chapter 29

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Once akshara  dried Abhimanyu  hair she got up while he opened his eyes.
Akshara : u can sit up now.
Abhimanyu  sat straight on the couch and put on his tee shirt... Akshara  was picking up the items to take back  to the washroom
Abhimanyu : um let me help u
Akshara : no need u rest I'll do if myself she said walking to the washroom..
Abhimanyu : I'm feeling ok
Akshara : that's what u think when u r sitting but as soon as u get up and take few steps u will lose balanceso just stay seated.. she said coming out of the washroom and picked up the remaining items.
Abhimanyu  didn't say anything as he could see how annoyed akshara  is with since he was about to fall while walking to the bathroom.. right now he didn't have the strength to argue back or let's say he didn't want to do that right now as his heart was telling him to let her take care of him

It was nearly evening akshara was getting Abhimanyu 's food ready when manjari  came in the kitchen
Manjari : akshara beta I'll take Abhimanyu  food till then u eat
Akshara:it's ok manjari  ma I'll eat after
Manjari :Kya after u havent ate properly... by the time Abhimanyu  becomes well i hope u don't fall ill
Akshara: arien I did eat
Manjari :haan like half a sandwich and few pieces of biscuits now and then
Akshara bit her tounge as manjari  said that...
Manjari : u go and take this I'll come
Akshara nodded and left.
When she reached to the room she saw harshvardhan and Abhimanyu  talking
Harshvardan: look here comes Akshara... u have your dinner I'll see u in a bit he said tapping on Abhimanyu  shoulder.
As soon as he was about to walk out he saw manjari  coming with a tray.
Harshvardan: manjari  ji y did u bring this food Akshara already got food...

abhimanyu  turned to look towards the door while akshara also turned to see manjari  with the tray
Manjari : harsh the thing is while looking after Abhimanyu  properly our darling akshara isn't having her meals properly....
Abhimanyu  looked at akshara when manjari  said that while akshara looked at Abhimanyu  then manjari  
Akshara:manjari  ma I told u na I'll eat after
Manjari :yeah like finish your food in five mins and then check on Abhi ..
Harshvardan :akshara that is not right.. Abhimanyu 's health is important but so is yours.
Manjari : Abhi   I'm leaving her food here make sure she eats and u also eat
Now Abhimanyu  was surprised... but he somehow nodded
Manjari :I'll come and check on you both in a bit
Akshara placed her food on the other side of the bed and got Abhimanyu 's food... she was about to sit down and lift the spoon to feed him
Abhimanyu :stop?
Akshara:what happened?
Abhimanyu :u eat
Akshara : I'll eat after.. first u eat as u need to take medicine.. Abhimanyu  held her wrist stopping her from feeding him
Abhimanyu :mom can come anytime... if she sees  u haven't ate then the amount of food will be doubled... and u should know her from childhood as she has done that many times
Akshara looked at Abhimanyu  and her gaze slowly moved down to his hand on her wrist..
Abhimanyu : so just eat and I'll have my food.
Akshara:ok...Abhimanyu  removed his hand from her wrist
Akshara went and sat on the couch taking her food.. while Abhimanyu  was not useto eating on the bed... he saw akshara getting ready to eat and thought of sitting on the couch next to her but by accident he dropped his soup.
Abhimanyu : shit he said seeing the mess on the floor. Luckily the bowl didn't break .. Akshara went towards him to see what had happened
Akshara: u ok? How did this happen?
Abhimanyu :I was about to get up and the bowl fell by accident
Akshara:like seriously would it hurt your ego if u asked for help ..but nope even though u r ill u want to do everything yourself.
Abhimanyu :u was eating so I didn't want to disturb u
Akshara:yah right.. y did u get up she asked after trying to calm herself down.
Abhimanyu :I thought of sitting on the couch and eat
Akshara:u could have said ....I wouldn't eat u. Let me get more food for u till then sit on the couch
Abhimanyu : no first finish and then get it he said coughing a little.. Akshara made him sit on the couch and went to get his soup without listening to him
Abhimanyu  eyed akshara food after few mins
.. he actually hates having khichdi and soup.. he looked towards the door and back at akshara plate even though he knew he wouldn't be able to taste anything properly due to his taste buds, he still wanted to eat it .. without wasting a second he looked at the paratha and chilli paneer and began to eat it
Akshara came back with the soup when she stopped seen Abhimanyu  eat her food.. for a sec she smiled seeing the way he ate but then after she realised that he shouldn't be eating all this at the moment
Abhimanyu  stopped when he saw akshara... he held the piece of paratha wrapped around the paneer and then looked at akshara and then at the paneer
Akshara:Abhimanyu  u shouldn't be eating this right now.
Abhimanyu : it's ok I'm...
Akshara:no u r not fine... not fully and until u r not better like before u won't be eating this..  she was about to take the food that he held when he quickly ate it
Abhimanyu :it's not good to leave food like that
Akshara:oh really?. .. now here have your soup she said placing the bowl in front of him and took her plate which was In front of Abhimanyu  and sat on the couch next to him.
Akshara could see how he was eyeing her food but she ignored looking towards him and ate... after a while Abhimanyu  finished eating and akshara was nearly done.. while he wiped his hand
Abhimanyu  saw akshara was full... she was about to get up and take her food which had few pieces of paneer
Abhimanyu : suno
Akshara turned around looking at Abhimanyu .
Abhimanyu :at least let me have those few pieces of paneer.....please.
Abhimanyu :please
Akshara: u shouldn't be eating this too much
Abhimanyu :I promise only today...

