That Butler & Double Black, Setting Sail

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Dazai read the newspaper sitting in the red chair in his office.

"Oho~ Interesting. Just as I expected." Dazai said sitting down the newspaper.

Chuuya had just stepped into Dazai's office at the same time he made the face of discovery. Chuuya looked at him confusingly.

"What are you so excited about?" He asked now sitting on Dazai's desk.

"Remember that man I told you about who stole thousands from us?"

"Yes. What about him?"

"Well mister Ryan Stoker will be boarding the luxury passenger ship Campania. And not only that but there is also a rumor surfacing around England that there is a hospital that can revive the dead."

Chuuya's eyes widened. "Revive the dead? There's no way, that's impossible."

"Apparently it's not. Let me explain further. Karnstein Hospital in England seem to be shopping for foreign slaves illegally quite often but lately the amounts I am told is quite unusual. I highly doubt a standard hospital could fit that many."

"You have a point..." Chuuya pondered. "But what does that have to do with Ryan Stoker stealing money from Port Mafia?"

"He's part of the people doing the experiment and he has been using our money that he stole to do so. I plan to kill him myself on that ship and get all of our funds back it is the perfect murder, while also stopping him from bring more dead people back to life. What's already dead should stay dead. Don't you think?"

"Are you sure this is such a great idea?"

"I have a prediction that this will end up being very entertaining and greatly benefit us."

"HAH?! Benefit us how Osamu?"

"Chuuuya. ~ When have my predictions ever been wrong my love?" Dazai said as he cupped Chuuya's face softly. Chuuya stared into his chestnut eyes.

"Tsk. Fine."

"Fantastic! Even if you didn't agree it would be too late because I already purchased the tickets!"

"Y-You bastard!" Chuuya said annoyed.

"We will leave in a day to fly to England. On the 17th of April it sets sail for the first time, and we will be on it with first class luxuries." Dazai smirked.

Oda and Bernadette walked in just as he was wrapping up his conversation with Chuuya.

"Ah my dear friend and lovely daughter! Pack your bags we are going to England!"

Sebastian kneeled on the window sill as he looked at Ciel grinning. Sebastian smirked a bit amused.

"What are you grinning at?"

"UWAH! Don't surprise me like that!! And what's with that outfit?! And I wasn't grinning!" Ciel huffed.

"Well as they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Moreover, I obtained some rather interesting information. It's about the aforementioned Karnstein Hospital, it seems that the upper-rank doctors, including the director Ryan Stoker, have opened an association called the "Aurora Society." According to a nurse who squealed, The Aurora Society holds presentations for the results of their experiments regularly and collects donations from nobles. The Aurora Society's true face is that of a secret society that consists solely of doctors, who have "The complete salvation of mankind through medicine" as their motto...It has been confirmed that the members conduct illegal human experiments within the hospital daily. There was no sign of slaves inside the hospital and there was nothing pertaining to human experiments or the revival of the dead."

"It couldn't get any fishier than this- huh?"

"Yes. I'm certain there is some definite clue to be found in this "Aurora Society."

Ciel tapped his desk with his finger. "When is their next meeting?"

"It is scheduled to be on a passenger ship departing from Southampton Port on the 17th of April."

"Hmph, meeting on a ship... sounds like something nobles would... hm? April 17th ...?"

And suddenly it hit him. Lizzy told him she'd be going on a trip in April with her family. Ciel stood up abruptly slamming his hands on his desk. "What is the name of that boat?!"

"The Blue Star Lines Luxury Ship..."

"Ah! Amazing!" Bernadette said excitedly as she looked at the huge ship in front of her. "Uncle Oda?" She said looking at the ginger headed man whose hand she was holding.

"Yes, Bern?"

"This is the ship Daddy was talking about?!" She said with a gleam. "The C-Cam- Ca-m..."

"Campania." Chuuya smiled as he helped his six year old daughter finish the sentence.

"Yes, that!"

"It most certainly is my dear." Dazai cooed. "It will be taking us to New York. Won't that be fun?"

Bernadette nodded happily. Tachihara, Akutagawa, and Kouyou were the ones seeing them off today. And they were more than emotional knowing that their family would be gone for almost 2 months. Kouyou was wiping her tears with her handkerchief.

"You better take care of my son... Boss. My grand daughter too." She said sniffling.

"Of course I will." Dazai smiled.

"I will make sure they're safe and protected too Kouyou." Oda extra reassured.

"You both better. Now get going. You don't want to miss your sail."

Dazai nodded and he grabbed Chuuya's hand. Tachihara, Akutagawa, and Kouyou waved them off as they watched them board upon the Campania.

"So this is Campania!" Finny said with a gleam.

"Sure is huge." Bardroy mentioned.

"It's so cool that Mr. Snake gets to go!" Finny said excited for him.

