chapter 49

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Abhimanyu  Laughed and then looked at sahil in the eye...

Abhimanyu :.I like you to try...akshara  koi toy nahi hai jo chahe use udake le jayien.... she is her own person.. aur wo apne pyar ko chorke kahi nahi jayien gi ab.. u will have to return empty handed sahil..
( I you to try... akshara  isnt a toy that anyone can take her away... she is her own person... and she will never.leave her love and go away now...u will have to return empty handed sahil) 

Sahil: we.will see.. it's my challenge 10 din ke andar she will  give u divorce and.come with me... Dekho maine divorve papers bhi banwa lia hai..he said taking.out the papers from his blazer pocket
(We will.see... it's my challenge that within  10 days she will give u divorce and.come with me... see I have even got the divorce paper ready) 

Abhimanyu :.I appreciate your effort Sahil.. but feeling sad about your failed attempts...No one can snatch akshara  from me.. The challenge is on.. he said putting on his sun glasses and turned to leave 

sahil watched him as he placed the papers back in his pocket. 

Sahil: Abhimanyu! 

Abhi stopped and turned around looking at sahil deadly 

Sahil: if akshara confesses that she doesnt want to be with you snd signs the divorce paper what will you do ?still force her to be with you? i mean look who i am asking y would you even care about her would always be about what you want as you can never make the sacrifices that akshara made for you becuase the way she loved you unconditionally have no match in front of her 

Abhimanyu jaw ticked 

Abhimanyu: thats what you think sahil... although akshara wont sign those papers and neither will she confess about leaving me and...sahil interuppted him 

Sahil: if she doesn then what? Have you got a big heart to let her go? Will her happiness matter to you or will you care about your own happiness 

Abhimanyu: gosh you seem more eager that you cant let the other person finish talking...for me aksharas happiness does matter and if she does confess and sign those paper which i know she wont but just to make you feel better if she does...then sahil let me tell you i will do anything that will make akshara happy...because now all i want to do is keep her happy... but yh if you are manly enough dont try and make her sign these papers by tricking her you know how they show it in the drama serials since you are the villian he said with a smirk 

Abhimanyu  got into his car and left from the orphanage

At hospital all greeted  Abhimanyu  as

he walked in..he nodded his head at them as he walked into his cabin and sat down at his desk 

Abhimanyu 's mind was recalling how sahil actually showed his true face which nobody knew about. 

Abhimanyu  (to himself): never ever thought sahil was going to be like this... he didnt come to india just like that but he came to get akshara .. all his good behaviour is fake which he is doing in front of everyone and he is so confident that he will take akshara  that he even got the divorce paper his true colours r out in front of me and I need to think fast becuse if.sahil can behave all nice under our nose then it wont be hard for him to snatch akshara  away without anyone even knowing....whatever u have to do Abhimanyu  it needs to be quick because sahil cant be.trusted. 

Vidyut walked in to the cabin looking at a file and glanced at Abhimanyu  for a sec and then looked back into the file 

Vidyut: Abhimanyu.... the patient  confessed that she was raped..we will have to do other test and also get the police involved

Vidyut looked up from the file few sec later when he didnt get any response to see Abhimanyu in a deep thought 

Vidyut:what happened to him ? He thought to himself 

He called out Abhimanyu 's  name few times but still no response...

Vidyut then walked near Abhimanyu  and tapped on his shoulder few times 

Abhimanyu : what happened? he asked  seeing vidyut standing next to him. 

Vidyut: u.tell me what has happened? I have been talking and called out your name but u wasnt responding. 

Abhimanyu :I didnt realise... what was u saying? 

Vidyut:first tell me what happened? u seemed to be in some thinking mode 

Abhimanyu : arien  I was just thinking about random stuff anyways leave all that  and tell me what was u talking about 

Vidyut felt somewhere Abhimanyu  wasnt telling.him the exact reason but he didnt force him and showed Abhimanyu  the file 

Vidyut:I was talking about one of the patient that arrived in the morning he said showing the file 

Abhimanyu  read the report

Abhimanyu: we need to start the treatment her inner partd have been damaged very badly he said feeling disgusted as to how people can do such thing 

Vidyut: yes but first we need to tell the patient family memebers and i will tell rohan to inform the police 

Abhimanyu :u r right go ahead with the procedure 

Vidyut: yup. I'll tell rohan to do that...but at the moment we should head to the icu ward...dr anand wants you there 

Abhimanyu :let's go he said getting up. 

Later on at the orphanage 

Sahil:akshara it's been long since we actually went out to eat let's go today pleasee just like how we use to go in London he said 

Akshara : maybe next time sahil plus Abhimanyu  will be coming to pick me up so no point 

Sahil:come on akshara  u r acting like Abhimanyu  will stop u from going please chalo naaa... we hardly get to enjoy like old days due to work and all..let's go na please...

sahil kept pleading akshara

Akshara :ok but at least let me inform him...before sahil could stop akshara  she already dialled Abhimanyu  number however his phone was unreachable due to network issues. 