Akshara knew how much Abhimanyu  loved paneer and looking at her plate she saw it was few pieces only so she moved her plate forward and within secs abhimanyu  ate the paneer quickly but due to eating fast he started coughing..
Akshara quickly ran to get water for him and sat besides him giving him the glass and rubbed his back. While Abhimanyu  took few sips of the water. Trying to get rid of horrible feeling on his chest.
Akshara:u r mad...u eat as if that paneer will run away from u..
Abhimanyu : I need to go for a walk
Akshara:r u mad ?
Abhimanyu :I'm not going to sleep straight away after eating and neither I have a habit to sit I need to walk for few mins...and as doctors we all know that it's not good to sleep straight away after eating
Akshara:fine I'll take u in the garden is that fine .. Abhimanyu  was about to deny but then agreed
Manjari  smiled seeing this from the door and decided to leave them alone and update mahima about it
Few mins later akshara was holding Abhimanyu  arm ... she couldn't let go of him after seeing the amount of time he lost balance today... it was quiet.. both walked silently...lost in their own world.. noticing the small changes between but not wanting to talk about it yet...
They sat down on the bench in the garden.
There was a lot to talk about but both stayed silent not wanting to break that peace.. if Abhimanyu  wasn't ill then maybe things wouldn't have changed between them like this.. Abhimanyu  would probably be doing his own bit while akshara will be doing her own thing. But situation was such that they r slowly melting  up a little or let's say it's just the start.
An hour later
Akshara looked at Abhimanyu ... who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.... she smiled slowly and went to him covering the blanket properly and then adjusted his head on the pillow so that he is comfortable while sleeping... she was about to get up when Abhimanyu  held her hand in his sleep.
Akshara:this kadhoos birla... am I his teddy that he can hold while sleeping... gosh now I just need to loosen his grip without waking him up
Akshara slowly moved her other hand and slowly tried to move his hands away.. first time  she failed but second time she was able to loosen his grip. She got up quickly before he does such thing again and went on the couch to sleep
The next day
Akshara woke up and found Abhimanyu  sleeping.. she checked  his forhead to see that there was slight fever and thought to check his temperature properly when he gets up
After getting ready she made sure not to make much sound as Abhimanyu  was still sleeping thanks to the medicine effect ...
Akshara went down and grabbed herself some coffee when she received a call from arohi
Arohi :hi babes
Akshara: hey aru
Arohi: acha listen can u join me in an hour or so as juhi sangeet dress needs to be decided and i need to show you both all the desgins so that we can start working on it
Akshara:arohi  actually Abhimanyu  isn't well  so I won't come but  do one thing choose something For me... I won't mind she said coming to the hall and at that time mahima and manjari  heard her say that and looked at each other
Arohi: yeah Neil told us about him... we all were planning to visit him sometime this week.. but isn't there any chance for few hours
Before Akshara could speak manjari  took the phone of Akshara while she was about to protest but mahima gestured her to be quiet
Manjari :arohi.. don't worry akshara can make it today what time do u want her to leave
Arohi: ASAP aunty
Manjari  no worries I'll make sure of that... where does she need to meet u
Arohi: at xyz mall
Manjari :ok beta I'll send akshara bye
Arohi :bye aunty
As soon as she gave Akshara the phone back akshara spoke
Akshara: manjari  ma y did u do that u know Abhimanyu  isn't well and that guy is too stubborn to ask for help... someone needs to be with him and I don't mind
Mahima:r u done? Now listen u made us go yesterday right so even u can go for few hours right. We will stay with Abhimanyu  and look after him.. whatever manjari  did was right
