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Bela point of view 

when i woke up..  i didn't found mahir around me..  i  went in guest room.. i am hearing someone's sound from the guest room..

i saw mahir sitting with some stranger even vyom is also present there ..  they are discussing about something..  I peep through the window 

" see, i am sorry but for 4 months.. i can't do this.. please "  i heard mahir's voice. 

"  but mahir shegal try to understand it will be beneficial to you.. !!! .. you can show your talent out of Bollywood ?? "  one of the strange man spoke up.. 

" but.. " mahir is going to say something but that man interrupt 

"think about this.. and than take any decision "  that man stand up 

mahir and that man did hand shake and that man left.. 

" mahir ! i think he was right.. it's a big opportunity for you and even bela will you say the same " vyom said to him.. 

i went in the room.. 

" who are they mahir ?? , and vyom when you return "   i said entering the room both look at me.. 

" i just return in the morning ... " vyom said  " oh !! by the way.. who are they " i again ask 

" bela they are director.. who came to give mahir a Hollywood  .. shooting is of 4 months.. as they know mahir is a big hero of Bollywood so they want him to work in Hollywood " vyom said.. 

i become happy.. 

" that's a great news.. then what's wrong, why you are saying no to this movie ??  " i said with excitement  

" how do you know , i am saying no ?? " he ask  " vo... i heard all your talk ! " i said 

" because i can't take you there.. because of your visa issue.. !! "  he said and my excitement flew away and i remember that i don't have visa..  i sad from inside but i didn't show this to him.. 

" it's okay !! mahir " i said with same excitement but this time it is 'fake' 

" see, mahir i told you even bela will suggest you the same " vyom said with a smile..  

i am also smiling , off course fake smile.. 

" ya, now please sign the movie... "   i said.. he nodded, i directly went in my room 

Mahir point of view 

She is smiling but i can clearly see , that she is upset.. she went in her room.. i follow her 
when i enter she is drinking water .. 

i came and sit beside her.. 

" bela, do you seriously want me to go !! " i ask.. " what kind of movie it is !! " she ask, god !! she and her insecurities... i smile 

" bela.. it's an action film so don't worry !! " i said to her... she took a relief  i chuckle..  she glare at me 

" achha !! tell me.. you are sure i have to go!! "  i again ask the same question 

" yes , mahir i am 100% sure "   she said with a smile... 

" sure ?! "" i again ask.. and she got irritated.. 

" yessssssssss" she shout at me..  " achha , okay !! "  i said 

" when you have to have to go ?? " she ask.. 

" day after tomorrow.. !! " i said and look toward her her face become dull... but she pretend to be happy  

" oh !! all the best " she said to me and went in the wash room.. 


next day.. i got a call from bela's mother..

 when i talk to her.. she know my about my arrival to USA for movie.. she told me something about bela's behaviors. which i can't resist laughing..

after the call bela enter in my room.. 

" mahir , come with me !! " she said , " what happen ?? " i ask her... but she silently take me to her car..  the whole way i ask her what happen but she silently me or i can say she ignore my presence but i remember her  mother's words.. 

" mahir bela is going to behave weird  so be ready " when i ask her she said " firstly , she will ignore your presence and also ignore you " she told to me but i took her words lightly 

" bela !! " she agian ignore  " bela !! " this time i said a bit loudly.. 

" we reached !! " she said.. finally she spoke up something.. wait ! she said we reach , but where ?? 

i look outside from my window and saw we are in front of hospital.. i come out from the care 

" why you have taken me here ?? " i ask her , " come with me !! " i drag me with her.. 

" now, please tell me why here ??  " i again ask.. " i take you here because i think before you go there , you must have to check whether you are fine or not "  she said.. making me confuse then i again remember her mothers words.. 

" and second thing she will do is.. she will show to more care... it means unnecessary !! " she warn me   

she already warn me and i idiot ignore her words now i am regretting.. i am thinking what will happen in third !!! 

" mahir !! " bela snap her finger in front of me .. i come out of my thoughts.. 

" yes.. " i said. " come ,let's go to doctor !! " she said dragging me with her 

" bela ! i am completely fine " i said.. , " shut up ! and come with me " she said and like a obedient child i nodded.. 

she took me to the doctor..  doctor said that  i am fine but my lady love is not going to accept this.. she is arguing with doctor.. and like a 5 years old boy i am sitting silently 

" doctor, he is not well , he sneeze thrice in the morning " bela said to doctor..  oh !! god in the morning due to dust i sneeze someone please tell her because i can't , i don't wanted to be scold by her. 

" but , see bela... i am doctor i know , he is fine !! " doctor said but she is not ready to accept what doctor said.. 

finally i sign doctor , to get agree with bela and doctor nodded... 

and doctor  prescribe me some medicine.. then we went back to home.. 

at night 

i went in my room.. and what i saw as ridiculous.. she is sitting  inside my bag... with a sad face...  i remmeber her mother third thing that she told me about bela 

" at last ... she will stick with you like a glue stick.. "  she said.. 

i smile and went inside.. she look at me 

" take me along with you " she said in  childish voice.. i chuckles.. 

i told the bag 

" lie down... i will pack you in the bag and take you along with me" i said teasing her.. and she started crying... like a baby.. 

she stretch her hand  toward me .. indicating me to pick her up..  i smile and pick her up.. she climb on me wrapping her legs around my waist.. wrapping her hands around my neck.. like a baby.. 

i sit on the bed still on the same position

she move a bit and come face to face to me.. 

" bring me along !! " she said in childish voice 

" i will come soon " i said.. she again hug me.. and hide her face in the crook of my neck... 


next day!! finally the day of my arrival.. 

we were on the airport.. 

when we heard the announcement of flight.. 

i come to her to hug her.. but she move backward .. she has tears in her eyes.. even my eyes filled with tears.. 

but i couldn't control my self and pull her in a hug.. but she doesn't hug me back... she wipe her tears.. 

" i am okay !! " she said with a 'fake' smile.. 
" now go , it's your flight time " she said.. and started to go..  i pull her back and kiss her cheek.. and finally say 'bye ' to her... 

to be continue... 

Any guesses ?? what will happen next ?? ? 


hope you like this part.. give your reviews.

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