chapter 54

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SimplyAnasia a small birthday gift for you. Hope you have an amazing day. Lots of love.

Akshara: Sahil are we going or not she said a little loudly

Abhimanyu  and sahil looked at Akshara and sahil gestured Akshara *1 min* with his index finger smiling at her and then turned to Abhimanyu  

Sahil:Got to go Abhimanyu  as Akshara is waiting for me. But don't worry you are still invited for the party he said and turned to leave when Abhimanyu  spoke.

Abhimanyu :She called you because she is getting late for work not becuase she wants to spend time with you he said

Sahil turned to look at Abhimanyu  and smirked and walked to the car getting in.

Abhimanyu  waved at Akshara as she waved at him when the car started to move out

Later on at the hospital  

Abhimanyu  was in the cabin, he was leaning back on his chair as waa engrossed looking into a case file.

Vidyut: Abhimanyu  what is the plan tomorrow for Akshara  birthday?

Abhimanyu  looked up to see vidyut entering as he walked over to his table and sat down but not only him but juhi, arohi and neil also joined.

Abhimanyu : well tomorrow I plan to take Akshara  and my family out for dinner and then have a small surprise celebration planned for Akshara  at the condo he said placing the file down.

Vidyut: means no invitation for this family of yours just broke our hears bro he said dramatically.

Abhimanyu  chuckled

Abhimanyu : come on I said my family vidyut which does have you all in it...I know it's a very simple plan but I know Akshara  will love it as she loves simple things most of the time plus I will be making it special for her at the condo so I will have all of that sorted.

Vidyut: I know I was just joking. Akshara  does like it when things are done in an special way.

Juhi: Don't forget simple also means special in her dictionary she said

Neil: sometimes I wonder how akshara and arohi are not similar despite been together since they were born.

Arohi: Stop comparing Neil birla, akshu may have been a Tom boy but still was beautiful but now my sister defines beauty even by being simple. Understood. She said while neil folded his hands at her.

Abhimanyu : yup...that's my Akshara  he said more like a whisper but vidyut heard it and smiled

Vidyut: after 5 years we will be with Akshara  on her birthday right.  I never thought that this year we will actually have Akshara  besides us and finally your condo also will come in handy. he said.

Abhimanyu  got up and walked over to the window.

Abhimanyu : You are right vidyut, even I hadn't thought of that. But now she is here and I want to make it up to her. I know it's a very small thing for what I have planned for her but even small things means a lot to Akshara  because that is how she is he said smiling while looking outside.

Suddenly Parth came knocking on the door.

Parth: sorry guys but I'll need  Juhi to go and attend a pregnant lady who just arrived now as Arohi has been sent to Sanjeevni hospital  and Neil, harsh chachu is calling you.

All 3 of them nodded and left with parth.

Vidyut walked over to Abhimanyu  and squeezed his shoulder.

Vidyut: You love her Don't you. he said

Abhimanyu  looked at vidyut straight away not expecting him to say that

But before things could go further rohan came in telling them both about a case that they were working on together.

At the Birla mansion Akshara  had reached around 6pm and greeted Anand who was sitting in the hall watching tv. She quickly went up and freshened up changing into something comfortable and headed down to the kitchen.

Akshara : What's cooking? she asked as she entered and opened the lid of the saucepan to smell some spicy sauce 

Manjari : how does it smell she asked coming closer startling Akshara  for a sec

Akshara : amazing as usual.

Mahima: it's my recipe which Manjari used she said.

Manjari: but I made it na jiji so the credit does go to me.

Akshara : wait before this turns into a sweet argument let's stop and tell me what is for dinner and  dessert.

Manjari: Dinner we are not sure about yet but nothing for dessert as harsh and jiji can't control when it comes to sweets so we wont be making any

Mahima: haan haan blame it on both of us and make it as we are the ones stopping you. Akshara forget about Harsh at least I can have a bit na but no they think my little bit of sweet food is so much for then.

Akshara  controlled her laugh and cleared her throat

Akshara : how about we make sugar free gajar ka halwa and some chilli paneer

Mahima: what is the point it wont be the same like normal gajar ka halwa.

Akshara : well that you will only know once you taste it

Manjari: are you going to make it?