Akshara: but  ...manjari  interrupted her
Manjari : akshara it's not that u sent us yesterday that's y we r sending u.. beta u also have a life which is out of this house to and also have the right to enjoy... we will take care of Abhimanyu  
Akshara was hesitant
Mahima:beta don't worry Abhimanyu  is slowly recovering and we will take care of him
Akshara: I know taiji but u know how stubborn he is.. despite knowing he has weakness he wants to do things on his own
Mahima:dw if he is stubborn then his mom and taiji aren't less she said winking
Akshara:ok but I need u both to do one thing
Manjari : what?
Akshara :I have left a book on the table u just need to write down how his progress is as tauji had told me 
Mahima:don't worry u go
Akshara nodded and left
Manjari   and mahima went to manjari  room to update  swarna and all about the small changes they saw between abhira  
It had been 30 mins since Akshara left.. Abhimanyu  slowly opened his eyes and woke up and tried to sit on the bed slowly
Manjari  : one min
Abhimanyu  frowned and looked up to see manjari  who was sitting on the couch cutting vegetable
She came and made him help sit on the bed.
Manjari : good morning abhi
Abhimanyu :morning maa but what r u doing over here he said looking around the room
Manjari : y? can't i be here
Abhimanyu :u know I don't mean that ... I just asked since u was here cutting vegetable
Manjari :haan actually akshara has gone out so I thought while waiting for u to wake up I can cut the vegetables u know like 2 in 1 work
Abhimanyu  wondered as to where akshara went.. but he didn't want to ask and make it look like he wanted her to be there with him
Abhimanyu : ok umm I'll go to the washroom
Manjari : wait let me help u
Abhimanyu :maa I can manage
Manjari : that's what u thought yesterday... akshara told us how you was acting as if u r fine and lost balance many time. I don't care even if u have 1% of weakness we will still look after u.
Abhimanyu : great all r the same he mumbled
Manjari : what did u say she said looking at him
Abhimanyu :nothing I was thinking there is no point of arguing let's go
Manjari  nodded and walked with Abhimanyu  to the washroom helping him .
Meanwhile at the mall
Juhi  was checking the outfits while akshara was sitting on the chair
Arohi came back with her friend who owns the store carrying   more designs and saw juhi friend busy choosing the outfits while her sister was just sitting on the chair
Arohi: akshuuu come on yaar u need to choose
Akshara:I'm confused aru... I don't know there is just too many... so I gave up.. aru shook her head
Arohi: show me which outfits have u chosen
Akshara got up and showed arohi the 3 outfits that she felt will suit her.. arohi examined three of them and then finally chose one putting it against akshara to see how it would look on her
Arohi: this one is perfect for u.
Akshara: finally 
Juhi: how does this look on me she said looking at the outfit that the store owner showed her
Akshara: amazing
Arohi :outstanding baby after all it's your sangeet
Akshara:ok so all sorted now can I go
Arohi: wait wait wait not so easily she said looking at akshara making her sit down while juhi came near arohi side and both gave akshara a naughty look.
Akshara: what?
Back to the birla mansion  Abhimanyu  finally got his laptop as he promised manjari  he won't stress himself with work and just play games and watch videos to which manjari  agreed to
Abhimanyu  was keep on changing the videos without any interest for some reason.... every few minutes he kept looking towards the door as if waiting for someone to come and open it .. he tried to ignore that and concentrate but wasn't getting that feeling. He closed the video and thought of playing a game with much difficulty he found a little bit of interest when his bedroom door open.. with that he quickly turned his head but it was mahima and not the person he expected it to be
Mahima: what were u doing abhimanyu
Abhimanyu : nothing taiji was playing a game he said closing the laptop and placing it next to him.
