anand she is going to help manjari in the kitchen and was about to walk away when Anand stopped

Anand: mahima its best if you take proper can be done tomorrow

Mahima: I know Anand but manjari and you all have been taking care of me so much and I felt like helping her a little bit...dont worry about me ok

anand: at least have your medicine

Mahima: I already had it she said leaving the room while anand shook his head smiling and sat down to read his book

After some time mahima and manjari went to the terrace and closed the door...mahina then called swarna

Swarna who had gone to suhasini room to give milk saw mahima calling and answered

Swarna: hello 
Mahima :swarna ji  sorry for the late night call but we need to do something about akshara and Abhimanyu .. we got them married but until we don't push them things won't move ahead.
Swarna: i agree mahima... but Aisa Kya karien... she said looking at suhasini who also looked 
They  were thinking when swarna got an idea .
Swarna: mahima tomorrow is friendship day... we can plan something for that
Mahima : but what shall we do for that
Swarna: wait arohi may have an idea after all these kids do all sort of things for friendship day
Mahima : ok

Swarna told suhasini she will update her after and headed to arohi room  to see her awake as she was talking to vidyut ,neil and juhi
Swarna: aru she said closing the door while arohi looked up
Arohi: dadi do u need anything?
Swarna: haan your help..  tommrow is friendship day and I need  u to give us some idea to make akshara and Abhimanyu  anger melt
Neil: arohi put the phone on loud speaker
Arohi:haan she said taking of her headphone
Swarna: Kya haan jawaab de
Arohi: wait dadi the rest r on the line too neil told me to put it on loud speaker
Swarna: neil it's on loud speaker right now
Neil: dadi I have a solid idea
Mahima : haan toh jaldi bol
Juhi:y did it feel like we heard mahima aunty  voice

Neil: haan even I heard taiji voice
Swarna:because she is on video call at the moment
Neil: ok so usually whenever we all celebrated friendship day akshara and bhai  would usually get a friendship band and tie it around all the friends wrist
Mahima : perfect... do one thing all of u come to birla mansion in the morning with the friendship bands..
Juhi:oh one more thing  akshara always use to sing a song for all of us but it was specially for Abhimanyu since they were besties.... we should make her sing that maybe it can make Abhimanyu  melt towards akshara
Vidyut: neil we need to arrange for those friendship band asap because if Abhimanyu  leaves to go  to the hospital  then there would be no point
Neil: no worries I had ordered some last week to keep at the cafe so have few spare ones with me
Juhi; great
Swarna: thanks bacho now sleep u have to wake up early.
All said good night while swarna went back to suhasini room
Swarna: just pray that this works mahima
Mahima :same here swarna ji..
Both ended the call

Suhasini: will you tell me now she said looking  at swarna who nooded and told her
Meanwhile in abhimanyu  bedroom... akshara turned to the other side...she was sleeping peacefully until her earings started annoying her.. she slowly opened her eyes to see it was dark making her frown... she sat up to see she was on the bed and looked around to see that she was In Abhimanyu 's room.. as her eyes scanned the whole room it landed on the couch to see Abhimanyu  sleeping while her frown deepened
Akshara: we reached to the birla mansion and I didn't even realise on top of that did Abhimanyu  bring me up?. does that mean he carried me and also made me sleep on the bed she thought looking at him.. for a second a small smile came on her face but when she realised she was smiling like a lunatic she stopped recalling his words
Akshara:i should change she mumbled to herself and got up picking up her pjs and went to the washroom. After she came out she went back on the bed and covered herself with a duvet falling asleep straight away
The next day around 7am Abhimanyu  had gone to get ready while Akshara had woken up early and was already downstairs
It was around 7:30am when the gang came
Manjari : arien bacho what a pleasnt surprise...
Mahima :wow u all r here early today ... did u all plan to go out or something she asked pretending that she doesn't know y the kids r there.