Sahil:what happened? Didnt he answer? 

Akshara : nope. Seems unreachable 

Sahil: tell the guard over here and if Abhimanyu  comes the guard will inform him 

Akshara :haan but it would have been better if I got to inform him myself 

Sahil:now it's not your fault if he isnt answering... atleast the guard will tell
him...besides u dont have to inform Abhimanyu  about every single thing u do...akshara  looked at sahil for a sec and then nodded 

Akshara  and sahil left as they informed the guard to let Abhimanyu  know she has gone out with sahil. 

30 mins later Abhimanyu  finally reached to the orphanage...he got out of the car and as he was about to enter inside the guard.stopped him

Guard: sir akshara  ma'am isnt here 

Abhimanyu :,what do u mean by she isnt here? he asked  frowning 

Guard:woh sir she told me to let u know that she is going out with sahil sir and will reach home directly

Abhimanyu : did she tell u where she went ? 

Guard: no sir she said she is going with sahil sir and both of them left. 

Abhimanyu  nodded and got in the car.. he was annoyed

Abhimanyu :akshara knew I was coming to pick her up and so did that sahil yet he took her...

Suddenly Abhimanyu got a notification that he had recieved a call from akshara  an 1 hour ago. 

Abhimanyu  : akshara  had called ? he tried to call her back the phone was going straight on to voice mail as it was switched off...Abhimanyu  threw his phone on the seat beside him and pushed his hair back.

40 mins later Abhimanyu  reached home and hoped that akshara  was home 

Abhimanyu :taiji

Mahima: haan abhi she said walking to him 

Abhimanyu : where is akshara  ? Has she returned? 

Mahima:no Abhimanyu she probably must be at the orphanage still or maybe on the way...chal u go and freshen up 

Abhimanyu  nodded and mahima went to the kitchen...once.reaching to his room Abhimanyu  took out and tried to call akshara  again but again her phone was going onto voice
mail frustrating him even more....he sat down on the bed when something popped up in his mind 

Abhimanyu :could sahil have taken akshara  to the goenka mansion ? Maybe he must have...Abhimanyu  call and see maybe she might be there

As he dialled goenka mansion number few rings later sirat answered the house phone 
Sirat:hello ?

Abhimanyu : hey sirat maa Abhimanyu  here

Sirat: hi Abhimanyu how did u remeber us today she asked teasingly 

Abhimanyu :woh sirat maa actually I wanted to know if akshara  and sahil have come there?

Sirat: no Abhimanyu  they haven't come here but what happened y r u asking? 

Abhimanyu :no nothing sirat maa I thought akshara  might be coming to the goenka mansion  today...anyway I'll speak to u later maa is calling 

Sirat:ok beta..bye 

Abhimanyu : bye he said and ended the call 

Abhimanyu  got up and started walking back and forth with one hand on the hip and the other  pushing his hair back thinking as to.where sahil and akshara  must have gone..due to her phone also been switched off he kicks the bed leg in anger bearing the pain on his feet 

Manjari : Abhimanyu what's taking u so long? she said as she entered her room to see he was still in the same clothes...what is this abhi u.still haven't freshened up yet?

Abhimanyu : sorry mom had to make a call 

Manjari  : no more calls abhi and go and freshen up as dinner will be served. 

Abhimanyu : mom u all eat I will wait till akshara  comes. 

Manjari :abhi akshara  had called me before she had left the orphanage saying she will be going out and not to wait for dinner she said 

Abhimanyu :but when I asked taiji she said she doesnt know where akshara  was 

Manjari : that's becuase I forgot to tell jiji   now stop your enquiry and chalo freshen up we r waiting downstairs. Abhimanyu  was frustrated but nodded his head 

At the dining table. 

Once Abhimanyu came down dinner was been served to everyone. While the rest of the family memebers were talking Abhimanyu  was lost thinking about akshara  and sahil while playing with his food as he clearly was not interested in eating. 

Abhimanyu : where must have sahil and akshara  gone... could sahil have taken akshara  from us??? No no...i dont think so otherwise.he wouldnt have allowed akshara  to  yaar jaha bhi ho jaldi ajao
( akshara ...wherever u yaar come quick) he said in his mind 

After dinner while the elders sat down for a bit to have dessert Abhimanyu  excused himself on the pretext of a call when suddenly he heard a familiar voice of someone laughing and he exactly knew who it belonged to..he turned around to see akshara  walking in while laughing about something but along with her was sahil 

Anand: arien sahil beta come he said while sahil took his blessings and then moved to Manjari.and mahima  and harshvardhan taking their blessings too..he hugged neil and parth.. he saw Abhimanyu  stand on the stairs and gave one victory smile as he raised his eyebrows gesturing towards akshara  trying to tell that he made his move while Abhimanyu  rolled his hand into a tight fist and clenched his jaws 

Abhimanyu  ignored sahil and walked towards akshara . 

