Ivy 👋

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"In restless dreams I walk(ed) alone."

Adopted from CelestialKitten55 ^^

Name: Ivy

Gender: Female

Species: Kirin

Age: 176 (17 in human years; she is actually quite young among her species)

Sexuality: Pan

Personality: Secretive, gentle, quiet. Those three words pretty much sum her up. She is very mysterious, and not much is known about her. She is good at hiding her feelings, and most of the time can appear quite emotionless. Despite that, she is usually quite curious about other beings, and will always be able to lend a helping hand (or hoof).

Backstory: A secret. All that is known about her is that she is a guardian of the forest, and is bound to protect it with her life. She is not allowed to leave, and if something in her forest is harmed she instantly knows.

Abilities: Rumor has it that she has very powerful abilities, but little is known about them.

Theme Song: Sounds of Silence

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Other: She is mute.

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