27• Your Reviewers Are Not Perfect

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They are humans too

I repeat, anyone who receives a negative review and goes to look at the books belonging to that reviewer; especially looking for mistakes is an ape!

Don’t be a mad one.

Are any of you aware of Beta readers?
Yes, the readers who go through your work and determine if it is crap or worthy enough to be read by the masses out there. 80% of these people are not even writers and millions of people out there who are going to find fault with your work are also not writers.

Yet, they are still smart enough (like the humans they are) to point out flaws in your novel. Are you going to enter their heads and see how they would write stories?

No. That isn’t even possible in the first place.

Writers and others who review your work have at least some in-depth knowledge of how something should and shouldn’t be written. Editors are even better reviewers, those people will pick your work down to the littlest details.

Reviewers make mistakes in their writing too, but theirs is not as blatant as most writers. If anything, a lot of these reviewers go through each chapter of their work and are conscious of their errors enough to amend them.

Just because a reviewer points out your mistakes does not mean you should go looking for one in their works out of pure spite? How foolish is that?

Luckily, we have some badass ones who won’t even give you that window of opportunity, even making you look like a fool for pointing out something that is otherwise correct.

There are reviewers whose opinions will differ from those who are writers and professional editors or readers who know what to look for in a book. That is one reason why you shouldn’t be shocked when your comment section is 70% empty praise and your requested review is a bucket load of disappointment. I say empty praise for a reason as this does not apply to a lot of writers.

So, if anything, pay attention to that book that needs help. Harping that of your reviewer’s will not get you anywhere. This is even worse when the writers do not even know the basic terminologies of writing.

Do you know there are writers out there who don’t even know what a writing style means? Along with other things, this is another reason why I believe some people react negatively to reviews. They simply didn’t understand what you told them and instead of asking, they will go on the defensive.

Of course, people learn things everyday but watch your mouth before spouting things you don't even properly understand.

I understand you have your pride, but overreacting for the wrong reasons will make you look like an idiot. Especially when you go pick at a reviewers work.

Your reviewers make mistakes and they are aware of it! For the most part.

Plus, reviewers don’t review their own works either, they still need help too.

Low self-esteem isn’t allowed.

If you can’t take criticism; constructive or otherwise, you will never succeed in the future as a professional writer or as a freelance writer; pick your poison. Or even in anything.

I am not sure if some of you are aware, but some professional writers receive insults no matter how good their works are. I love Stephen King’s books but there are obviously people who despise him and his works.

Yet! Do you see this man go drown himself in an ocean saying “Someone said my book is horrible so I’m just going to go kill myself as I’m totally worthless.” Does he?!

Those of you who tend to go to the extent of deleting your books and account simply because your reviewer or a few of them gave you a bad review.

You are not helping yourselves.

At all.

All it just means is your writing needs help.

So, don’t be a peacock. No one is going to love your book the exact same way you do. You are your own ally even if your book is crap, so try to improve your arsenal.

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