Abhimanyu :.akshara  where did u go ? 

Akshara : Abhimanyu  I went for dinner with sahil  as he was insisting alot that we didnt go out the way we did in london. She said with a casual smile.  

Sahil came and stood near akshara  

Sahil:come on akshara  not dinner call it our date.he said to which akshara  smacked him on.the arm playfully while the family chuckled except Abhimanyu .... 

Abhimanyu  saw how sahil was looking at him proudly as if.he has achieved something big while he looked at sahil sternly 

Mahima: acha u all talk we oldies will go now 

Manjari : can u call us oldies she said dramatically 

Mahima:oh ho manjari chal ab yaha se she said while harshvardhan gestured Manjari  to make a move 

Abhimanyu : akshara ...u knew i was going to pick u up then y didnt u wait? Akshara  was able to see that something was bothering Abhimanyu due to the way he was speaking 

akshara : Abhimanyu  as i  mentioned sahil was insisting so much so i couldnt deny and i even tried to call u but your phone was unreachable 

Abhimanyu :I know akshara  I saw your missed call after and when i tried to call u your phone was switched off 

akshara : haan actually sahil took my phone to switch it off so that nobody disturbs she said with a smile while Abhimanyu  looked at sahil who was standing behind akshara  smirking at him 

Abhimanyu :that's fine no worries... ek kaam karo tum change karlo 
(Do one.thing, go and get changed )

Akshara :yes just excuse me for a sec she said looking at the boys and went up 

Once she.had gone Abhimanyu  walked towards sahil

Abhimanyu : .what r u trying to do  sahil 

sahil :.I'm spending time with my friend opps sorry the girl who I love he said.smirking 

Abhimanyu :.she is not the love of your life only your friend as that is what she considers u as ... I love her and i know somehwhere in her heart there is  still love for me... I know she still does so its best if u in your head and stop saying u took my wife on a date 

Sahil: as.I said I dont consider this a marriage and what happened Abhimanyu , me taking akshara.on a date made u sad? Hurt? Man I didnt expect u to give up like this he said smirking 

Abhimanyu :i  will never give up on akshara  sahil do.whatever u want but I will be determined to have her beside me and none of your evil tricks will work

Sahil: i hope you havent forgotten the bet Abhimanyu..if akshara signs the papers and says

Abhimanyu: i remember each and everything clearly sahil but that also should remind you that dont use your dirty tricks to try and make her sign or confess 

Sahil:thank god i thought you would have given up or would have forgotten  because I dont like challenging weak people and also your anger is clearly visible which clearly shows how much  frustrated u r that I took akshara  but dont worry I wont press on your wounded.heart he said while Abhimanyu  felt like punching him on the face 

Akshara  who was walking down the stairs stopped.hearing the word wounded

Akshara :.wounded? she said

Sahil and Abhimanyu looked towards the stairs to see akshara. standing there and saw her walk down coming towards them 

Akshara :.Whose wounded?.. who got hurt??

Sahil and Abhimanyu stood straight and looked at each other and then at akshara ... sahil started to laugh a little bit 

Sahil: Dekho na akshara  Abhimanyu  ko sayad chot lagi hai ...Kisine bohaut jor se dhakka dia hai.. pata nahi kaun aise krta hai..
(Look na akshara  Abhimanyu  probably is wounded..someone must have pushed him really badly..dont know who would do such things)...

Abhimanyu  raised his eyebrows looking at sahil annoyingly 

Akshara  looked concernly at Abhimanyu  and went near him 

Akshara :r u ok Abhimanyu  ? Kisne dhakka dia 
(Who pushed u )

 Abhimanyu  controlled his anger and smiled warmly at akshara

Abhimanyu : kuch nahi akshara ...I am alright...mujhe kuch nahi hua...sahil zyada tension.le raha hai 
(Nothing akshara ...I am alright ... nothing has happened to me.. sahil is just getting very tensed) 

Abhimanyu  then placed his hand on akshara 's shoulder and grabbed  her closer and looked at sahil while akshara  went still for a sec as this hold was totally different and she was able to feel it 

Abhimanyu :.mai apne and apne se jurien har insaan ka khayal rakhna janta hu
(I.know  how to take care of myself and the people that r connected to me)  he said giving sahil  a smile

Sahil smile faltered seen how Abhimanyu  was holding akshara  but soon he smirked back 

Sahil: If that's the case then we will  see 

Akshara  was confused and looked back at both the boys 

Akshara :  what's happening? I'm not understanding anything

Sahil:.Kuch nahi.. chalo bohaut raat ho gayi hai.. i will see u tomorrow.. goodnight.
(Nothing ...its very late now ..I will see u tomorrow goodnight )

Sahil nodded at Abhimanyu  and started to leave...abhira  turned around and watched sahil walk out of the main door. 