Manjari handed the friendship bands to vidyut as neil had given it to her to hand it to someone from the gang
Manjari : akshara beta come out and see who is here
Akshara Who was in the kitchen came out surprised to see the gang.. while at the same time Abhimanyu  also came down.. before akshara can ask them Abhimanyu  asked them 
Abhimanyu : what r u guys doing here so early

Neil: yeah what are you all doing so early he asked pretending that even he doesnt know
Arohi:Y? are we not allowed to come here? she asked  pouting
Abhimanyu : we didn't mean that usually none of u come this early unless u r told too
Vidyut: well we do have a reason to come early today he said placing his hands around Abhimanyu  shoulder
Manjari :really what is that
Juhi: friendship day she said cheerfully. Akshara and Abhimanyu  were surprised.
Mahima : arien wah that's a great thing.
Neil:  After a long time Akshara came back from London ..We finally will get to celebrate friendship  day like before
Akshara:  we could of done that later or at night I mean it's only friendship day
Vidyut:everyone would be busy with their work so we thought let's do a small celebration before our hectic day starts 
Harshvardhan: u r absolutely right vidyut beta he said coming down with anand
Vidyut took out the friendship bands that manjari gave  gave him  and distributed it to everyone while mahima  manjari, anand  and harshvardhan looked on. There was so many as all were going to tie it on each other.
Manjari : chalo bacho start

Arohi moved to vidyut neil then Abhimanyu  while they tied one on her when she came to them
Next juhi moved to Abhimanyu  ,neil and then vidyut and they tied it on her
Akshara moved to vidyut and neil and then stood there with one friendship band and the same was for Abhimanyu  
Mahima  who was keeping an eye on akshara and Abhimanyu  saw they hadn't tied it on each other
Mahima : akshara, Abhimanyu  come on u both have to put the friendship band on each other come on tie it
Akshara looked at mahima  and then at the rest of the gang while Abhimanyu  also did the same thing
Manjari : hai bhagwan what is there to think about?... despite been husband wife u r friends too so come on tie it she said taking Abhimanyu  hand holding it up so that akshara can put it around his wrist.
Akshara slowly put the band around Abhimanyu  wrist while Abhimanyu  also did the same
Harshvardhan: manjari  you said a good thing
Manjari : Kya?
Harshvardhan: that even if you r in a relationship it's not a bad thing if u treat your partner as friends too as in that way u can understand them too as a friend
Manjari :absolutely
Neil: hey akshara sing that song that u use to sing in college.. akshara eyes widened.
Akshara:no r u mad
Vidyut:come on akshara u sing so well
Akshara:no and besides i forgot that song
Juhi:that's your excuse please sing that song
Anand: come on beta sing that song
Akshara: i really don't want to
Arohi: come on akshuuu please
Mahima :please beta.

Akshara had no option as all were telling her so she slowly nodded... all sat down while Vidyut made Abhimanyu  sit down forcefully... all were looking at akshara waiting for her to sing while Abhimanyu  looked at his hands as if something interesting is there 
Akshara looked at all who was sitting in front of her while she was the centre of attention
She slowly closed her eyes slowly singing the song Tera yaar hu main (the female version).. Abhimanyu  looked at her and saw her singing with her eyes closed
Akshara had gone back in the past while singing.. the good old days was playing in her mind
All looked at her... enjoying  listening to  her beautiful voice.
Neil got up taking arohi for a dance
While vidyut followed....harshvardhan also got up with manjari along with mahima and anand..
 all dancing hand in hand with their respective partners
Nishtha ran to abhi seen all dance and made him stand up so that he can dance with her wheras abhi smiled at her

Akshara slowly opened her eyes singing the last line and quickly wiping her tears she left from there without anyone knowing
As the song finished all clapped (except Abhimanyu ) turning to praise akshara.. but she wasn't there
Mahima :where did akshara go all of a sudden
Manjari :akshu... akshu she said calling her name loudly.
Harshvardhan: she will be here somewhere.
Mahima :Abhimanyu  go and check on her upstairs
Abhimanyu :taiji  she will be here only it's not like anyone has kidnapped her
Mahima : Abhimanyu  she said sternly while without saying anything Abhimanyu  went upstairs
Manjari :I'll check in the garden.. Mahima  nodded.
Harshvardhan went to check outside with anand .. all were worried as akshara went without saying
Arohi: i hope everything goes according to our plan.

