yeah whatever

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original title I couldn't use because it was too long: "hate, or something. i was gonna make the title just one word so it'd sound cool but then I realised that'd be fucking stupid"

curse warning, or something

i hate my stupid fucking room
With its stupid fucking posters
and the stupid fucking spider I drew on the ceiling for no fucking reason other than to be fake deep

i hate being in this house where it seems like I NEVER get a chance to leave it because of how incredibly fucking boring my life is

I fucking hate my friends snapchatting me when they're in the fucking club I legit couldn't not fucking care LESS holy FUCK. if I'm not invited to whatever or wherever then I literally do not give ANY kind of a fuck

I fucking hate going to fucking uni. yeah we're gonna be doing some cool stuff soon but my GOD o just hate travelling there. also I don't fucking see any of my friends that I actually fucking like because none of them are in my classes. WOOP

i hate myself for thinking that just cuz im on fucking wattpad and post some shitty poetry or whatever regurgitated horse shit I write makes me """""creative""""" like whoop de fucking do you stupid dick, you read some e.e Cummings a few times and now suddenly you tippetty type away on your fucking phone thinking the words you write are actually impressive or MEAN anything lmao you stupid pretentious waste of space

also I fucking hate pretending that I have to be "okay" all the fucking time, even when I'm not. can't raise my voice, can't talk about why I feel shitty or whatever. I also hate people expecting me to always have a reason when I'm upset, and don't take me seriously if I don't. "Boo hoo davids upset about nothing" YEAH, I FUCKING KNOW IM UPSET OVER NOTHING. IF IT WAS MY CHOICE TO BE UPSET OR NOT UPSET, I WOULD CHOOSE THE LATTER. HOLY FUCK. IF IM PISSED, LET ME BE PISSED IN FUCKING PEACE. LEAVING ME ALONE IS NOT A FUCKING HARD THING GO DO.

whatever. if I do end up posting it I'm probably gonna end up deleting it at some point later anyway, cuz I'm a fucking loser like that.

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