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Chapter's song: Un pedazo de mi by Dani Del Corral ;)

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My first official morning in Huatulco, was the stuff of dreams. Literally. I slept in until early afternoon, waking to the sound of the ocean. A gentle breeze lazily rippled the gauzy white curtains. Warm sunshine filtered through, pooling on the floor and promising a beautiful day.

I sent a silent thank you to Sarah, and reminded myself to email her later.

This is exactly what I needed.

Ringing the number for room service, I ordered myself some strong coffee and a fresh fruit platter.

While I waited, I changed into my bikini, throwing on a light cotton dress over the top. I rummaged through my suitcase, searching out my beach towel and sunglasses. I had big plans to do not much for as long as possible, as long as there was sun.

I waited impatiently for the food to turn up, deciding to step outside and scope out the bay.

The water was flat and glassy, not at all likethe white-capped surf I was used to back home. There was no rush of adrenalinehere, no thrill of being swept up in the arms of Poseidon. This ocean wasalluringly foreign to me, a stranger calling my name into its silky embrace.    

Leaning against the doorframe, I lost myself in lust for the feel of the ocean against my skin.

My eyes snapped into focus as a guy came into view. Luckily, he was well worth the attention and he obviously spent a lot of time making sure of it. Here was a guy who spent hours at the gym, if ever I saw one. Those muscles were carved in long workouts, not earned through hard labour.

It was curious that he was alone, though. This seemed like the perfect place for a romantic getaway, not a bachelor's retreat. Maybe he was just a local, visiting the beach, or an employee on his lunch break.

I watched as he marched across the small stretch of sand separating the hotel from the sea. His fists were clenched, tension radiating from every toned millimetre of his body.

He stopped dead at the edge of the water, studying the gently lapping water. Slowly, so slowly, he inched forward. It must have taken him five minutes to get waist-deep. The entire scene was utterly bizarre, and I couldn't tear my attention away.

What the fuck was this guy doing?

At various points he stopped, and seemed to almost will the water into submission before taking another couple of steps. He stared the sea down, watching the space in front of him, never looking out to the horizon.

Suddenly, he was down, arms thrashing, head disappearing beneath the surface.

Years of experience kicked into gear and instinct took over. Something was very wrong, and this guy was panicking. Hard.

I tore off my dress and sprinted down to the water, hoping I could make it in time.

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Two strong arms grabbed onto me, encasing my waist. I felt the sand scrape against my feet as I was dragged back to the shore.

I'd never gone that far before...I could go deeper!

Let me go!

It was useless.

My lungs were burning, my vision darkening around the edges. All I could see was white gold. The sun. No, it was hair. Lots and lots of hair. An angel. Everything went black for a few seconds.

Soft lips were pressed lightly against mine.

My head was spinning.

Something was pinching my nose.

A sweet scent of vanilla engulfed me, and if it hadn't been such an embarrassing situation, I would have been glad to be on the receiving end.

As it was, I pushed the angel off me as a coughing fit racked my chest, making me turn to the side to spit out the salt water.

Rubbing the back of my hand across my mouth, I glared at her and tried to stand up.

I could have gone further.

"Fuck, dude. What are you doing?" Her voice would have sounded melodic and sexy as hell if she wasn't shouting at me.

My whole body went still as I took her all in.


She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking.

The color of her eyes was unlike any I'd ever seen. A dark rim outlined the pupils and they were something between blue and gray. They widened as I finally managed to stand up, brushing the sand off my arms and legs.

"I didn't need your help," I said.

She blinked, before crossing her arms across her chest. "Well, it didn't seem that way."

I had a hard time understanding her, the way she spoke seemed like she slurred the words.

"You should sit back down, take it easy for a bit."

That accent. Where is it from?

Standing up straight, I ran a hand through my hair. Her eyes followed the movement.

She likes what she sees.

I tried not to smirk, pressing my lips tighter in a white slash, yet I couldn't help but sweep my eyes on her.

She had an athletic body. Her arms and legs were well-defined, not the bulky kind, but from someone who loves to work out. Small tattoos were sprinkled over her body, and I wanted to search them all out, to memorize them.

Her golden hair was all over the place but as she flipped around to survey the beach, I noticed a geometric shape shaved into the back of her hairline.


"I had it all under control," I panted.

She puffed out her chest. It was a nice chest, too.

"You were drowning," she stated, with the confidence of someone who knows what she's talking about.

I shifted on my feet.

Could she be a doctor? Or a lifeguard?

With my luck, she probably was.

I liked her feistiness, though. It was really hot.

My breathing was back to normal now.

Soft waves kept crashing against my feet, and I tried my best not to flinch wanting to get out of the water.

I settled on clenching my jaw instead.

Speedo deal or not, there's no way I'm going back in now.

I shook my head to clear it.

Realizing that she was checking me out, I stood straighter, showing off my chiselled chest and abs. Perks of being addicted to the gym. I even stretched my arms, just for the kick of seeing her squirm and trying not to ogle.

I was trying really hard not to laugh at her. The way her golden hair shimmered under the sun distracted me, though. Taking a step closer, I towered over her, leaning in, losing myself in those beautiful stormy eyes.

