Don't leave me

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   Abnormal love story

       Chapter -8

Recap ( Laksh supporting raginii...raglak cute conversation...devil message to maheshwaries ).

Scene begins with everyone mobile beeped with new message...all maheshwaries eyes popped out in shock seeing it...

   Target missed next time won't 😈

Who is this ? This questioned raised in everyone mind but all stood their rooted

Laksh fisted his hand in anger reading it...who the hell are you? Why are you behind me ? If you have any grudges with me why don't you show it infront of my eyes? Why did you acted like an coward...just because of you my ragini is in this state today ...he said in his mind .

His gaze fell on ragini who is taking nap on his shoulder could you hurt this innocent soul ? He is verge of cry seeing her condition...

You ruined the most precious day in her life...she craved to be my wife. But you spoiled everything i won't leave you. whoever you are ? You end will be miserable one...i will say proudly your end is in my hands for hurting my ragu...

Two days later...

Maheshwaries came to visit ragini gadodias too reached on is ragini discharging so we came here to meet her dp said to shekhar..

He nods... Thank you so much for your care on my daughter...laksh never left her side ... You must be proud of your upbringing dp ji ,shekhar praised him...

Ragini saved my son from that incident putting herself in danger...what should i say about it ? Praising her is less.  We are debted to her lifelong for this bold step ... Hope ragini will get well soon ap said to dhadhimaa ...

She is very innocent one , she knew only to  love everyone then how could she hurt others? When it comes to laksh matter she won't give up...she loving laksh unconditionally... Dhadhi said in tears..

Just then doctor came out after examine ragini.

Doctor how is she ?

Her wound starts to heal , just continue the medicine , she needs proper rest its all for her physical...but you must take care of her surrounding because of her current state...

She is mentally not stable how much attention she needs is very important , for that you need to observe her activity... If she wish to spend time alone leave her alone don't force her to mingle with crowd.

Likewise if she needs people attention then you must take her out to boost up her mind , in this case many don't like to sit alone so you must watch her carefully

If she behaved like an kid then you must treat her like kid.. Don't advise her to be act matured , it will give negative impact in her .

I can  understand  what you are trying to say , laksh  said holding ragini hand...she smiled to him .

All family members staring ragini in different emotions.

You can discharge her now said doctor.

I will go and finish the paper work shekhar said to him....

Mom , dhadhi please wait here i will take her out for an small walk till the paper work complete

Yeah betta go ahead dhadhi said while patting his cheek , ragini eyes sparkled seeing it , she came forward and showed her innocent face to her

Dhadhi staring her in confusion she has no idea why did she staring her in this way ?

Laksh understood what's running on her mind he whispered something into dhadhi ears, she looked him in really look ?

He shook his head in yes...

Seriously laksh she asked in doubt again...

Dhadhi do it he signald her ...

She caressed ragini head and patted her cheek lovingly...go with laksh she said extra sweetly

Ragini smiled genuinely she shook her head in all possible direction...this small act of dhadhimaa gave immense pleasure to her .

Dhadhi admired laksh , how could he understand ragini in this state too when she failed to see her grand kid .

Mere a thanks is not enough to him for spending sleepless night with ragini when she is in critical stage , she even doubt laksh is the reason she got ragini back .

Perhaps the target is laksh but ragini stucked in it , she can blame laksh and majeshwaries for her state but she won't . Because its ragini whom put herself in danger to save laksh so she can able to blame the destiny .

Her eyes turns to moist seeing raglak moving away by holding each other hand...

Her heart ached whenever that image kept popping up on her mind ...she dreamed raglak marriage many time when its time came destiny planned something worst for them...but seeing laksh care on her making her happy because ragini sacrifice didn't went in vain. She gave her life for the apt person nothing is wrong in her decision to choose laksh as her life partner

Seeing him by her side always giving satisfaction to her that ragini is safe in his hand. After her he will be there for ragini.

Ap break her transe by saying , take care of ragini ...we will come to meet her whenever we get time

Dhadhi nods in understandment...

Few minutes passed ... Still raglak didn't return shekhar too reached there after completing the discharge papper... Dp asked about raglak...ap informed to him that laksh takes her out for small walk but didn't return yet .

Ok lets meet them outside then he said to them...

Everyone walked outside of hospital, their eyes were searching for raglak ...many patients taking walk in that ground

Sujatha noticed them and shouts there is ragini and laksh jiiji she pointed their left side...

Ragini seems to picking the yellow leaf from ground...laksh whom helping her

What they are doing there sujatha asked ?

Chup ap signald her

They walked near them....what are you doing here shekhar asked ?

Laksh attention turns to him...just collecting leaf he said smiling

Why ?

She wished to collect it i'm helping her there is no particular reason behind it he said smiling

He scratched his head not understanding anything...

Ragini has beautiful smile with her, she is happy in her world it these all only ap noticed laksh just standing beside her to prevent her from sun light... He is moving according to it just to give his shadow.

She understood how matured he is now ? She smiled proudly ...

She gave all the leaf to laksh which she collected ...he received it happily...

Only for me he asked to her ?

Haan don't share it with others she said giggling...

Haan pakka...lets go then ?

Where ?

To our house he said winking at her

Laksh what do you mean ? Sujatha asked him ?

I wanna take ragini with me to MM laksh said casually

Everyone face went dull hearing it

Laksh you can't do that sujatha said

Why can't i do that chachi ? Mom dad ask her ?

You are not married yet laksh before marriage how can you bring her to our home ?

But chachi we supposed to he married couple now ? Destiny played badly with us that doesn't mean i will abandon her

Laksh we can understand you...lets arrange marriage once she turns normal... Till then she will stay in baadi along with them dp said to him

Dad even you too supporting chachi...

No laksh try to understand the situation dhadhisa calmed him...after many arguements he agreed to send her with dhadhi nd shekhar....

They took ragini hand from him , he felt some part of his body is going away from him...even ragini felt sad though she went with dhadhi...

Laksh stared the disappearing figure of ragini...

One hoodie person smirked seeing them...

Screen frozed

Precap : society taunting ragini

Guys leave ur cmnts

Who are faking the care on ragini?

Will this society turns ragini into something else ?

What will be laksh reaction once he find out the real culprit ?

Will ragini get peace in baadi ?

What new problem gonna raise inbetween his family

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