Senpai Fox is back!

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Hi guys! This is probably long overdue... but school finally wrapped up a little bit ago and now I'm finally ready to give you guys some big life updates and come back to Wattpad for a while. So without further ado, let's get on with the life updates!

1) School: At the end of April, I finished my second year of Grad school and graduated with my Master's of Science in Mathematics. It's been a really rough and taxing two years, but I can finally say that I've made it and I survived. I was basically taking Ph.D. level math courses and they were really kicking my butt... This stuff really gets hard, lol. Anyway.... 6 years of college down, but a recent development has me going for probably another 3-4 years... This Spring I was accepted into a Math Education Ph.D. Program at the same university I went to for my Master's, so I'll be working on that for another several years hoping to become a Doctor of Mathematics Education. Career wise, I'm looking to be a college math professor, and most 4-year universities require (or at least highly recommend) a Doctoral degree, so I'm going to work towards that. I figured, what's 3-4 more years of college on top of the 6 I've already done, right? I know, I'm a crazy nerd, but that's ok with me.

2) Personal life: This is just the place where I say that, as of today, I've been married to my lovely wife for a whole year! Today is our first anniversary, and we spent the last couple days on vacation. It was fun, but have to get back home and back to work soon.... as far as work goes, it's a little strange because I'm in between semesters with school, looking for part time teaching jobs and whatever else I can get into that will pay the bills. The wife and I are enjoying the children (our cats, "the boys"), and life is going alright I'd say.

3) Writing/Reading: Of course, as summer approaches, I've been thinking about Star Fox and my current writing project, "Project Cerinia." I keep getting ideas for this book, and I'm really excited to get to the third book of the trilogy, as I get ideas for that every other day it seems. It's just so hard to get back to writing, especially with work and other things that come up in the summer. Not only do I have two part time jobs this summer, but I also have to work really hard studying for a Comprehensive Exam that I have to take in the Fall for my Ph.D. program... this exam is a really big deal, so I have to study a lot this summer and make sure I pass it when the time comes early in the next semester. Still, even with this stuff, I'm trying to get back into my writing, and I hope I can make it work. I just have so much more going on now than I did when I was writing Eclipse, it was much easier then to sit down and just write every day. I'm also behind on my Warriors reading, I need to still read the 2nd and 3rd books of the new series (A Vision of Shadows). Not going to give any spoilers or anything, but I'm behind and gotta catch up! They're so good I have no idea why I haven't read them yet, just got behind with school and everything...

So anyway... I think that's about it for updates? Going to try to be more active on here, with my reading and writing and everything. I'm getting close to 200 parts in here, so I'll be starting something new here soon! I'll see you in the next part, hope that school is wrapping up well for those of you still in school and everything!


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