Akshara :yuppp she said grabbing the carrots

Mahima and manjari watched as Akshara  started to make it. After it was done manjari leaned forward to take the smell in and closed her eyes

Manjari: this smells amazing Akshu.

Mahima: move let me try she said and took the aroma in with eyes closed.

Akshara : what is it like taiji?

Mahima: smells exactly like normal gajar ka halwa.

Akshara : Why don't you taste some she said.

Mahima and manjari nodded and grabbed a spoon, each blowing it to cool the halwa down a bit.

Mahima: akshu why couldn't you make something like this earlier on she said chewing with her eyes closed.

Manjari: this is amazing Akshara doesn't even taste like sugar free halwa

Akshara : I told you.

Mahima: let's get ready to eat now as Abhimanyu and the rest  will be late I guess and then I can peacefully eat my halwa as much as I want she said the last bit while looking at manjari

Both Akshara  and manjari smiled at the way mahima behaved when it came to sweet dish

Manjari: jiji we still need to make chilli paneer

Mahima:, ohhh I completely forgot about that come lets start.

Akshara : dont worry you both leave it to me. I'll make it.


Akshara :I said na I'll make it.

Manjari: fine but at least let me make some plain paratha to go with it and I will make that at least .

Akshara : ok you can do that she said smiling from ear to ear.

Later on

Parth, Neil and Harshvardan  had arrived around 20:30pm

Abhimanyu looked at the time to see it was 21.20pm when he reached outside.

He frowned as he saw nobody around until he heard voices from outside...he walked to the garden area to see his family and Akshara  sitting while laughing about something.

Manjari: Abhi. You came ...freshen up I'll warm up food for you she said.

Abhimanyu : mom dont worry I will warm it up myself he said and came and sat next to Akshara  giving her a smile which she returned.

Akshara : Who wants some more halwa? she asked.

All raised their hands except Abhimanyu  

Abhimanyu : I understand why others are having a second round of halwa but shouldn't taiji and dad be controlling? he said .

Harshvardan: abhi I'm fine and fine haan but bhabhi should maybe control he saod playfully while earning a glare from mahima.

Mahima: its sugar free Abhimanyu  but it doesnt taste like that she said licking her lips as if she cant wait to have some more of it

Anand: Akshara  made it have to try it he said making Akshara  smile more.

Abhimanyu : ofcourse I will.

Akshara : I'll get some more she said and headed back in.

The Birla family turned to see Akshara  go and once she was out of their sight they turned back to Abhimanyu  

Abhimanyu : What? he said..confused with their attention on him suddenly

Mahima: tomorrow is Akshara  birthday...have you planned anything so that we can start inviting guest early in the morning l.

Abhimanyu : There will be no guest.

Manjari: Why? Are we not going to celebrate Akshara  birthday?

Neil: Chill Mom hear bhai out first.

Abhimanyu : Maa for now all you need to know is that just be ready by 18.00pm tomorrow.

Harshvardan: lo here is he is giving us a surprise by not even telling us he said making Abhimanyu  smile widely

Abhimanyu : Consider it that way

Mahima:well at least he has planned somethin that is all that matters she said.

After a while Akshara  came back with a large bowl of halwa and she sat down near Abhimanyu  she handed him water. While thw rest started to take some more halwa

Abhimanyu :Thank you he said while Akshara  gave more halwa to everyone else

Akshara : Abhimanyu  do you want some halwa now or later she asked looking at him as she held an empty bowl and spoon waiting for him to respond

Abhimanyu : I'll have it after he said placing the glass down on the small table while she nodded and took some out for herself.

As Akshara  sat down next to Abhimanyu  she was listening to manjari talk about one of their neighbour and was about to put a spoon full of halwa in her mouth when suddenly she felt her hand been forced to move to her right side turning to see Abhimanyu  holding her wrist as he placed the spoon in his mouth

Akshara : i thought you didn't want to eat halwa right now ?

Abhimanyu : I didn't I just wanted to taste and see how it is he said shrugging his shoulder.

Akshara :haan toh I would have given you some in your bowl na.

Abhimanyu : ab it was only one spoon Akshu. You are acting like I ate the whole thing from your bowl he said while Akshara  glared at him.