"It's because it's part of a footman's job to accompany the master on his outings. Please do your jobs properly while we are gone."

"Yes sir!" The Phantomhive servants said in sync.

"Well then... We're off." Ciel said to his servants before boarding the ship.

"Young Master! Take Care!" Finny said as all his servants were waving goodbye.

Ronald was running past the crowd hurriedly. He almost didn't make it but he jumped on the ship landing perfectly.

"Phew! Made it just in time." Ronald said holding his hat.

"I'm safely on board, all according to plan, so... wind in our sails. The future is looking bright!" Ronald said removing his hat.

Dazai and his family were all sitting at a round, white clothed table in the 1st class dining section of the Campania. Dazai was currently eating some fine British cuisine. He honestly enjoyed it more than he thought he would. Chuuya on the other hand not so much. Dazai watched as Chuuya spit out the food into his napkin.

"This is disgusting. How do they eat this shit?!"

Dazai chuckled. "I think my dear petite mafia is just too use to Japanese and French cuisine."

"He's right Chuuya. You are quite the picky eater." Oda laughed as Dazai and him teased Chuuya.

"Whatever. Fuck both of you." Chuuya said flipping both of them off.

"Mama that's 543.72 Yen in the swear jar when we get home!" Bernadette said.

Chuuya coughed and blushed. "R-Right... Sorry."

"You're going to go broke as much as you swear Chuuya." Oda chuckled.

"Shut your fuc-"

Bernadette looked at him waiting for him to slip the whole curse word.

"I mean. Shut up, you waste of a subordinate." Chuuya said correcting himself. They all chuckled at how hard Chuuya was trying not to cuss.

Bernadette turned her attention to some cake sitting on a table.

"AH! MAMA! Can I get a piece of that cake?!" Bernadette pointed.

"Bern keep it down we are in public." Chuuya corrected and then he looked over her plate.

"Bern... You didn't eat your veggies." Chuuya said sternly.

"But I hate bitter things!" She whined.

"Gross! I wouldn't eat them either!" Dazai whined with her and agreed.

"How are you both ever going to have a proper diet when you won't eat veggies?!"

"We will survive off sweets and curry!" Dazai exclaimed.

"She's eaten most of her food. I think one slice should be okay. Oda can even split it with her." Dazai said smiling at his husband.

"Yeah! Yeah! Pleaaase Mama!" Bernadette said pouting cutely.

Chuuya sighed in defeat. "Okay.... But one slice only! And you and Uncle Oda split it down the middle. Go ahead and get one."

"Yay!" Bernadette jumped down off the seat she was sitting in and she ran towards the table.


Lizzy ran with Ciel's hand in hers, and she stopped when she noticed the cake sitting on the table.

"Ciel, Look look! That cake is so cute!" Lizzy let go of Ciel's hand and started running towards the table.

"Wait here okay! I'll go get some for you too!"

"Ah..." Ciel stood there looking at her run away.

Ciel made a face of disgust. "Nobles really don't do anything but gather every day to talk about irrelevant things like what family did this or that... It feels stupid having abandoned work to come here..."

"Well then will you accept The Marchioness' invitation to give you an introduction to fencing?" Sebastian said as he handed the plate of food to Ciel.

"Are you not going to let me see the Statue of Liberty's face at all?"

"But more importantly, Young Master. It's tonight."


"It seems the signal for the opening of the "Aurora's Society" 's meeting is a waiter, walking around the hall carrying empty glasses. The attendees take one and go to the meeting place."

"Don't let the signal out of your sight." Ciel ordered.

"As you wish."


Lizzy bumped into a small girl as she went to grab Ciel's cake.

"Ah! I am so sorry! Are you alright?!" Lizzy asked extending her hand out to Bernadette. Bernadette took it and she stood up, and brushed off her red dress.

"I am okay! I am sorry too I wasn't paying attention." Bernadette said looking up at Lizzy, smirking.

"Your dress is so pretty!" Lizzy said looking Bernadette over.

"Thank you! My Daddy got this one especially made for me! No girl in Yokohama has a dress like this." Bernadette chirped proudly.

"Yokohama...?" Lizzy thought. "Ah, Japan?!"

Bernadette nodded.

"What made you come all the way to England, and board the Campania?"

"My Mommy and Daddy have business to take care of." Bernadette smiled.

"Oh, I see. Well I hope they get their business handled! I am Elizabeth, by the way. Elizabeth Midford. But people call me Lizzy. What's your name?"

"Bernadette. Dazai Bernadette. Nice to meet you." She reached out shaking Lizzy's hand.

"Nice to meet you too." Lizzy said smiling and shaking her hand.

"Ah, I am sure Ciel is waiting for me. I should get back." Lizzy grabbed the cake and she turned around only to realize Ciel was gone.

"He's gone..."

"Me and my Uncle Oda can help you look for him!" Bernadette suggested.

