41 ~ It's all Lie from the Beginning...

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Surprise, Surprise, Surprise... 😘😘😘

This Surprise update is dedicated to all Abhiraj Readers who vote no matter Author ask or not. 💕💕💕💕💕

Next Update will be after 30k votes... Read the Author's Note below for Reason (I am Sorry)

Vote and vote on previous chapters now if you forgot anyhow to meet me back.

Make it 1k followers soon. 🤗🤗

Rajvardhan POV

Decorations, Colours, flowers, and celebrations were the things that ignited the excitement in the Mahabaleshgarh. I was walking towards the Royal court for some meeting with the Royal member and soon, I entered the Royal Court. I met everyone and bowed to my seniors.  After Taking my couch we all waited for the King to enter. 

After a few moments, the announcer announced his presence loudly as he entered the court. 

Everyone wished and bowed to him, including me.

He smiled looking at me and climbed on his throne sitting in pride. 

"Please sit down," He said.

We all settled on our couches waiting to hear why this royal meeting was called early morning. 

"So, As I already said that I and the Queen are passing on the crowns to the Rightful owner that means Prince Rajvardhan and his wife Princess Abhishree on the auspicious occasion of Haldi Ceremony of our Daughter Princess Gulaab. I am requesting everyone to stay alert in this particular month because there will be huge celebrations and functions happening in the Palace."

He took a pause and then continued.

"I request Prince to take the responsibility of security and lead our soldiers in the safety of Empire under him. Also, I would like to pass on the custody of Royal Stamps, Documents and trunk of Official letters to the Prince. Please Bring the Royal orders and stamp here" He ordered the attendee.

Soon an attendee showed up having Different kinds of Stamps, Keys and Letters with him. 

The king Stood up from his throne and stepped down from those few stairs and out of respect everyone also stood up immediately. 

He walked towards me and handed over me all the Royal responsibilities. I was not very happy neither sad because, from my childhood, I knew that I had to be the King one day and lead the Empire but seeing my father retiring as a great king and emperor made me a little emotional. 

He proved himself as a great King many times in his life and he was always loved by the peoples of Empire and I would be more than Proud if I ever am a King like him.

I bowed a little while taking them in my hand and passed them on to the attendee. Then he gave me the keys as the rightful owner, Although I already knew which key belonged to which trunk or vault but he was fulfilling all the formalities.  

The last thing, he gave me was his shawl that he pulled down from his shoulder and spread on mine. I didn't know why I immediately felt a little burdened because from now on, I had to make the decisions on my own. I had to think about our empire on my own. I had to cope up with all the problems all alone and I had to be the King for all. 

I smiled looking into his eyes as he was smiling beautifully and had water in the corner of his eyes. He hugged me saying.

"I waited for this day since you born Raj" 

"Thank you so much, Pita Saheb," I remembered that it's been years since I called him father. 

Everyone congratulated and appraised me and I took the blessings of my father, teachers and all seniors. They seemed so much happy and I was happy too but somehow I wanted to share the happiness with Abhi. 

Because somehow, she was the one who made this possible indirectly. My father and mother were searching for a bride for me who could be powerful and responsible and she came into my life. They waited for the crowing because of my marriage.

I was missing Abhi and I didnt know why every time I wanted to see her, I wanted to run and tell her that father transferred the responsibilities to me today. I wanted to share my thoughts, happiness, weakness all with her. 

"Maharaj!!!" Suddenly an attendee caught my attention and we looked at him. 

"Maa Saheb called everyone for the Murti staphna in the Royal Temple"

My father nodded at him and then looked at me. 

"Come, Raj! Let's start the ritual for the Gulaab wedding." He said with a serious tone as if he was not too excited. My father stopped talking to Gulaab since he got to know about Abhidev and her. He somehow stayed upset with her till yet. But, I had to talk to him about something very important. 

" Pita Saheb,"  I said while we were walking towards the Royal Temple.

"Ji" He replied.

"Umm, I was saying that We should not let Gulaab marry Sultan. I doubt him."