Akshara : That one spoon is just something Abhimanyu  when you love something to the core and someone takes a bit of it from you na it feels like the whole thing has been taken away from you and that is what you did with my amazing halwa.

The smile from Abhimanyu  face fell although Akshara  didnt realise the meaning of her words as she was speaking about the food he somewhere connected the words to her and himself.

Mahima:I agree with Akshara  as our love for food is the same she said with a sad expression making manjari and anand shake their head with a smile while Abhimanyu  looked up at mahima and then at Akshara  who was smiling .

As if sensing Abhimanyu's gaze Akshara  turned her attention to Abhimanyu  and raised her eyebrows gesturing *what*

Abhimanyu :I'll go and freshen up he said making everyone nodd. Akshara  watched him with a frown and then turned her attention back to the rest.

15 mins later Abhimanyu  came out of the washroom to see Akshara  wasn't there and thought she must be downstairs still with the rest if they were still talking.

As he came down  he saw Akshara  sitting alone on the dining table while texting on her phone.

Abhimanyu : Akshara  what are you doing here? have the rest already slept he said looking towards the garden area to see the door closed.

Akshara :Woh I thought I should order some ice cream so just waiting for the waiter to bring my order she said rolling her eyes.

Abhimanyu : Akshuuu...he said raising his eyebrows

Akshara : what Akshuuuu Abhimanyu.  What does someone do at a dining table she said showing  her big eyes to him.

Abhimanyu :  well normal people eat at the dining table but god knows about you he said sitting down.

Akshara : well for your kind information I'm normal.

Abhimanyu :You sure about that?

Akshara : Abhiiii she said slapping him on his arm playfully

Abhimanyu : ouch. Ok ok I rest my case he said putting his hand up in surrender mode.

Akshara : You better anyways I'm here so that I can serve you some food she said.

Abhimanyu  :Akshara  that is seriously not must be tired yourself

Akshara :I am but you must be more tired than me because I know how hard it  is as it's not easy and I enjoy doing all this Abhimanyu ...I'll just warm up some food she said and got up to leave to go the kitchen while Abhimanyu  felt himself falling for her even more.

After few mins Akshara  came back with a tray of food and placed it on the table...she took out some food in Abhimanyu s plate and sat next to him..Abhimanyu  took a bite of the paneer and was about to open his mouth to speak when Akshara  raised her finger.

Akshara :Before you ask why am I still here after serving you then that is because I want to sit here and give you company so that you don't feel alone and just in case if you need anything.

Abhimanyu :Well I wasn't going to say anything like that except that the food tastes amazing and that you have become a better cook than us he said smiling warmly at her.

Akshara : How did you know that I made it? She asked being surprised

Abhimanyu : Because I know how taiji and mom food taste and also its not like you have cooked for the first time he said.

Akshara :Well then thank you for the compliment she said smiling widely.

Abhimanyu  started eating while Akshara  watched him for few secs and then decided to reply back to The messages on her phone and also talking to Abhimanyu  now and then as he was talking about his case that him and vidyut were working on.

After some time once abhi finished his dinner he was eating the halwa that Akshara  had taken out in a small bowl

Abhimanyu : Akshara.

Akshara :hmm she said while still looking at something on her phone.

Abhimanyu : Being your bestfriend and husband, I guess I do have the rights to share things with you, even if that is some halwa

Akshara  looked up at Abhimanyu  but before she can realise Abhimanyu  stuffed a spoon of halwa in her mouth

Akshara :What was that for she said chewing while giving him a small cute puppy look.

Abhimanyu :I had some halwa from yours so can it be that I don't share from mine.

Akshara : ohh she said looking at Abhimanyu  to see him eating the halwa with a smile.

Once Abhimanyu  was done he picked his plates up when Akshara  stopped him.

Abhimanyu :What happened he said as Akshara  stood up.

Akshara : Leave the plates Abhimanyu  I will take it

Abhimanyu : you made food, stayed awake to still serve me and give me company... that is enough for me chatterbox  he said tapping her cheeks lightly and walked to the kitchen.

Akshara  grabbed the other bowls and walked into the  kitchen to see Abhimanyu  had already started washing.