As sahil left akshara  turned towards Abhimanyu  while Abhimanyu  was still holding on to her very closely... 

Akshara :Abhi u alright? .

Abhimanyu : Yes i am.. mujhe kya hoga?? (What will happen to me?)

Akshara  :nahi wo... Nothing...
(No ac...nothing?)

Abhimanyu :  Its quiet late now...lets sleep he said turning to walk up 

Akshara :Abhimanyu.....

Abhimanyu  stepped back and turned around and looked at akshara

Abhimanyu :yeah

Akshara  started fidgeting and then spoke 

Akshara : wo sahil ne achanak se plan bana lia and force karne laga that hum phle ki tarha dinner nahi krte... utna time nhi detien jasien london mai time spend kartien the.... though we r working together but we both r busy with kids and administrations toh time nahi milta.. I am sorry i couldnt inform you about the dinner and u had to come all the way to orphanage to pick me.. It was unplanned..
(Actually.sahil just like that planned to go got dinner and started to force that we dont go for dinner like before... we don't give each other the time like we did in.London...though we r working together but we both r busy with kids and administrations  so dont get time... I am sorry i couldnt inform you about.the dinner and u had to come all the way to orphanage to pick me.. It was unplanned.)

Akshara  was actually  fidgeting, nervous but also confused as to why she is  giving all this explanation to Abhimanyu ... she felt something is bothering him and was able to tell or maybe it was her imagination but she felt his eyes looking sad and didnt know y.

 She actually wanted to say something but was feeling nervous because this wasnt   like old times when they were best buddies... and now Abhimanyu  is getting really hard for her to read now a days 

Akshara  stood there awkwardly and Abhimanyu  slowly moved towards her and stood in front of her 

He looked at akshara  fidgeting with her hands and.slowly held those hands and squeezed it lightly making akshara  look at him 

Abhimanyu  gave akshara  a light smile 

Abhimanyu's ok u dont need to be sorry for anything akshu ....Sahil is your friend..
u can go to dinner/lunch anything you want.. there is nothing to be sorry.about.. i was just a little worried for you.. because   your phone was off.. Don't do that to me.. promise me, you will never switch off your phone no matter what 

Akshara  eyes widened at Abhimanyu  saying that she was able to tell by his word that he wasnt a little worried but very worried 

Abhimanyu  took her hands and clasped it with his and.started walking towards the veranda...

once.reaching to the veranda akshara  moved forward and placed both of her hands on to the railing ...Abhimanyu  moved behind akshara  and placed his both hands on both sides with akshara.back was facing towards him. 

Akshara  held her breath when  Abhimanyu  inhaled the sweet scent of her hair and on top of that him standing this close 

Abhimanyu no more a college guy or only your best frnd akshu ...i am your husband too're my responsibility too and i care for you  while i dont care much about myself but my family??...I cant evn think anything bad happening to them due to all the bad things that are happening lately .. I know my sibilings mom,dad, taiji and tauji all support me and r with me but that doesn't lessen my worries about them.. and now, you are
my family too.. You always have been.. but now, you are my wife and that makes you one of my top priorities too. Lately there have been so many cases against women where bad things have happened and when it comes to you then i want to protect you my whole life.. But when i called u and didnt get through you..., akshara you don't know what kinds of thoughts come to my mind...i know i shpuldnt have worried but i couldn't ingore the other side of the world that i witness most of the time at the hospital so you have to be a little responsible for yourself for us..and  never ever switch off your phone no matter who told you.....Please promise me.. you will do that for me..

Akshara  was listening to all this carefully she felt Abhimanyu push himself closer to her .. akshara 's heart started to beat loudly with the closeness and with Abhimanyu 's confession about how much he was worried for her.. akshara  moved  in his arms and was now facing him.. her face was very close to his..she took a deep breath.. 

Akshara : i never thought  that way.. I can't tell you not to worry about us..bcoz that would be a lie.. you will worry no matter what.. i would do that too.. but I promise, we wont do anything to increase it... I promise you, i will never switch off my phone no matter what.. 

Abhimanyu  placed his hands on her waist and  pulled her closer.. he hugged her and held her in his arms.. and after few mins akshara  placed her hands around him too .. for her it was a little insecurely  but then she relaxed  when Abhimanyu  kissed her hair.. they both closed their eyes and felt each others warmth

Both didn't know how much time had passed.. both drown in this peaceful moment.. It.felt serene.. It felt home

And here is the next chap 

Thank ypu to those who are atill aailing on this boat with me 

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