"What Doubt?" He asked.

"I don't know, But I find him strange. He knows it's his wedding still no one came from his family. Only he and his soldiers are here. I doubt why he is interested in Gulaab and how he got to know about her"

"I think" I was about to say more but he cut me off and continued.

"I think, You are overthinking. Look at the other perspective Raj, He saved you and I asked him to ask something in return and he asked for marriage with Gulaab. I think he is planning to make a better relationship with the most powerful Empire in Hindustan. And moreover, we can't do anything now because Gulaab herself agreed to this wedding in front of all. I would say don't think about it very much." He said and meanwhile, we reached the Temple. 

I nodded to him and We All entered the Temple. Then, I looked at the ladies who were giggling, talking and then my sight fell on  Maa Saheb and Abhi who were preparing the Plate for prayer and I registered that she was wearing the heavy Red lehnga. A smile appeared on my face for no reason Instantly. 

She was looking so beautiful and for all the while my eyes were fixed on her. I couldn't see her face because of the veil but I recognized her with her body language and those slim arms. From Head to toe she was looking like a Goddess in Red. 

The men were standing behind and only me and my father were asked to come in front for the Prayer. The priest blew the shell loudly and then the Aarti Started. Everyone was singing after the priest loudly and the sounds of bells added to it turned the environment devotional in no moments. 

I see everyone was lost in prayers but my attention was hooked on her. I was stealing the gazes.

The initial Aarti was done by Maa Saheb and Pita Saheb and then they asked me and Abhi me to pray together. I looked at Abhi who was completely into the prayers and I was looking stupid who was looking at her frequently and then the Aarti was done by Gulaab. 

After the prayers, everyone got busy in their selves and I got a message from the attendee that the Army chief called me for the Safety Allotments of soldiers. 

I excused myself after that and my whole day passed in the meetings with the Army chief discussing the Security concerns of The Empire for the upcoming eventful month. 

We needed to be extra prepared as we just won against Suryadev and we could expect that his brother won't stay calm after his death. Extra soldiers are appointed in the Palace at every place and a part of the army is kept on stand by in case of emergency of any war. 

The day was long and a little hectic for me as I had to attend all the meetings which was the responsibility of my father before. Also, Tomorrow would be the Crowing of Abhi and me and for that safety was keeping at the priority. A rally of Crowned King in the general Public was organised as it was the ritual of our Empire since ever. 

Finally, After all the meetings, discussions and appointments I got free. It was evening and I could see the sun hiding behind the horizon. I was walking back to my chamber but Suddenly I heard an anklet voice and my attention diverted to the Abhi who was walking fastly to her chamber and her attendees were running after her carrying some Small Pots. 

I heard the monstrous Laughter of Abhi as she was running from them and those ladies were running after her. I didn't know why It made me smile so widely and Unknowingly I moved towards her chamber. 

I walked fastly towards her chamber. I signalled the guard to not announce my presence.

When I entered her chamber I heard them laughing loudly and I could hear the slight voice of their talks and giggling of others too. 

Woww!!! They are enjoying...

I wanted to see what they were doing so I Walked inside the next part of her chamber. 

I found them in the Sitting area of the chamber that had the garden attached and looking at them I immediately felt slightly shocked. 

"Sakhi, Please Stop" I heard Abhi Saying to someone in between the Laughter.

"No Abhi, You know naa what Maa Saheb Said." The attendee said in between the laugh and I immediately felt offended seeing her calling Abhi by name. 

They were sitting on the ground and I could see a lot of bowls of Turmeric and sandalwood paste that they were applying to each other. I looked at Abhi, whose cheeks, Arms and neck were completely in the paste and she was laughing.

Okay, they are enjoying...

They didn't notice me till yet and I cleared my throat.

Suddenly, there was pin-drop silence in the chamber and all the ladies left leaving us alone within a few moments. 

I looked at Abhi who hesitated looking at me.

"What was happening here? I asked a little roughly.

She stood up immediately, and I could see the nervousness on her face and then she replied. 

