chapter 6

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Abhimanyu : no first say sorry he said tickling her
Akshara: never
Abhimanyu : ok then...with that he started tickling her again
Akshara: o...ok sorry she said quickly
Abhimanyu  smirked and pulled Akshara up and started pulling her cheeks and then hugged her tightly
Tanya looked at the two best friends smiling
Tanya in her head : what r u made of Akshara? keep your friendship with Abhimanyu  u r hiding your feelings from him so that me and Abhimanyu  can be together...Abhimanyu  is blessed to have u in his life and somewhere im proud that I became your friend.
at night
Juhi: what?
Arohi: haan  but please don't tell Akshara that I told u....I somehow convinced her to come to the trip so that we can convince her in some way not to leave college
Juhi:  Akshara can't leave all of us just like that. I know it must be hard for her to see Abhimanyu  with tanya but ...Akshara is our friend Arohi
Arohi: exactly but she is my sister and I know her very well. Since we were young her and Abhimanyu  have always been together but she just can't leave like this..
Juhi: whatever it is we need to speak to Akshara
Arohi: but
Juhi: dw she won't be mad at u for telling me our main focus should be on how to stop her 
The next day
All decided to go for sight seeing .. Akshara was thinking on how to tell the rest of the gang about her moving to a diff college...suddenly she heard a knock on her door and went to open it to find Juhi and Arohi
Both walked in and by Juhi expression
Akshara could tell Arohi must have told her
Akshara: Arohi y....but she couldn't continue as Juhi spoke
Juhi: what r u doing Akshara?... do u know how we all r going to feel when u go away? U,Abhimanyu  neil and Arohi have been together since childhood but what about me and Vidyut? Are we not your friends?. I agree that it must be hard for u to see tanya and Abhimanyu  together but Akshara y don't u just go and tell Abhimanyu  how u feel about him so that at least he hiding it from him and going to a different college u r actually trying to hide and this would not only effect u but the rest of us especially Abhimanyu
Akshara: this is the only way for me Juhi to forget my feelings for Abhimanyu ...I don't want to make it awkward between us....we have been friends since childhood and by telling him about my feelings I don't want to ruin that friendship in a sec....I'm sure with time I will overcome it
Juhi: Akshara we all r with u but please change your decision about moving to a different college
Akshara: no she whispered
Juhi: Akshara if u love Abhimanyu  and consider us your frien...Akshara interrupted Juhi
Akshara: don't say a world because I won't change my decision...I'm taking a oath that I love Abhimanyu  and consider u all my friend and for Abhimanyu  and tanya I have decided that I will go no matter what. Now since it's about u all and Abhimanyu  I won't break this oath...
Juhi and Arohi were shocked here they were going to give Akshara Abhimanyu 's oath along with their friendship to stop Akshara from going but Akshara gave a oath to herself that she won't change her decision
Arohi: Akshara what did u do? Take your words back now
Akshara: nope I just did what u were planning to do now let's end this discussion everyone must be waiting for us she said leaving her room soon to be followed by Arohi and Juhi
Three of them started to walk and saw Abhimanyu  Vidyut and neil there
Akshara: where is tanya?
Abhimanyu : she has gone out with her cousin?
Arohi: cousin? When did her cousin come here ?
Abhimanyu : well she was speaking to her last night and since both hadn't met for a long time they decided to spend some together
Neil: yeah by the way her cousin is so hot u should have seen her
Arohi: neillll she said in a warning tone
Neil: what? it's a fact
Arohi: don't talk to me
Vidyut: ok enough of the argument now let's go otherwise we will just waste half of our time standings here
They got into the jeep ...Abhimanyu  had decided to drive while Vidyut sat next to him and the rest sat at the back
Juhi: guys looks there is a fun fair there let's go 
Akshara: no way
Abhimanyu  saw akshara scared expression from the rear view mirror as he Neil and Arohi clearly knew how scared Akshara was of fast rides
Abhimanyu : oh yes that will be fun
Akshara: Abhimanyuuuuu she said saying his name when she saw his expression and knew something was cooking in his head
when they had reached  they saw so many rides. Akshara was about to move away from there when she felt someones hand around her shoulder and when she looked she saw Abhimanyu  smiling at her.
Akshara: u very well know I hate rides and still U decided we will come here
Abhimanyu : come on choti sherni  I wouldn't want to miss a chance of annoying u.
Akshara: Abhimanyu  let me go she said trying to move his hands from her shoulder but no luck
They were Standing in the line and Arohi had told Vidyut and Juhi how Akshara is scared of fast rides as they hadn't know about this all this time
Juhi: awwwww Akshara
Akshara: don't awww me she said glaring at Juhi while Abhimanyu  still had his hands around Akshara shoulder so she has no chance to escape
Juhi: arien y r u getting angry at me
Akshara: y did U have to mention about coming here if u hadn't said that then this stupid wouldn't have got a chance to annoy me she said pointing to Abhimanyu  
It was finally their turn and all sat down in pairs
Akshara: Abhimanyu  please let me go naaa
Abhimanyu : r u mad.... I don't want to miss a chance of seen your scared face...Akshara glared at Abhimanyu .
Abhimanyu  laughed and pulled her in for a hug and placed a kiss on her cheeks
...Akshara stiffened this wasn't the first time Abhimanyu  had kissed her he would usually kiss her on the cheeks in a friendly way but today she felt it different due to her feelings for him.
Suddenly the ride started of slowly

