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Oh my god !! i am hell exited !!

" you wait here i am coming to bring the car ." he said to me , i nodded 

i am waiting for him , i am feeling restless like a small child.... 

" hey , hello " i listen someone's voice from behind , i turn and see he is UV shegal , UV ?? mahir 's brother.... 

" hey are you bela ?? " he asked me , i nodded ..... 

" how 's mahir " he asked me while his eyes have tears ,

" he,... he is fine but why you are crying " i asked him 

" nothing , please take care of him " he said and i nodded.... but i could say something i have a Strong  pull  on my shoulder...  by mahir 

his eyes are red ...... he gave UV deadly glare 

" sit in the car " he ordered me  ..... 

" but ... " i was interrupted by him 

" i said sit in the car " he yelled at me , and i sat in the car 

where as i saw mahir yelling at him... and he is also trying to say something but mahir didn't care.... i can't able to listen their conversation.... 

later he push UV and sat in the car on driving seat.....  and start the car..... 

is he driving car very fast , 

" what happen , why you are yelling at him " i asked him 

" nothing "he said skimpily ignoring my question..... 

" tell me , you are even looking at him in anger " i again asked him... 

" nothing,..... " he again repeat the same answer 

" UV also has tears in his eyes,.... and you are yelling at him he love you and you didn't even care " i said 

" it's none of your business , do your work don't inter fare  in my personal life " he yelled at me, a long tear escaped from my left eye.... 

but his words are true, who am i in his life ?? just his assistant , nothing else he is right i have no right to ask him about his personal life, he is right it' s none of my business but he mean world to me , i am having these thoughts and tears are flowing from my eyes ..... but why i am feeling bad, his words are bitter but true, he have his personal life and i am not a part of it , i am nothing in his life , it's my mistake , if he ask me for dinner i thought that i got the right to enter his personal life no bela... no 

a tear escaped from my eye but i wipe it before he notice 

i look out from the window , there is complete silence between  both of us..... 



mahir you are an idiot you shout at bela for no reason , she just asking reason for my anger na and  i hurt her.... 

i look toward her she is silently sobbing  i really feel anger on myself , how i can be so stupid , this effecting me , when she cry something hit my heart hard.... but what is happening to me 

did i love her ?? no, no control mahir 

i again look at bela she is looking out side from the window there is complete silence between us ....

god is happening to me god !!! ..... 

finally we reached the restaurant , thank god there is no media here i strictly deny to restaurant manager that i don't want any media here....... 

we settled on our respective seat , still she is not saying a single word 

" bela , i am sorry i know it's my mistake i don't have to shout at you " i said breaking the silence 

" no need sir , i know my place in your life , i know i don't have any right to ask about your personal life , i am sorry " she said and something hit inside my heart very hard 

before i could i say something waiter came..... 

" your order sir and mam  " he asked 

" what will you eat " i asked her 

" anything "  she said 

" okay then , please bring Chinese food " i order him and he went from there 

then again there is complete silence between us...

after dinner 

" do you want to eat ice cream " i asked her , she nodded 

" which flavor ?? "i asked her 

"  chocolate " she said like a baby ... so sweet 

" okay you sit in the car i will bring " i said , she nodded 

i bring the ice cream chocolate for her and strawberry for my self 

i gave the ice cream to her and sat inside the car..... 

" here is your ice cream "  i gave the ice cream to her.... 

she started eating like a small child , she has grown but but still a child.....  i laugh at her 

the ice cream was all over her face...... i giggle under my breath and take a tissue paper and started to clean it...,  we share and passionate eye lock .... broken by bela 

" le.... let's g... go .. ho ... home " she said stammering...., i nodded and went toward home 

god she is doing something to me, her childish act , her activity are divine me crazy ...... 

did i love her ?? why this question is roaming around my head....... 

ahh !! i look toward her , she has a sweet smile on her face , god i can die for this smile  i am also smiling like anything  

we reached home , she went toward her room , i went toward mine 



although i am upset because he shout at me but this action of his made my day again special, that's the reason i love him, i know he will never love me back but still i love him till my last breath 

i went in washroom to change my clothes ......

when i came out  i saw him standing near my bed and reading my personal diary, actually that diary only contains his photograph and each - and everything about him 

he is smiling like anything after reading it...... god!! what should i do.... 

i clear my throat...  he throw the diary on the bed and turn 

" what are you doing here .... , any work ?? "  i asked him 

" vo... vo... i just came to...... i .... came .. to ask....... yo u....." he is stammering  , why ?? because i caught him red handed 

" what ?? say clearly " i said 

" vo .. i want to say sorry i shout at you , i am really guilty " he said 

" it's okay " i said and smile he smile back 

" vaise what are you doing with my dairy " i asked 

" yours ?? " he started laughing.... 

i made an angry pout 

" achha sorry , i am seeing my photos in your diary" he said and we share an small eye lock broken by me 

before i could say something he got a call and he went from my room 

oh my god !!! he is so cute 


to be continue 



Hey guys!!! hope you like this update 

votes & comment please 

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