Mahima:come on its your medicine time take this
Abhimanyu :taiji u should be resting i would have taken it myself.
Mahima: chup kar I know what to do and u don't worry about me just worry about yourself now here take this
Abhimanyu  smiled and took the medicine
Back at the mall 
Akshara:what so
Arohi :how's things with u and Abhimanyu  now
Akshara:what do u mean she asked confusingly
Arohi: i mean he is ill and all so how r things
Akshara:that guy is too stubborn.. he thinks he can handle himself despite been weak.. I had to shout at him and that's when he stopped and allowed me to help him
Akshara :there is nothing to awwww about Juhi
Juhi:but it's sweet that u r looking after Abhimanyu .. at least he is agreeing to u
Akshara:yeah for now as he has no choice but once he gets better I'm damn sure he will behave the same way
Arohi and juhi looked at each other
Arohi :what if he doesn't ...
Akshara didn't want to discuss about this with the gang because she knew if she told them that she feels that things r changing between them then they will come up with some next plan and right now she wants things to be the way it is with her and Abhimanyu  
Akshara:notning has changed between us aru so of course he will be back to normal.. anyway I got to go now as maa and taiji  r looking after kadhoos birla bye she said hugging both and left before they start questioning her more
arohi: you know I feel Abhimanyu 's illness has bought some changes in akshara and Abhimanyu  relation.
Juhi:hmm as taiji  told us with the way she saw akshara taking care of Abhimanyu  and how Abhimanyu  was behaving but I'm sure these two can't see that yet or they r trying not to see that
Arohi :let's see what happens... taiji said she will update us again when she sees another progress
Juhi:I'm happy we have some of the elders in our team
Akshara finally reached home after two hours thanks to the traffic
Akshara got out of the car and was walking in when manjari  stopped her
Akshara:what happened manjari  maa
Manjari :beta bhaisaab called staying to keep abhi report ready so jiji has done that and wanted you to check too
Akshara was walking towards the bedroom when she heard Abhimanyu  and mahima laughing
mahima was talking to Abhimanyu  while he was smiling at her telling about something
Suddenly his eyes saw the person he hadn't seen for few hours..unaware of his own feelings for her.
Akshara walked into the room smiling at mahima and checked how many medicine Abhimanyu  had left while also taking a note of his progress literally writing everything... and also reading what manjari  and mahima had written. 
Abhimanyu  was nodding while looking at mahima and then looked at akshara watching her do her own work.
Mahima: haina Abhimanyu  she said noticing now Abhimanyu  was agreeing to whateever she was saying but his mind was somewhere else busy stealing glances at akshara now and then
Abhimanyu :hmm taiji he said not knowing mahima just said it like that and looked at akshara and then at mahima
Mahima:what happened abhi r u not listening to me? what r u looking at now and then? she said pretending while abhimanyu  became conscious and looked at mahima.
Akshara also looked up when mahima said that.
Abhimanyu : nothing like that taiji I was listening to u
Mahima:that's fine then she said but from inside she was laughing giving those naughty devil laugh)
Akshara: open your mouth She said walking towards Abhimanyu  
Abhimanyu :y?
Akshara:need to check your temperature ... Abhimanyu  opened his mouth and akshara placed the thermometer in while looking at the clock.. after a while she checked and noted it down in the book.. while mahima smiled slowly.... seeing how Abhimanyu  was Trying to look at akshara slowly without anyone noticing unaware that his taiji is keeping a close watch on both of them
Precrap: will post a promo for it hopefully

Hey guys here is another chapter of unconditional love

Thank you for all the love for previous chapter

Lots of love

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