Akshara moved away from Abhimanyu  arm and looked around.... she did a silent prayer while Abhimanyu  laughed at her.... When the ride started to get faster she gripped on to Abhimanyu  hand tightly and placed her head on his shoulder closing her eyes tightly.
Abhimanyu : Akshara come on yaar just open your eyes and enjoy and forget your fear for once he said shouting a little...but Akshara just stayed like that

abhimanyu  tried to lift her face but she would place it back on his shoulder and stayed like that until the ride ended
Once they got out Akshara started to hit  Abhimanyu  as he was telling the others how Akshara expression were during the ride
They went on other rides where akshara succeeded in running away

she watched all sitting in the ride and shouting in happiness as she was trying to capture as many moment as she can. She took out her phone and started to take pictures
Once they had done that they were waiting for their ice creams to come
Arohi: look at our change of plan we had left for sight seen but instead of that we r having fun at the fun fair
Vidyut: come let's take some pics all agreed and took pics in different pose.
Vidyut was taking pics of everyone and he even took one where Abhimanyu  was trying to eat Akshara ice cream while she was stopping him..another one was where he took one with Juhi and then he took one of neil and Arohi where both were sharing ice cream.
Time went so quickly for them and they were on the way back to the villa
after getting of the jeep they were walking in when they saw tanya seen of her cousin.
Abhimanyu : hey he said moving in to hug her. And kept his hands around her shoulder
Tanya: I'm sorry guys my cousin was in town and we hadn't met for a long time so I had to cancel the plan last min
Juhi: it's ok at least U got to spend some time with your cousin
Tanya smiled and nodded
Tanya: so how was the sight seen
Akshara: we didn't have any sight seen  instead we had to go to a fun fair..  tanya noticed on the way she said making a face
Tanya: y? Didn't u enjoy it? She asked seen Akshara expression
Akshara: yeah all did expect me she said glaring at Abhimanyu  who laughed while Arohi told about how Akshara hates rides
Akshara was laying on her bed... she was looking at the pictures that Vidyut had sent all of them...she was smiling seen all those pictures and then looked at the group picture which someone had taken for them
Akshara: im going to miss all of this...

Thanks to all those who commented and voted for the previous chapter it really means a lot
Will be waiting for all the lovely comments and votes
Silent readers at least a small comment would do with a vote please for abhira sake
Lots of love Sonali

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