Akshara : Abhi leave it I'll wash up please.

Abhimanyu :Chill Akshara  it's only few things besides when we stayed together during college days we all distributed all the house work I can even do the same thing he said.

Akshara  listend as she placed the remaining food in the fridge

Abhimanyu : There you go all done.

Akshara : Did you wash the dishes just as a favour? Before she could realise what she said she looked at Abhimanyu who had a frown appear on his face.

Abhimanyu  at first didn't say anything and walked to Akshara and held her shoulder.

Abhimanyu : Favours are done for outsiders not for your close family members. Whatever I do for you or my family will never be a favour but something that I'll do from heart he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear smiling at her warmly.

Akshara  looked at Abhimanyu  and smiled at him

Akshara : I'm sorry for even asking such question.

Abhimanyu : You should be now never think that I will do anything as a favour ok he said pinching her nose making Akshara  move his hands away.

Akshara : dont do that she said rubbing her nose.

Abhimanyu :ok let's go and sleep now he said.

Akshara : already?

Abhimanyu : haan it's time to sleep na he said but somewhere he noticed a small disappointed look on her face

Akshara  : Yup let's goo she said and started to walk ahead

Abhimanyu  followed Akshara

Abhimanyu ( in his head) Akshu.  I know you must be thinking that i probably would have stayed awake to wish you later and I promise to wish you before anyone else does. That is a promise.

As soon as they entered the room Abhimanyu  closed the door while Akshara  placed her phone on the side table and got onto her side of the bed

Abhimanyu : good night Akshu.  he said as he laid down on his side and turned of the lights not looking at Akshara .

Akshara ( in her head) here I thought you would stay awake or at least mention about my birthday but nothing. What if Abhimanyu  has forgotten my birthday..I mean it can be possible right becuase for  5 years I wasn't here and due to that it just slipped out of his mind. I shouldn't hope much..maybe when others wish me he will remeber then...sleep Akshara  sleep don't stress yourself out.

Akshara : good night Abhimanyu  she said and closed her eyes thinking he will probably wish her later on

Abhimanyu  had his eyes closed all this time however he kept making sure to check the time on the clock  now and then.

As the clock showed 23:59pm he slowly turned around to see Akshara 's  back facing towards him...moving closer to her he sat up and leaned his face down

Abhimanyu : Akshara  he whispered in her ear but no response

He tried again few times when Akshara  shuffled in her sleep

Akshara : what she said in a sleepy tone looking at Abhimanyu  for a sec and then closed her eyes...Abhimanyu  looked at the clock to see it show exact 12am.

Abhimanyu : happy birthday chatterbox he whispered in Akshara ear.

Akshara  slowly opened her to make sure she heard correctly and sat up after few seconds.

Abhimanyu : Happy birthday chatterbox he repeated,  moving her hair to the side which was falling on her face

Akshara  eyes widened

Akshara : you remembered?

Abhimanyu : What made you think that I would forget he said frowning slightly

Akshara :no I mean for all these years  I hadn't been here so I thought....she said leaving her sentence incomplete

Abhimanyu  took Akshara  hand and held it

Abhimanyu : I can never forget your birthday Akshu.  No matter how far you were, how angry I was. I could never forget because you have that place in my life which nobody will be able to remove he said.

Akshara  smiled as she felt her eyes getting teary, She hugged Abhimanyu. 

Akshara : Thank you so much Abhi. I am honestly blessed to have you in my life she said.

Abhimanyu  smiled widely as he hugged her even more tightly

Suddenly Akshara  phone started to ring making her and Abhimanyu  break the hug.

As Akshara  picked up the phone she saw it was Sahil calling and answered it to see the rest of the family members and also the  gang was added on to the call  however before anyone could wish her first sahil wished her quickly.

Sahil:Happy birthday Akshara ii he said

Akshara :Thank you sahil she said with a smile while Abhimanyu  rolled his eyes but he caught Akshara  by surprise when he pulled her closer to him

Abhimanyu :Let me hold the phone for you Akshara  he said taking the phone and held it in a way to show both their face.

Akshara : um thanks she said and turned her attention back to the others when they all shouted happy birthday.

