chapter -6

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      Abnormal love story

         Part - 6

Recap ( laksh was hell tensed for ragini state ...everyone worried for ragini ....ragini reacted ...laksh care for her...bitter truth )

Scene begins in doctor informed to them , ragini will be react like an kid because her heart is travelling in her  childhood state so her thinking will be reflect like an kid ... Her memory loss is also an impact of u can understand she is not normal guys must take care of her if anything happens wrongly she will turns to violent...

So doctor what are you trying to say now is she turns to mental ?? Sujji asked to him ?

Chachiii laksh roared

Sujji gulped seeing his anger...arrey laksh now what i asked wrongly ? Doctor clearly saying right ? She is mental

That's enough chachii not a word against raginii...just cut this crap now he said in broken heart his heart aching....his legs were almost weak to stand enough...this news is too much to handle he gonna get out of this misery he doesn't know ? In this state sujji words stabbing his bleeding heart more to overflow with blood....

Sujji about to start ap stopped her by touching her shoulder...

My ladooo dhadhi starts to cry loudly ...shekhar too standing there numb...everyone devastated hearing this bad news...but laksh whom affected by this a lot...

Its creating something inside him he felt his body heated up...his hands were shivering eyes were swollen...he never felt tired or weak waiting for her to get concious but this single news made him drown in guilt ...he felt like die...his ragini is mentaly unstable he couldn't bieve it...the girl whom loved him unconditionally fighted for his reputation...taking decisions maturedly, only knew to love everyone...she is mentaly unstable he trying to make his heart understand the situation but it can't accept the bitter truth.....perhaps this doctor may lie to me for my behaviour yesterday...his mind said to him in tension...

Lemme check her once he thought then rushed in kept praying to god please make it impossible my ragini will be ok right ? She can't be change its just impossible he said in sad chuckle...

He entered in to witness ragini adjusting her hair...laksh stared her she seems to be normal but why doctor lied to me ? He walked near her without taking his eyes from her

Ra...rag...raginii...he called her but she is busy in adjusting her hair...laksh sat beside her holding her hand...

Ragini he muttered her name  with moist eyes.  ....ragini felt his touch then turns towards him , she smiled to him

He couldn't stop himself adoring her smile how beautiful she is when she is smiling...

Raginii he called her again...

Is my name ragini....she asked back to him made laksh numb...

Ragini signald him to come near her he felt weird...she signald again without option he leand to her in broken heart... She whispered to his ears...that white coat uncle too mentioned me as raginii....she said chuckling

Laksh couldn't take this anymore hugged ragini tightly...ragini how could you change like this ...don't you know i'm an big idiot only you are there for me to correct me and showed me to walk in good path now how could you turn like this ? I feel alone raginii...please come back to me i need you...he bursted out in tears.... Ragini ....please yrr

Ragini stayed there without reacting....laksh broked his hug then stared ragini who is staring him back in questioning way...

Why are you crying ? Did anyone scold you ? That whit coat uncle hena ? Shall i ask him to stop scolding you...

Laksh stared her innocent behaviour helplessly...

Ragini wiped his tears don't cry i will ask to him she about to get up laksh stopped her....he composed himself ..

He shut his eyes tightly hot tears left from his eyes...i'm really sorry ragini for pushing you in this state .....i supposed to be in your state its all happend because of you what's the needs to rescue me...he said in my mind...

He understood now his tears won't cure ragini ...but his care can...he cupped ragini face don't worry raginii ...

Then stop cry you are not looking good in it she said smiling

He nods in tears...

She again called him to come near her... 

Hmmm ragini say ?

I forgot your name ?

Laksh heart pinched hearing it ...he trying a lot not to cry infront of her but can't helpful his tears already rushing down to his cheek...

Ragini touched her ears then muttered sorry to him...i won't ask your name again you please don't cry

He wiped his tears then removed her hands need to sorry for the mistake which you never done....

My name is laksh ...he said patting her cheek

She smiled...laksh

Hmm that's my name don't you dare to forget again... He warned her cutely

Laksh my belly creating some sounds ...can you hear it ? She asked to him to listen...

Reality striked him that ragini didn't take food ...she was in fasting for their marriage...

He got up in jerk...wait a minute ragini i am coming... She nods then listening that groan sounds from her stomach....

Ragini felt sleep in hungry poor soul doesn't even know she was in hungry ...

She laid back to bed...holding her tummy... Sleep overtook her...

Here dhadhi crying thinking about ragini state , shekhar eyes too moist , ap trying her best to console dhadhi but failed miserably she herself couldn't controll her tears then how ?

In these all mess sujji is thinking about laksh marriage...

Jiiji now this girl turns to mentally sick will you allow laksh to marry her ? She asked to them without controll of her tongue

Ap glared sujji back in angry...she gulped seeing her , she adjusted her veil then muttered under her breath do i asked something wrong why did jiiji glaring me ?

Dhadhi burst out in tears more my pothi life in miserable state i can't able to see her in this mess , my wish to see her married woman is built castle in air ...

Don't worry everything will be alright ? You can see her normal and married also ap trying her best to convice her...

I think this jiiji also turns to mad ? Doctor clearly said she is mental now then how could she assure ragini will be alright ? And can able to marry

Is she planning to make her marry with laksh ? My god i can't allow this  to happen ?

I can't able to imagine one mental staying along with us in same house ? Chii what if she turns to violent ? Suppose she will held my neck in angry i will suffocate  to take breath then...she is thinking weirdly ...what if society mock us that we take one mental as our bahu ? Who will ask my uttra hands then no i can't able to allow this  ....she said glaring ragini who is sleeping in IC U

Just then laksh reached there with food for ragini sujji tension clearly visibled on her face....what he is upto ?

Where are you going laksh ?

She is hungry so gonna give food

You wait here...dhadhi sa you bring this food to your ladoo

Why are you disturbing her i am going na ?

Laksh you can't understand anything come with me ...first give this food to her she said in ordering way

Chachi leave my hand ragini is in hungry ...

Laksh i am saying na you don't need to go in and serve to her

What do you mean ? Chachi...

Uffo laksh don't you understand this small thing ?


Laksh she is not your type now ? Thank god you escaped from her before marriage orelse she will be a big burden to you now ? Its better to leave this place

Orelse that dhadhimaa will ask you to marry her so be carefull

Chachii are you in your sense ? How could you spat venome in this situation too ...don't you know she is in this mess because of me

I'm the soul reason for her state then how could you mock her state

So do you wanna sacrifice your life for this mental ?

Chachii he roared....

Screen froze

Guys leave your cmnts ?

Will laksh accept ragini ?

Will ap too stand with sujji or support ragini ?

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