Where it all began

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name

(Your POV)

I always loved comic books. I always imagined that I was the guy beating up the villains, always saving the day. I also like to just doodle in it with a little paintbrush making my own characters and scenes. It usually helped me forget all the.... um..... bad things. I was almost done making the story when my door slams open and my paintbrush crosses the whole page ruining everything. I slowly turned around to see my "father" or Tai looking at me confused.

Tai:"What do you got there?"

I looked at him confused since usually he just comes in and beats me and never takes an interest in what I'm doing. So cautiously I showed him the comic and explained the story, but leaving out the part where I'm the hero and replaced it with Yang and Ruby.

Tai:"Oh so you made a comic well where did you find this?"

I started to slightly shake, he was never this interested which led to something bad was gonna happen pretty soon.

(Y/N):"I-I found it"

He didn't seem to buy it as he slowly stood up and picked up the paintbrush pointing the sharp end of it towards me.

Tai:"You know what I hate more than you?"

(Y/N): "either your love life or pull out game right?"

He picked me up and threw me across the room.


(Y/N):Man even I could've came up with a better insult and I'm only 6.

He brought down the brush trying to stab my leg, but I kept rolling side to side trying to dodge it. He started to become frustrated and grabbed my leg holding it still. Then started to stab it over and over again completely ignoring my screams for him to stop. After he finished he grabbed my comic book and threw it into the fireplace, then grabbed my paints and smashed them into the ground.

Tai:"I don't to see you EVER leave this room without permission."

He didn't wait for me to respond as he already walked out slamming the door. I sat there for hours crying on why they beat and abused me. I mean sure I was adopted but that shouldn't mean anything...... should it?


My thoughts got cut off by the knocking. I turned around fearing the worst till I saw Ruby standing there with tears in her eyes. I was about to ask what was wrong till she ran up and hugged me, and had I not already been on the floor she would've knocked me over.

(Y/N):"Hey Ruby what's wrong."

She just hugged me tighter while crying, till she looked at my leg horrified.


I covered her mouth to keep her from yelling more.

(Y/N):"Would you believe me if I said I rolled out of bed like this?"

As I looked at her I could tell that she already knew what happened.

Ruby:"He did it again didn't he?"

We stayed silent while hugging for awhile before she got up and grabbed some bandages wrapping them around my leg. I'm still surprised that she knew how to do that, then again this usually did happen often. After she got done wrapping them she continued to hug me till my "mother" Summer called her down to go eat, which of course I knew I was not allowed to. We stayed hugging for a little bit longer till Summer called her again.

Ruby:"IM COMING, do you want me to bring some back to you?"

(Y/N):"No I don't want you to get in trouble for doing that."

Ruby:"You sure?"

(Y/N):"yeah go on before they start coming up here."

She gave me one last hug and then walked out of the room closing the door softly. It was silent except every now and then you'd hear laughter from Downstairs. I sat there staring at the paint all over the floor. It felt good actually just sitting here watching the paint color the floor and hearing the birds singing to each other. I sat there for what felt like hours till the door slammed open revealing Yang with with a pair of yellow gauntlets on.

Yang:"Hey freak look what I got."

I just nodded not wanting to deal with this. It seemed that I annoyed her as she punched my face, and let me just say it hurts a lot more than usual.


She continued to beat me up breaking and fracturing a few bones. After awhile she stopped as I laid there in a bloody mess. She smiled satisfied with what she's done, or so I thought.

Yang:"DAD (Y/N) HIT ME."

She smiled evilly until they all barged into the room then she started fake crying.


He knew the answer along with everyone else, but who are you gonna believe the punching bag freak or your favorite daughter.


At this point I've lost so much blood that I was starting to fall unconscious.

Tai: "YOU LITTLE SH....."

I didn't hear or see the rest of it as I fell unconscious.

(Timeskip to next day)

I woke up to see ruby asleep hugging me tightly. I looked around the room to see all the blood from yesterday. I looked down at my body to see most of it was wrapped up in bandages. I tried to stand up only to realize that my legs were broken. I felt something move I turned around to see Ruby staring at me with a couple of tears in her eyes.


I stared at her confused.

(Y/N):"Why what?"

Ruby:"Why don't you run away?"

I smiled and started rubbing her head.

(Y/N):"I stay because of you I don't want to leave you behind while I escape from this hell."

Ruby:"But I don't want to see you get hurt anymore."

She hugged me tighter and I hugged her back, or more like leaned more over since I couldn't really feel my arms yet.

(Y/N):"Fine if it will make you happy the first chance I get I'll leave ok?"

She nodded before getting off of me and headed for the door. As she closed the door I noticed a small tray next to me with some food on it. I smiled and as my arms started to heal I ate all of it, cause ya know healing takes a lot of energy. I noticed my legs starting to heal since I've unlocked just a little bit of my aura but not all of it yet. So I just laid there as I knew that nobody would come in since it was there day to go get ice cream.

