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"That's a horrible idea. What time?"

NAME\\ Pepper


NICKNAMES\\ Pep, Peppermint, Blitz, Lucky, PB, Angry Pomeranian (The person who gave her this now lies in the bottom of a volcano)

AGE\\ 16

GENDER\\ Female


SPECIES\\ Part demon, part elf, part insane (a little bit of human and dragon blood as well)

APPEARANCE\\ Pepper is a very tiny person. She gets that from having such mixed blood (or 'contaminated' as her mother would say). She has cinnamon skin, and long, curly red-brown hair that is auburn at the tips. The whites of her eyes are actually black, with a bright gold center. In several places she actually has patches of soft, slightly translucent scales— such as on her wrist, down her sides, and over her legs. She has ears slightly sharper than normal, and little black horns poke up above her hair, though they're barely noticeable. She has a red whip-thin tail, which fades into black and ends in an arrow. She has fangs, a black, forked tongue, and her blood is a shimmery gold color. When angry, her eyes glow and may turn a slightly red tint, as well as dilate into slits when feeling any strong negative emotions (for example; anger, fear, pain, surprise, etc...)

HEIGHT\\ 5'1"

SCARS/TATTOOS/PIERCINGS\\ Surprisingly, none yet

PERSONALITY\\ Pepper is a rebellious, very stubborn little ball of energy. She is very outspoken, and isn't afraid of almost anything, and absolutely hates the fact she's so short. She will actually murder anyone who comments on her size. As you can probably tell, she has a few anger issues. Other than that, she is very playful and fun, and somehow always finds time for a crappy joke. She can be quite flirty, and doesn't listen to rules. In fact, she will probably break every rule there is on purpose. She is a very feisty, adventurous spirit, and doesn't listen to the word 'no'. She has the ability to befriend anyone almost instantly, because of her warm, easily excitable personality. She believes strongly in living each day to the fullest. She's also kinda accident-prone. Just... don't get on her bad side.

LIKES\\ Chocolate milk, breaking rules, exploring, fun, motorcycles, friends, crappy jokes, pranks.

DISLIKES\\ Her size, being called short, her mom, rules, jerks, tripping, she has a grudge against the couch.


STRENGTHS\\ Comebacks, actually pretty smart, likable, can pick a lock, her powers, usually knows more than she lets on.

WEAKNESSES\\ Pretty clumsy, too stubborn for her own good, a bit gullible, doesn't know when to stop, pretty careless, her fears, her temper, accident-prone, being t i n y.

FEARS\\ No one liking her, being alone, becoming a burden (though she keeps these secret)

POWERS\\ Fire manipulation, telekinesis, limited healing abilities.

OCCUPATION\\ She says master criminal. I say y e s.

SECRETS\\ She pretty much keeps her whole upbringing a secret, as she doesn't want to become a burden to anyone, or have anyone's sympathy.

BACKSTORY\\ Her mother raised her from the moment she was born. Her mother was a pure demon, and she never knew her father, who was apparently a mix of things, including elf, human, and possibly even distantly dragon. Her mother rarely ever talked about him, but when she did it was clear she despised him, which led Pepper to wonder why they'd gotten together in the first place. Her mother apparently hates 'half-breeds', and thinks of Pepper's blood as 'tainted' or 'un-pure'. She never treated her that well, leading Pepper to feel the need to revolt against her, and get in as much trouble as possible just to spite her mother.

"I did not trip and fall. I attacked the floor and I believe I'm winning."
"Call me short one more time, and you'll be wishing you were never born."
"I'm not clumsy! The floor just hates me, the table and chairs are bullies, and the walls get in my way."
"It's not my fault the couch is on fire! I swear it was looking at me funny, and then tripped me! It just— stuck it's cushiony leg out and tripped me! It was practically begging me to drop the mini oven set on it."
"It takes real skill to choke on air, fall up stairs, and trip over completely nothing... I have that skill!"
"I've broken seven rules today and it's already five am. Gods I'm behind schedule..."
"What's the point of life if you don't live it out a little?"
"A master criminal never reveals her secrets."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

OTHER\\ None

ART\\ None yet

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