Meanwhile akshara was on the terrace sitting on  the floor... she felt really emotional after remembering the past moments with Abhimanyu  and some with the gang while singing the song.
Akshara: y do u have to be so complicated abhi... last night I felt u probably care about me because the way u bought me in the house but no the next min your behaviour shows that u really don't care and all those thing u said comes back.. Y can't u understand me Abhimanyu ... Y ? She said closing her eyes resting her head against the wall letting the tears roll her cheeks silently
Suddenly she felt someone wipe her tears making her slowly open her eyes and was surprised when she saw the person in front of her
Akshara: Abhi was all she whispered as she stared at him in front of her
Abhimanyu  took akshara hands in his and smiled at her slowly
Abhimanyu :I'm sorry for hurting you with my behaviour akshu... I'm really really sorry.. but I know one thing I can't stay angry with u for so long I'm really sorry please forgive this bestie of yours yaar
Akshara: i hate u she said while hugging him closing her eyes... while Abhimanyu  smiled stroking her head.
Akshara opened her eyes slowly and the smile vanished from her face seen Abhimanyu  wasn't there it was all her imagination.. she smiled sadly while wiping her tears and bought her wrist up which was filled with  friendship bands on but her eyes was only on the one which Abhimanyu  put on
Meanwhile Abhimanyu  who searched everywhere saw the terrace door open and was about to come out when he saw akshara right in front of him while sitting on the floor talking to herself....a lump forming in his throat listening to her ... when she opened her eyes he slowly hid behind the door so she doesn't see him.. before his heart could tell him to go to her his ego wasn't allowing him as if telling him that his behaviour is right towards akshara
Abhimanyu  closed his eyes and moved away from the door stepping outside.. akshara looked up seen Abhimanyu  and got up slowly
Abhimanyu :everyone is looking for you downstairs... if u wanted to spend some time alone then u should have told them he said and was about to turn around to walk away when. Akshara spoke
Akshara: what do u think of yourself huh.. u can even say that nicely instead of been rude  she said walking towards him.

Abhimanyu turned towards her
Abhimanyu :so? what u did downstairs was rude to.. there is something called excusing your self not disappearing out of the blue he said angrily 
Akshara: so y does it effect u.
Abhimanyu : it doesn't effect me and it never will.. but I really hate it when my family tells me to do something when it's related to u..
Akshara: so that's not my fault deal with it.. u could just make any excuse to them
Abhimanyu :no thanks i don't need to do anything because I don't make any excuses like u
Akshara: what excues have I made... before blaming me for something think of what to say
Abhimanyu :oh i very well know what I'm saying but there is no point of explaining it to a person like u... and next time if u want to spend time alone then let a family member know instead of going away because as usual u won't think about  anyones  emotion before going except yours.. akshara again got hurt with his worlds
Akshara:enough... just enough.. u have no rights to say anything to me... no rights at all... because if u think I'll stay quiet.and listen to any nonsense u speak then u r wrong and u don't have to come looking for me because I don't want your precious time to get wasted because of me.. plus i dont need to tell u how much i care for my close ones as they can see it themselves she said
Both glared at each other while akshara left from there and soon Abhimanyu  also went down after trying to control his anger
Precrap: akshara:y r u worrying too much akshara he will come whenever he wants.. after all he is a doctor  just go to sleep she said to herself
She looked out of the window seen how it was raining a lot and closed the window after few secs
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