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So today I participated and was a speaker in the nation-wide school walkouts against gun violence. And if you're uncomfortable with reading this that just skip it, but it won't be political. I just want to say how empowering it was to to be able to stand with my peers against something we care about. No matter race, religion, or political party, we all were able to have mature discussions as we fought for reform. Just a few years ago there'd be no way I could speak up and out like I did today and I really owe it to my experience in speech and debate. My school is high ranking at debate tournaments and have many kids this year going to nationals and all my fellow debaters have influenced me so much. I am excited to join these wonderful people as we continue to speak our mind. I feel so lucky to be able to express my beliefs like this, not only on the issue of gun violence, but in all other movements I care about. No matter how far in the future this experience has shaped me so much in a very positive way. In a way that will make me never sit down as something occurs that I could contribute to helping.
So yeah I'm doing pretty well and feelin' pretty good about life right now (especially since my grades are also great right now and I have a 4.2 which is sooo exciting and just everything is coming together) and just generally doing pretty great, so yeah, thanks for reading that. : )

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