"Ah, Really?!"

"Of course!"

And maybe while I am at it I can find out more information on Ryan Stoker. Bernadette thought.

Bernadette ran over to Oda grabbing his hand.

"Come on Uncle Oda! We are going to help Lizzy find this Ciel she speaks of!" Bernadette said dragging Oda along.

"Ah! Bern! W-Wait...!"

Dazai and Chuuya both chuckled at their daughter. Dazai stood up after they left and he took Chuuya's hand in his. "Come my love. We have business to attend to."

"Certainly." Chuuya smirked as he stood up following Dazai.


Sebastian and Ciel stood outside of the room, disguised to not be spotted, in where the "Aurora Society" 's meeting was supposed to take place.

"Okay, let's go."

Sebastian put his hand on Ciel's shoulder making him halt. "Please, wait."

"According to my info, the Aurora Society has a fixed greeting. Those who do not know it will be made to leave."

"Say such things sooner!! So? What's the greeting?"

"That is..." Sebastian whispered the greeting into his ear.

Ciel looked in shock. "Wha- I can't believe it... Do I really have to do that?!"

"If you can't we'll be seen as outsiders and will have to leave immediately. So please do not hesitate under any circumstances..."

"Well, let's go." Sebastian said extending his arm for Ciel to go first.

Ciel and Sebastian walked past the doors and as soon as they did a man stopped them.

"Are you first timers?" The man asked.

"Th- The complete flame in our chests... shall not be extinguished by anyone. We are... THE PHOENIX!!"

Ciel and Sebastian both said making the stance.

"THE PHOENIX!! Welcome to the Aurora Society! These are your membership badges."

"Thank you." Ciel said taking the badges from him.


"Nothing seems out of the ordinary Osamu."


Chuuya looked at him questioningly.

"Nothing seems out of the ordinary yet. Again, when has my predictions ever been wrong Chuuya?"

"Tsk. Cocky bastard."

"Ah, look. As we speak. There is our thief. Ryan Stoker."

Chuuya looked to where Dazai was, and he saw the brunette man standing in front of a casket, and he was now giving a speech about the society and how it worked.

"There is no way in hell he can bring a person back to life."

"Watch closely Chuuya." Dazai said holding Chuuya close by his waist.


"We will now show you, ladies and gentlemen. The fruits of our "Complete Salvation of Mankind Through Medicine" research. Margaret Connor, 17. The young lady lost her life at an early age due to an unfortunate accident. It is truly pitiful. An accident that should not have happened. Her death did not only put her, but her family's hearts into bad health. I want to save them completely!"

"Is the body real?" Ciel said covering his nose.

"Probably. The cause of death is so intense that it's causing my nose to twitch."

"Well then ladies and gentlemen! I will show you now! The power of medicine! The complete salvation!"

Sebastian and Ciel and Soukoku watched as the machine was making electricity, hitting the dead body intensely.

"Come! Rise from death! Like the Phoenix!!"

The dead corpse raised her hand, and she raised up and sat up straight.

"Take a look! With our medicine, we can even overcome death!!"

"What the hell?! That shouldn't be possible... And it's definitely a real corpse. She reeks... How?"

"No mere machine could bring someone back from the dead. This goes deeper than that." Dazai answered Chuuya.

The girl's mother hugged her. "Maggy!! Oh Maggy!! Thank you, Doctor!!"

"This is complete salvation!"

"What on earth is going on?! Did he really revive a corpse?!" Ciel yelled shocked.

"As long as you are alive, mother will..."

Dazai and Chuuya watched as the woman opened her mouth and she was groaning, and the watched the corpse bite into her mother.

"KYAAAAAAA?! Ma- Maggy?! What are... Ow!!"

All of the other passengers started running out of the room. Dazai and Chuuya looked in shock.

"Well this has taken an unexpected turn of events." Dazai said looking coldly.

Chuuya pulled out his phone and he opened it."

"What are you doing?"

"Sending a text to Oda! He needs to know our daughter is with him, and there is no telling how many more of those fucking things there might be!" Chuuya said as he finished sending the text.


"Yes, My Lord!"

Sebastian threw knives at the corpse as Dazai from across the room shot her in the chest also.

"Nice shot." Sebastian complimented.

"Like wise with the knives." Dazai smirked at Sebastian.

"Is she dead?" Chuuya asked.

"Did you get her?" Ciel asked Sebastian.

"Stay back!"

"That thing isn't dead." Dazai commented.

"There is no way she can't be!" Chuuya yelled.

The corpse started moving and she rose up from off of the floor.

"What on earth is she?!"

"I'm sure I stabbed her in the heart." Sebastian said narrowing his eyes.

"That thing is in human." Chuuya said.

"It is a being I do not understand." Sebastian said.

They all stood there in shock but quickly took a fighting stance as they prepared to handle her head on.

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