Akshara :Thank you so so much she said smiling from ear to ear

Kairav :we thought we will get to wish you first  but here sahil beat us to it.

Sahil: As usual I wanted to be the first one to wish you he said smiling widely at Kairav and then at Akshara.

Abhimanyu : Well sorry to break the bubbles but I was the first one to wish Akshara  he said giving a smirk

Vidyut: that's like my boy he shouted making juhi playfully slap his arms while the smile from sahil face dropped hearing what Abhimanyu  said

Ranveer :ok ok now let akshu rest we all can wish her properly later on.. bacha. happy birthday

Akshara :thank you chachu.

Once all ended the call Akshara  placed her phone down when suddenly the door opened making Avneil  jump a bit and turn towards the door to see the BIrla family  walk in and shout

"Happy birthday Ak" but all  of them stopped when they saw Akshara  already awake.

Manjari: lo she is already awake over here and we thought she is asleep

Neil: thanks for Informing us Mom. He said playfully earning a slap from manajri on the arm.

Mahima:I told you to hurry up manjari but you just didnt listen.

Manjari: taiji how am I at fault. I went to get Neil its not my fault if he took time to wake up. she said pouting

Mahima: if you had woken up early and woken up neil at that time   we would have gotten to wish Akshara  

Manjari:haan so I'm sure only Abhimanyu  has wished her and next it will be us right harsh

Harshvardan: right he said

Akshara : are you all going to wish me or not she said getting their attention

Mahima:of course beta we were...happy birthday Akshara  may this birthday fulfil all your wishes.

Akshara :thank you taiji

Parth: happy birthday akshu and shefali also told me to wish you from her behalf.

Akshara: means alot bhai thank you.

Manjari: happy birthday Akshara she said moving towards Akshara  and hugged her

Akshara :thank you manji

Anand/HArsh: happy birthday bets both said at the same time.

Akshara : thank you

Neil: last but not the least. Happy birthday Akshuuuuuuu he said pulling her cheeks

Akshara: thank you neiluuuuuuuu sue said pulling his cheeks the same way.

Mahima: chalo we will go and sleep now ...I'm sure the others will call you still right.

Akshara : taiji. actually they just called few mins ago

Mahima looked at Akshara  and then glared at manjari.

Mahima: Harsh, Anand  I'm not including manjari next time when we have to wish Akshara  

Manjari:jiji i told na it's not my fault if I wasn't able to wake Neil up.

Mahima:, don't blame Neil.

Akshara :ok enough enough it doesn't matter who wished as all that matters Is that you all took time out to wish me and that is all I wanted so thank you she said

All smiled warmly at abhira  and left the room.

Akshara : let's sleep now ...goodnight Abhi.

Abhimanyu : goodnight birthday girl he said.

The next day

Abhimanyu  woke up and stretched his arms when he stopped midway seen Akshara  sitting near the window while staring at something in her hand.

He frowned and slowly got up walking towards her, as he reached near he saw Akshara  holding onto a frame that had Kartik and Naira in the pic and nostalgic is what he felt seen their picture.

Abhimanyu  moved forward and sat on the beanbag near the window...his heart pained to see Akshara  looking at the picture with sadness as a long tear rolled down her eyes.

Abhimanyu : Akshara ? He said calling out to her as he placed his hand on hers

Akshara  looked up startled..she quickly wiped her tears and got up placing the frame down.

Akshara : I didn't know you woke up. I will quickly go and have a Bath ok she said walking towards the wardrobe and was searching for something she wasn't sure about only to be turned around by Abhimanyu .

Abhimanyu : You don't have to hide how you feel Akshara. You know that right.

Akshara  looked at Abhimanyu  with a smile but slowly that smile left while her eyes started to fill up.

Akshara : I wish if they were still here Abhi.  she said in a broken tone.

Abhimanyu  swallowed the lump and pulled Akshara  in his arm as she allowed her hand to warp around his lower waist.

Abhimanyu : We can't change the past Akshara but we can be happy with their memories and hope that they are watching all of us with a smile.

Akshara :I try to think that way...but...but it never works Abhimanyu ...I miss them she said sobbing.