"I was trying out something new," I murmured, mesmerized.

She had a cute button nose and I already knew how soft those lips felt.

She narrowed her eyes. "Oh really. And how was that working out for you?"

"Perfect. Right until the moment you intervened."

A vein throbbed on her temple as she raised both hands. "Well, fucking excu-use me for saving your life!"

My lips tugged up in a coy smile. "You didn't, but if it's that important for you, then so be it. You saved me, hermosa."

I knew I was being a douchebag, but my name is Diego Hernández, for God's sake. I don't need saving.

Plus, she looked even sexier all bothered up.

"Fucking hell," she muttered, tearing a hand through her golden mane before stomping away.

My smirk widened.

I need to know more about her.

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I stormed back into the guest-house, slamming the door behind me.

Then I turned and opened it again, because it was stinking hot and there was a nice ocean breeze.

Screw that guy. What an asshole.

I grabbed my beach towel and scrubbed at my damp body. I couldn't believe my first experience of Mexican paradise would forever be tainted by such an ungrateful jerk.

I grew up on the beach, and spent over a decade volunteering as a surf-lifesaver. I could spot a soul in troubled waters a mile off, and that douchebag was in trouble.

I threw my towel on the end of the bed, jumping at a knock on the door. The teenager who had taken my suitcase the night before had brought my room service order.

As the boy stepped into my room, I saw the douchebag trotting back up the beach towards the hotel.

Ducking slightly behind the doorframe so he wouldn't see me, I watched as he disappeared into one of the smaller bungalows.

Fuck. He's a guest too.

I decided then and there that I would be having dinner in town that night, and maybe every night, if it eliminated the risk of running into him again.

This vacation was about taking time out, enjoying my own company for a bit.

This vacation was not about boys, no matter how hot they were.

I tipped the boy as he left, then picked up the phone to ask the receptionist to help me make a reservation for dinner.

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Her name was Audrey.

She was from Australia.

She came alone.

She couldn't speak Spanish.

And she was having dinner at the little restaurant downtown called Vista del Mar, in an hour.

It only took a few minutes of well-practised chitchat with the receptionist Sonia, before she told me all she knew about Audrey.


I repeated her name over and over again in my head, like a mantra, and out loud, like a poem, loving the way it rolled off my tongue.

I sniffed my aftershave, aware that I was already sweating like a pig in spite of the cool shower I had just taken to freshen up. I poured some more aftershave into my hands, patting my cheeks and taking one last look at my reflection in the mirror.

The white shirt over khaki jeans would have to do.

Our hotel was located in one of the nine bays that formed the city of Huatulco, meaning that I needed to take a cab to get downtown. I didn't want to meet her just yet, though. I mean, I didn't want to seem desperate!

Although we could share the cab...

Nah. Too much.

If I play my cards right, hopefully we can share it later. I smiled at that.

Sonia got me a taxi, unaware of my true intentions. I told her I was going to do some touring of my own.

Colorful houses surrounded the centre of Huatulco, creating a patchwork of thatched and tiled roofs. The ocean glowed in the distance, the sky painted different shades of orange, purple and blue. It was a beautiful sunset.

I strolled through the main plaza, passing an old church that faced the Town Hall, in the typical Mexican style.

My watch showed 7:30 pm, and I knew it was time to meet the beautiful angel that didn't save me.

My lips curved up. She was an angel, no doubt about that. And also, she didn't save me because I didn't need saving.


I had it all under control and I was sticking to that.

The restaurant was just around the corner from the Town Hall. It wasn't a fancy place, but it smelled like heaven. My stomach rumbled as I peeked inside, searching for Audrey. She was seated by the terrace, looking magnificent.

The skirt of her white dress danced with the light breeze as she looked at the ocean. Her hair was pinned up, and for a moment I wished I could run my hands through it, letting it loose.

I hid behind a column as a waiter approached her. The waiter's hair was salt and pepper and had a slight jump on his walk.

"Buenas tardes, señorita." He placed a menu on the table. "¿Le puedo ofrecer algo de tomar?"

Audrey's eyes were wide as she glanced back and forth between him and the menu. "Uh...Bueno...yo no... Spanish... español." Her cheeks flushed, as she rubbed the back of her neck, fingers catching in the intricate design of her hairline.

She looked even more beautiful when she was flustered than when she was angry, that was for sure.

The man looked to the side, fidgeting with the little notebook on his hands. "¿No habla español?"

Audrey seemed to understand that particular phrase, and shook her head, casting her eyes down to her hands at her lap.

The waiter pointed at the menu he'd place on the table. "Este. Es. El. Menu." He spoke loud and slow, as if that might magically make fluent in Spanish. "Food, okay?"

She nodded, but her expression remained confused.

"Sólo enseñeme con el dedo y yo se lo traigo."

She was completely clueless. The guy was telling her to point at what she wanted on the menu, but she didn't understand a word he'd said. She probably also couldn't read a word of the menu.

Audrey blinked at him.

The waiter ran a palm across his face, somewhat frustrated.

I rubbed my hands together, and stood up a little straighter.

Time to play prince charming and rescue the angel.


Sweet collaboration by:

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