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^art of her by Mythical_Willow!^

Name: DawnMirage

Gender: Female

Age: 6 years

Tribe: 50% SandWing, 25% NightWing, 25% SeaWing

Personality: Sweet, but shy. She wishes for a friend but is lonely and socially awkward. Also, everyone hates her for being the queen's daughter, but she wants to do the right thing and help the SeaWings defeat her mother, Queen Sahara.

Appearance: She has silver tear-scale behind her eyes, webbed claws, royal swirl pattern on her wings, and gills.

Rank: Princess

Animus: No, but her father is. She can read minds, breath fire, stab enemies with barbed tail, and breath underwater for short periods of time (2-3 hours). She can't light up her scales but knows Aquatic.

Partner: None

Crush: None

Other: Her father, an animus NightWing- SeaWing hybrid fell in love with the evil Queen Sahara of the SandWings, but of course she didn't love him back. So, using his animus magic, he made her love him, and together they had DawnMirage, who they named DeathFire (later she changed her name), But the plan backfired and queen Sahara realized what was happening, threw him in the dungeon, and left her servants to care for DawnMirage. DawnMirage realized how bad her mother was and ran away to the SeaWings, in the hope of helping them defeat queen Sahara.

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