Abhimanyu : We all do chatterbox but do you think they will be happy that their Akshara  is upset on her birthday? no right.

Akshara : I know they won't be happy and I try to make myself smile but everyday  I think about them, especially this day after all I'm in this world because of them and now my own parents are not with me.

Abhimanyu  hugged Akshara  tightly

Abhimanyu : They are Akshara  ...they are...their blessing is with you too we just never know in what way but they are always here..they are in your heart he said and rubbed her back as he heard her try to control a loud sob

Akshara  didn't say anything except that her tears never stopped and Abhimanyu  didn't want to say more to make her feel more sad... both stayed in that position for sometime until Akshara  moved away

Abhimanyu :you ok?

Akshara : yes...thank you Abhimanyu  she said wiping her tears and smiled.

Abhimanyu : I'm always here Akshara  dont ever thank come on go and freshen up otherwise you don't want to be all smelly for the whole day right.

Akshara : that is so rude she said smacking him making Abhimanyu  laugh

Abhimanyu :I said a fact

Akshara : look who is talking she said rolling her eyes and walked to the washroom while Abhimanyu  smiled slowly that she was ok now

After Akshara  came out Abhimanyu  went to have a shower while she got ready

After 20 mins abhira  came down and all had wished Akshara  again as she was about to go the kitchen to help out manjari made her sit down and told her she doesn't have to do any work today as today is her birthday

Wheas parth and neil had to leave straight away.

Akshara  had no choice but to listen to manjari

Abhimanyu : I'll get going now he said.

He moved away and was walking towards the door when he got the attention of Harshvardan and gestured towards his watch showing 6 fingers up to which Harshvardan nodded...Akshara  hadn't seen that as her back was facing Abhimanyu  

Harshvardan: chalo bhaisaab we will leave.  Akshara take care he said patting her cheeks

Once Harshvardan and anand had left manjari told Akshara  to be back before 6pm

Akshara : Why??? what's the plan? She asked curiously as none mentioned about doing anything

Mahima:puttar you will know later on for now just go and be back early so you can get ready on time ok

Akshara : ok ok bye I'll see you later she said.

As she reached outside she walked over to the driver to tell her to drop her to work but then saw sahil car entering

Sahil:sorry I got late he said putting the window down when Akshara  walked to him

Akshara : I thought you won't be coming to pick me up

Sahil :I can never forget to inform you birthday girl now come on get in the car he said 

Akshara  told him to wait for a min and walked back to the driver

Akshara : ramesh uncle can you come and pick me up at 4pm ...the driver nodded

Akshara  then walked back to sahil car and got in putting her seatbelt on

Akshara :sahil ...taiji and manji maa told me to get home early so I'll have to leave around 4pm at least

Sahil: that is fine Akshara  dont worry.

Akshara : thanks sahil everytime you are there on my behalf at the orphanage be it in london or over here

Sahil: I'm always there for you he said smiling as he started the car

Akshara :I know you are

Sahil: so what's the plan  for today birthday girl? He said looking at her for few secs and then ahead

Akshara : I don't know myself

Sahil:Abhimanyu  hasn't planned anything for you yet? He asked raising an eyebrow

Akshara : I don't know...maybe he hasn't due to work but yes taiji and manjiri ma told me to reach home early.

Sahil nodded

Sahil : I understand Abhimanyu  is a doctor but he could have taken few hours of atleast ...but what can we say it's his choice right he said looking at Akshara  from the corner of his eyes.

Akshara :I have no complaints sahil even if he doesnt plan anything for my birthday I won't be upset..We are back to being friends and what matters to me the most is that he wished me...besides during old days there useto be times when sometimes me and Abhimanyu  wouldn't do anything for each others birthday yet we still enjoy our time.

Sahil: I understand Akshara  after he considers you only a friend and friends do what they feel comfortable in he said.

Akshara  looked at sahil and nodded slowly

Akshara : yup just a friend she whispered but sahil heard it and smirked

After sometime both reached to the orphanage and got ready.

Precrap: is the same as previous one

Hey guys here is the next chap of unconditional love

Thank you for the amazing response for the previous chap especially those who commented and voted

Will be waiting for all the comments and votes for this chap so keep them coming

Lots of love

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