10• Unprofessional Writing

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This does not include people who write for "fun."

Before I start, I would like to share a comment made by Chloe. Thank you❤

If you are reading this and you have this in your blurb, please delete it now.

He licked his lips as he leaned closer, his vanilla breath invading my nostrils.

"I just met you, but I'm going to kiss you now," he said, his voice like a piano, whatever the hell that is because I'm currently too lazy to think.

"Kiss me like the mad animal you are," I rasped, my brain spilling out of my ears. "And touch my bum while you're at it," I added, not even sure I was on the earthly plane anymore.

I am sick of looking forward to a blurb and instead, I see a dialogue dishing out rubbish that has nothing to do with the plot, except showcase your character in the most ridiculous way possible.

What is a dialogue between characters doing in your blurb?! Except for the fact that it shows how an amateur a writer you are.

Tell me!

Are you guys even aware of what you are doing sometimes?

If you oh so badly want to include a "breathtaking scene" that your readers have no freaking business with, why not include it in the very first chapter or the author's note? There you could go wild all you want.

Isn't that what most published books do? Like many romance novels if you notice.

They include a snippet of what happens in the first page and not in the blurb!

Do you know what I think when I see a dialogue in a book?

The first thought that comes to mind is that the book is going to be horrible, and that is mostly the case for books like that.

So, writers, there you have one way of reducing your blurb score and chasing away a number of readers.

Even if you are not a professional writer, at least try to be one. After all, you certainly don't want to diminish whatever chances you have to make yourself look like a credible writer.

Yes, but 90% of books with dialogue in their blurb are badly written books.

It's like you guys have a flag we can see through and use to point out bad writers.

Give me a moment to show you how cool my story is with this blurb piece.

I don't know who you are kidding, but no!

I simply skip over this and my plummeted hopes start digging into the ground to the lava below when I see the bad blurb immediately after a dialogue.

Worse when everything is riddled with grammatical bullets.

This is going to be a terrible book. Lord help me.

You are scary.

If readers see a book like that, they will get bad ideas.

However, there is no problem/there might be one if it's just a single line before going to the blurb.

"I am already f***ing you in my mind," he replied.

Picked that from somewhere. But I still find it somewhat ridiculous 😑

Before I end this, people also switch tenses in blurb. I hope you point that out in yours and take care of it.

I was the daughter of a mafia. From my childhood, I knew that I have to marry him.

Did I forget to mention that if your blurb has mistakes, they would certainly appear in the novel itself?

Also, if you have heavy load in your blurb; accomplishments and the likes, please, please, and please, put those things at the bottom of your blurb.

Oh, yes, before I go, I should take about this matter of stickers on your book cover.

They are not bad and are actually pretty good, though it is a problem when it's too much. . .well, people don't really give a damn about it and neither do I; unless it's a couple of ugly stickers, but it's cool.

Just pick one or a few and place them nicely.

Or has anyone ever thought of making a tiny box containing all the stickers they've won so they could put it on their cover like a gold medal?

All in one sticker.

That's a nice name for it.


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