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  Abnormal love story -2

Its an normal day to everyone but not for three peoples who is standing there facing opposite each other ... Sun shining brightly in that day ...birds were chirping around happily... Gentle breeze touching them...two persons seemed to be very tensed but one is looking around least interested in their matters....

Three people revealed to laksh ....who is looking very confused ....hesitation is clearly visibled on his face he turns to see the innocent soul standing near him ...he looked her in moist eyes....

Go ahed laksh she said in her low voice... Her face revealed to be our ragini... Laksh u came here to share this with her then y r u hesitating speak with her nd clear it... Ur happiness is matter here no one can't force u laksh... Please do it don't think about me ...concentrate on your life please she said again...

Ragini i...he about to speak something ragini closed his mouth laksh when your are so stressed don't take decision in hurry...when u r not feeling good about something don't do it... Once you take ur decision from your heart then don't stay back for anything... If we do that's like cheating our heart.... She said smiling ...

So don't hesitate say your love to her she is my sister so i am happy for her ... I must say this to u laksh .....u may be thinking after all how could i support u in it right ?

Truth is i really love u a lot laksh...your happiness is matter to me but unfortunately you already find your soulmate in her...its not your mistake .... Like i loved u whole heartedly that's not my mistakes too...its our destiny laksh ...

Humans don't have that power to win over the destiny.....

He removed her hand from his mouth...ragini i don't need an life hurting u ... How could i live with her giving pain to u...ragini perhaps i love swara that doesn't mean i don't have any feelings on you r having more place in my heart then her... You are equal to my mom raginii... After her you reached to my heart but i don't know y i fall for swara instead of you

Ragini gave an bitter smile...she cupped laksh made my day laksh its enough to me atleast i have place in your heart ...that's enough laksh...i craved for love these long years no one loved me whole heartedly...but your this words made me think someone is here for me thanks for that go nd propose her she cheered him...

No ragini i won't go i won't marry anyone let's be friends forever so we don't need to face any situation like this ...

Laksh r u dump...y r u wasting your life for me go nd propose her man......perhaps after saw u with her i can change my feelings on u nd move on in my life laksh...r u wanna see me living lady devdas thinking about u my whole life ?

No no i didn't mean it he said to her....

Then go laksh she pushed him lil...he hesitated nd moved near swara who is waiting far from them

Swara he called her she turns towards her... Yes laksh

I...i wanna say one thing to u he said hesitately

Here ragini eyes filled with tears seeing them together...her heart pinched ...

Laksh i know wt do u wanna say she replied to him made laksh surpriced

Wt ? How do u know ? Did ragini said anything to u ?

Swara him

Laksh turns back to see raginii she is in tears when his gaze fell on her she turns back to hide her tears laksh felt his heart is heavy...he is not feeling well..

Laksh looked swara in mixed emotion...

See laksh ragini said that u loving me? Is it true ?

Laksh didn't replied to her

Your silence saying the truth laksh ragini is correct...laksh how could u love me when u r engaged to my sister?  I hate u for this ? She plead  me to accept u in my life laksh ...sorry i can't accept u ... I don't know wt ragini saw in u to love unconditionally...such a spoiled brat u r ? Never knew to give importance to others feelings... Then how could u think that i will.accept u

I don't need an person like u in my life good for nothing u r in your father money. ....u r wasting it a lot don't have any aim ...who knew ur future will be like this only......i
don' t need to waste my life with u life long... As far i know your brother controlling all business he will be an president soon...but wt u r gonna be ? As a person like u knew only to give birth to child ..who knows u may be slept with ragini that is y she sticked to u .such a slut....before she finishing her words laksh slapped her ...

Not a word against my Ragini

Ragini eyes widen in shock...

Laksh ragini shouts....

Laksh eyes showing rage now...he is looking swara in all hate in his eyes...

Ragini rushed to there worried ...wt happened laksh y did u slapped swara she asked in tears...

Ask to her raginii... I never saw an girl in my life like this witch he said in angry such a disguisting creature in this world

Swara looked him in angry how dare u to slap me laksh u don't have that rights ...

Then u don't have that rights to bad mouth about dare u to utter such words u bloody hell he roared back in same tone...

Guys wt's going on here ragini asked in worry...

U guys please calm down nd settle this matter after all u guys gonna marry each other...

Swara about to speak but laksh said those words in angry

I will die rather then marry this girl in my life raginii

Ragini eyes widen ...laksh r u in your sense ?

Now only i am in my sense ragini...i thank god for opening my eyes atleast today...

Oii i am not dying to marry u it was u came behind me mind it

Yes u r right that's my biggest sin in my life u know ?

I can't understand anything ragini said

Ragini don't believe him he said u r an slut , he is an womanizer ragini he is behind me for my beauty ...he is not an trust worthy...he is having bad intention on you too...


Swara hold her cheek looking ragini in horror

Ragini eyes showing rage now ...not an word against my laksh...u r lie swara

Laksh eyes filled with tears seeing trust in her eyes for him...

He is an spoil brat , crazy , impulsive sometimes confused soul too...but he never dared to touch any girl in wrong intention i am damn sure in dare u to insult his love on u swara ? He is not behind u for ur beauty ...he fall for u cz u rescued his papa from humiliation...

Do u wanna knew the reason...his mom is his everything he couldn't see her in tears...if anything happen to his papa it will affect maa ...if maa is not happy laksh too...that's the reason he developed feeling on u... Nd me i was his papa selection so he is not interested in my matters..

After he thought to change his mind but he was honest to his heart that he fall for u so don't wish to betray me that is y confessed everything to me ...

His intention is not to propose u swara it was me who compelled him i feel pity for my decision... Where is no trust then that relationship having no value ragini said boldly...

Laksh looked her in amaze...

Swara totally speechless seeing their bond

Ragini hold laksh hand nd take him with her...

Screen froze

Precap : decision

Guys leave ur cmnts...about this chapter...i changed some scenes for this story hope u guys are ok with it...i wanna show great bond to raglak in it... Only two or three chapters in this way after that it will travel in its own track...

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