(Timeskip a few hours)

I was finally able to get up and walk around although my legs were still sore. As I walked around I stopped as the door to my room opened revealing a drunk Summer, and boy did she look mad.

Summer:"guess what time it is."

I looked at my arm where I painted a watch on.

(Y/N):"It's half past hair."

She didn't seem to find it funny as she pulled out her scythe and started to swing it at me. That was until time seemed to slow down as a little cartoonish heart came out.

(Choose what ever one you want it doesn't matter.)

I stared at it intrigued by is color and tried to reach out for it. I knew that it was mine by the connection I felt with it. The moment I touched it through I noticed Summers scythe coming straight down the middle of it cutting it in half. She stared pleased with what she did while I on the other hand kept on trying to put it back together. I grabbed the two pieces and kept trying to push them together hoping they would stay. I didn't quite notice that the colors in the background and on myself were fading slowly along with the connection I felt with it being torn apart. After a few more attempts I finally got them to stay together, that was until it broke apart and split into tiny pieces.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Like this in case you didn't know.)

I stared at all the little pieces all over the ground as the faded away along with the connection I felt with it. I looked around the room and noticed all the color was gone. Before anything else could happen I fell to the floor screaming in pain. It felt like someone grabbed a hot dull rusted knife and started cutting every inch of my body. I looked down and saw some parts starting to fade away. I looked around as summer stared terrified of what was happening. I looked over and saw the paints on the ground and I had the urge to touch them. I started crawling over to the puddle of paint seeing as the closer I got the more colorful they appeared. The moment I touched one they all appeared back in the separate bottles. There were 8 bottle each filled with a different color like green, light blue, dark blue, purple, pink, red, orange, and yellow. I looked down and saw a smudge of black ink on the ground. Tempted I put some on my finger and put it on my right cheek. As soon as the paint touched my cheek I felt stronger I looked down and saw my body slowly starting to reform. I reached out for the paint vials only to have them taken away by Summer. She's started saying something that I couldn't here nor understand. She stormed out of the room and as soon as she left Ruby rushed in. Usually I was happy that she showed up but I didn't feel anything I only felt empty.

Ruby:"Are you okay what happened?"

(Y/N):"I'm fine completely fine."

I tried to sound convincing when I said that but it only came out monotone.

Ruby:"I saw my mom running with some paints to her room. Were those yours?"

I nodded grateful I knew where they were at now.

Ruby:"I talked them into taking everyone out tomorrow so that you could get away."

(Y/N):"But won't all the doors be locked?"

She nodded but then tried to look like she was thinking.

Ruby:"But there's there's the possibility the someone could "accidentally" leave all the doors unlocked."

I tried to smile only to realize I could smile but there was nothing behind it. No happiness or gratitude. She didn't notice though she hugged me and I hugged her back. After checking over me for injuries and finding none she hugged me one last before getting up and leaving. As she left I looked around at the colorless room and my almost colorless self. I felt like I was missing something, something important. My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening revealing Tai, Yang, and Summer looking very angry for some reason.

Tai:"(Y/N) did you hurt Yang?"

(Y/N):"don't know, don't care probably hurt her ego though."

This made Yang extremely mad and as she went to punch me I didn't move or flinch as it connected right with me face. They looked shocked as I stood there looking bored not moving at all. Tai came up trying to punch me, but every time he swung I dodged them all.


He didn't get to finish as I grabbed both of his arms breaking them making him fall to the ground in pain. Summer charged at me with her scythe ready but as she got close I grabbed it and smashed it into a million pieces. Then Summer and Yang grabbed Tai and drugged him out of the room shutting and locking the door. After they left I went back to staring at the colorless walls for what felt like hours until sleep finally overcame me.

(Timeskip to morning)

I woke up and grabbed all my stuff which was just my clothes and sat down waiting. I started to doze off until I heard the click on the lock and Ruby walked in giving me a hug saying goodbye. She quickly left while "accidentally" leaving the door unlocked. I waited for a couple of minutes then heard the front door shut singling that they've left. I got up heading towards the door and checked both sides of the hallway and I started heading towards the parents bedroom trying to find my paints. After searching for awhile I noticed a hint of color behind some books. I walked over to it and moved the books out of the way revealing all 8 of the bottles. I started to gather them up and once I had all of I saw the room light up with colors again and I felt like something had been changed within me. I started to feel happy again as I walked downstairs and saw something hidden under the couch. I pulled it out and noticed it was a belt with 8 pockets for the colors. I knew ruby made it by how poorly the stitching was. I started to walk out knowing that I was finally free.

Until I realized I had no idea where I was going and heard a twig snap behind me.

???:"Human... don't you know how to greet a new pal. Turn around and shake my hand."

I turned around and saw....

(So there's the first chapter, not really sure if it's good though. Although it is the longest chapter I've ever done so far. Also this is my first time writing this type of story so if you have any ideas for me please let me know.)

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