30• Trolls vs Critiques

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I feel trolls are evil little pixies with trumpet horns on their heads.

I think I did something similar a few days ago . . .

I read a comic where the ending was absolutely terrible and I quoted this;

"Is it just me or was the ending rushed and a bit crappy?
I was really digging this comic at the start but it just started getting worse at a certain point before providing such an ending."

Now I'm unsure if I was trolling or not. But I think this was borderline trolling . . . I think.

I was a bit sad. This comic was going sooo well when I was slapped with an abrupt ending.

Imagine a book having so many conflicts and solving those conflicts in one short chapter after over 90 chapters . . .
Does that make any sense?

Horrible endings can greatly impact a book and . . . okay, I think I trolled.

Wait. If this was trolling, what do I call my reviews?


I'm just kidding. I think I gave an honest opinion but I am still unsure if - oh, shut up, me.

I believe I was criticizing this comic . . . in a wrong way?

Still, this doesn't change the fact that I wasn't nice. Now, let's move on to trolls.

I have never had this experience but troll comments are something like this;

"Your book is trash, you should stop writing."

"Every page was full of shit."

"Worst book I've ever read. Go die in a ditch somewhere."

"I'll fcking kill ya, mate!"

"This is a disgrace. Never write again."

"You are an asshole, this was a shitty writing."

"Stop writing."

"Go fall off the surface of the earth. Your writing sucks."

Okay, I'm absolutely not creative as I can't remember. But if you've ever received any troll messages, comment here and let it off your chest so we can grieve together.

Remember, your book may suck, but don't stop. If you do, you are letting those morons win and I am sure we all don't want that.


The best way to deal with those messages is to ignore; but for those of you who have backbone, thank them for taking the effort for going through your work and providing beautiful comments to show how much it touched their hearts.

Cause, I'm confused.

Your book is trash, so why would they go through the effort of thrashing your book?

They are after something!!!!!!

It is highly possible they want to bring you down.

Either that, or they want you to commit suicide which; I'm sorry, is just foolish.

This excludes those with depression as I don'tunderstand that, but it's still sad.

I know how much you may be hurting, but just think about it. Not only are you giving them what they want, but you are also indirectly hurting the people close to you.

Why the hell would you die for insignificant people?

They certainly don't deserve it so don't give it to them. That would be basically handing your life over to the scum bags on a silver platter and that is dishonourable to you.


If possible, just go offline when you are receiving hateful comments and indulge in whatever helps soothe you; except drugs.

I especially do something like this when I'm down;

Another thing is that a lot of you don't even think rationally when you receive messages like this.

Another reason why going offline and ignoring them is a simple manner.

There is a situation where a friend of mine was being bullied by around 40 users all at the same time. Yes, she was terrified and I tried reassuring her when that large number of users kept harassing her, and of course trolling on her book.

Now just imagine.

Does it actually make sense for that large number of users to be trolling all at once?

It is clearly obvious what their goal was and like the negative creatures some of us are, we let those insults get to us. But, you should keep in mind that people like that should never be taken seriously.

Just treat them like little kids crying for their sweet.

Well, the trolls were dealt with and she's fine now.

I'm not sure I'm good with pep talk so I'm sorry, I'll have to wrap this up.

A troll message is a comment that contains negative words against your work without the person telling you why the book sucked. Or they could simply still use that to insult you, doesn't matter what it means exactly.

So, yes, someone can say your book was trash (in a subtle or non-subtle way) but still tell you why they said that, with some people going all the way to tell you how you can correct that mistake.

Now, that is criticism, and of course, a lot can be harsh.

But the writer may not exactly be helping; like my example above. That's why another thing that can prompt criticism is their annoyance for what they find in a book, and it is something people do every day on social media. So, I find it worrying when some writers take it to heart and panic like a serial killer is after them.


If someone criticizes your book out of annoyance, it's obvious most times; like my example. When it comes to comments like that, you can also chose to ignore, but I think I'd thank them in my case.

I think.

Even if you disliked the way the critique was given, at least look at it and see what they pointed out wrong about your book.

In case some of you are not aware, some of these critiques point out something only professional editors would do; especially when some are editors themselves. But, of course, we wouldn't know. But you should know you just received a bit of help on something you could have paid for.

Consider it a free service and don't bitch about it.

If you are feeling too proud, stuff it and just think of how the comment can help solve your mistake.

Criticism provided nicely is just criticism, don't call it constructive simply because the person was nice. Another person can criticize your work without feeling but still give suggestions and not be rude at the same time. Yet, simply because this person didn't address you the way you wanted to, you decide to label it as being rude.

I am sure you know the difference between being rude and pointing out something to provide help.

I think my comment above was being rude - okay, let's stop about my comment. Just tell me what you thought about it.

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