"Nothing, Forget it" She answered nervously.

"Why were they doing so?" I asked walking closer to her.

"umm... Its nothing. Actually... we all were in Haldi of Princess Gulaab and Maa Saheb said that My Haldi didn't happen yet. So, she applied the paste on my cheeks too for fun and then all those, My friends joined her and started doing so. I was running from them because they were trying to tickle me and touching on my stomach and then I came here... And you" Her voice slowed down by end of her sentence as I stood closer to her. She was looking mesmerising, beautiful and hot in that Red lehnga.

"So, Your Haldi didn't happen," I asked again touching her chin and aligning her face to look into my eyes and meet the gaze.

She looked into my eyes softly and then said.

"It happened, but it was for..." She inhaled a breathe and then continued. "Suryadev, not for you"

She said looking into my eyes and hearing the name made me a little angrier and upset instantly but I controlled my emotions.

"It's okay,... so, If I apply the Haldi then it will always be called for me not for anyone else, Right? " I said looking into her eyes.

She alerted and replied instantly. "No, You can't."

"Why?" I asked picking the bowl up in my hand and thinning my eyebrows.

"I have never heard husband Applying it on wife," She said with a soft and serious tone but inside she knew that I would never listen.

"Ohh Really!" I replied walking closer to her and she walked back.

"Yes, It's not considered Good." She was walking backwards away from me and I found it hell seductive. 

"It's alright, I am famous for doing wrong things very correctly," I said while walking closer to her as she banged with the couch and I blocked her way.

I took the paste from the bowl and it felt cold. I forwarded my hand to touch her cheek and she tried to protest by moving her neck away but I leaned in and she leaned back till her waist allowed her to and then she gave up by closing her eyes when my Palm touched her soft cheek. Our lips were a few distances away when I raked my fingers softly from her cheek to chin. My thumb brushed her lower lip a little and with the effect, she blinked her eyes after opening the eyes. 

Unknowingly it went to her neck and she parted her lips seductively.

"It's a Sin, Prince," She said in a soft tone.

"Then let your husband be a sinner today," I replied in her ear while snaking my hand around her waist as she was leaning back more still trying to get off my hold. 

Suddenly, when my other hand was raking on her neck, She smiled and forced me away.

"No, you can't" 

She tried to run but I was fast to hold her hand.

"Ayeeeeee" I called her. 

I pulled her back to me. 

"You can't run away from me," I said looking into her eyes. She was smiling and seemed in a playful mood today.

"Why? I have legs and I can run" She said lifting her left eyebrow very seductively. 

"No, You can't. I will never let you go anywhere from me." I said touching her cheek again with applying the paste.

"But, I can't stay here forever," She said with a serious tone.  

I instantly turned shocked and my eyebrows turned thin looking at her.

"Means? Why can't you stay here forever? You are my wife now and this is your home, Palace, Empire and these peoples are yours now" I said.

She smiled and looked down.

"You know, It's all a lie. We are lying from everyone from the beginning."

Another Update!!! Fastest Update and 2500 words!!! (Pheww!!!)

So many people are Asking for Gulaab and Rafiq's Story, Right? So, If you Guys want thier story do let me know in a inline comment here.

One more thing, I want to know is... How many readers know Hindi or I mean from which part of the Globe you are reading this book. Because then, I will make it more detailed and understandable to all more if it has audience from all over the Globe...

Also, Abhishree completed more than 40 chapters and trust me I have never thought that I would be continuing something this longer. So, yeah cheers to me...

Important Author's note.

Honestly, I am risking my studies a really lot. Because, I talked to my peers and I realised that I am very far away from them in studies (Course, the way I am taking classes) So, I need a little break from writing to make habit of studying daily or you know naa what I mean... Ummm, Putting everything back on track. I am on break until Abhishree hit 30k votes whether it take one day or one month depends on Silent readers. I really need to cope up with my life a little. I am sorry my sweet hearts ❤... I will be active on Wattpad but I need a break from writing. 

Love you All 💕💕💕

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