First Week of School Update...

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So, finished my first week of Grad school officially... (Last week was just orientation but I still counted it as "school")

So here are some of my overall thoughts/impressions:

So far, I like it. Starting to get to know a few people, got one friend that went to the same college for their undergrad in the math program with me, so that's cool.

Classes... Definitely won't be easy. Yea it's all math, but pretty advanced and I don't quite like the math professors as much as the ones I had for my undergrad, they were awesome... Oh well, still shouldn't be too bad. Starting to get some homework, so we'll see how that goes...

Teaching is actually going pretty well, a lot better than I thought it would for the first week. I've had a lot of teaching courses with my undergrad, but I've never thought and ran my own classroom before so it's interesting. I still get pretty nervous before class every day, but it all goes away after I get going. Here before long it'll be like second nature and I won't get nervous at all. So that's going surprisingly well, and I actually like it, despite the fact that I'm new to it and it still makes me nervous/anxious.

So that's all for now, but, I'm working on getting a special update soon! Got something on my mind all the time and despite how busy I am, I just HAVE to get this going... Maybe this weekend, it will begin, so keep your eyes open and your ears pricked!

Hope everyone else had a good first (or second) week of school, let me know how it's going in the comments! :D


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