Cover Update and Welcome!

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So if you guys haven't noticed, I redid the cover for "Project Cerinia!" I really like this cover, and it somewhat alludes to what the story is about. If you haven't read it, or my other book "Star Fox: Eclipse," please feel free to check them out! This book goes back into the past of Star Fox, before the story of Eclipse, but this book is going to act as a sort of "sequel" to Eclipse. I'm plank g a trilogy, so the awesomeness will continue!

But enough about that for now. I titled this section "and welcome" because I wanted to introduce the first new character to join "Project Cerinia." I have a whole new line up of interesting characters to meet, but the first of which is Sera, the red fox on the cover up above.

The name Sera comes from the word Seraphina, the Hebrew name meaning "burning fire." Just as Krystal's name comes from "Krystalos," meaning "ice," I wanted Sera's name to have some kind of special meaning.

Sera is Krystal's longest childhood friend; born on the same day (no, they're not sisters, just really close), the two have always been close since birth. Sera is the "fire" to Krystal's "ice," her other half in a way. Notice that she looks a lot like Krystal... Part of that is because they really do look a lot alike, another is because I'm not good at digital art and had to find a similar picture and edit it because I'm bad.........

Anyway, give a special welcome to Sera! Look forward to the adventures and plight of Krystal and Sera in "Project Cerinia!" I'm working on getting Chapter 1 out soon, maybe I'll have a lot of time to finish it tonight, not sure though. One last little thing, notice how Andross is on the cover? Well that's not an accident. He's back, playing a large role in this story. Read more to find out! (Once I finally get more content out anyway)


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