Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jimin could see the fury in his eyes. Tears rolled down on his cheeks, his lips were quivering as he endure the pain on his wrist for the reason that Jungkook is gripping it.

"I'll be repeating my question for the last time, Park. Why the hell are you with another man?!" He shouted and held Jimin even more tight as before.

"I-i-I'm s-ssor--ry!" He pleaded. He can't take this anymore, Jimin could see his burgundy wrist, he was obviously shaking in fear, tears are contiously racing down on his cheeks.

He assumed that if he let Jungkook win he would let go of him so he just said sorry even though there's nothing to be sorry about.

He doesn't even know why Jungkook is acting like this.

Is this the way he treat his targets? If it is then Jimin doesn't like it!

"Sorry?! How can you go out with a stranger that you don't even know?! What are you?! A whore?!"


"Don't you dare to call me anything! You don't even know me! Stop acting like your my jealous boyfriend because that will never happen!"


"And don't you dare slap me!--" Jungkook was fuming in anger, he locked jimin on the walls by holding his cheeks tightly with only one hand, converging his lips.

"Do you know who I am?!" What Jungkook hated the most is to feel degraded by others that isn't supposed to be.

Jimin didn't answer which made Jungkook express outrage, he gripped on his cheeks as tight as he could, not even caring about the other's extreme pain.

"From now on, I don't want you seeing another man excluding me, got that?" He said with full authority, Jimin nodded as an answer. He wants to go home.

Jungkook let Jimin go roughly and gave another slap on the other side of his face, "Dumb bitch" his face moved simultaneously with Jungkook's slap. Jimin cried his heart out while holding his cheek. Damn, that hurts.

Jungkook left the scene after that, Jimin just held on his purple-ish wrist and his aching cheek, why is this happening? He thought.

He bent down on his knees and started crying, he can't contact Hoseok because he left his bag on the cafè for the reason that Jungkook dragged him out.

Plus he's out of town.

"T-taehyu--ng.." he mumbled, he remembered Taehyung saw him being dragged by Jeon. He found hope when he thought about that.

Will Taehyung save me?

Minutes have passed and he's still in the same position, crying like a baby. He wants to go but something's pulling him back, he's very weak to even stand. He's literally shaking. It's quarter to three yet the sky turned into black, it's raining.

"A-aah.." he's cuffed his hands because he's cold. Jimin's totally wet yet he still don't want to go. He can't.

"Jimin? Jimin!" His lost hope was regained when he heard that voice.. "T-ttaeh-yu-ung" he stuttered.

Obviously Taehyung won't hear him with that soft voice so he grabbed the nearest metal pipe and banged it on the wall to make a sound.

"H-help.." Jimin feel like passing out anytime but he endured it, please come..

"Jimin?! Shit!" He heard Taehyung coming near him until everything went black.


Jungkook's POV

Fuck that ugly nerd shit! Why the hell was he with another man?!


I almost broke the door open and slammed it hard that everyone noticed, "Woah pretty boy, what's with the face?"

"Shut up Namjoon!" I shouted, I went immediately to the cabinet and handed an alcohol out.

"Okay okay! Whatever you say, tsk" He said, he's comfortably sitting on the couch while reading something on the paper. Next to him is Tuan, who's playing cards with Yoongi.

"Better shut your mouth tall man" Tuan jokingly said and Namjoon threw the empty can on him that I don't know where he got.

I opened the bottle and straight drank it. "Woah what happened?" Tuan asked, I gave him a glare before I speak.

"Remember that nerd shit I was talking about?" I started, Namjoon just looked at me and Tuan said yes while Yoongi is focusing on his cards, "I gave him a taste of his own medicine"

"You what?" Namjoon asked, I got another bottle and opened it, damn I'm drinking alcohol like it's water again.

"He's with another man, fuck him" I said.

Instead of hearing praises, I received a laugh from the three, "What the flying f*ck is funny?"


"Hahahahaha damn my tummy hurts!"

"That was a bit funny"

I glared at the three which made them stop, "Ehem, as I was--erm" Namjoon is obviously trying to stop himself from laughing, same with the two.

I threw the empty bottle on their side to f*cking shut their filthy mouth up, Namjoon avoided my bottle quickly, "Woah!" Tsk, thought I got him dead.

"Easy there! Don't wanna get my face ruined" he said while holding his face.

"Yuck, I'm more handsome than you so dream on" Tuan said.

"F*ck you!"

"Stop that you ugly shits" I said which they immediately obeyed. These faggots are far more worse than children.

"You did that just because he's with a man?" Tuan asked. "What's wrong with it?"

Is this sh*t out of his mind? Everything's wrong ofcourse! "He f*cking slapped me!" I said pointing my index finger at my left cheek.

The went silent for 3 seconds then started to laugh again,

"Hahaahahaha goodness gracious!"

"Someone slapped Jungkook! Who has the urge to do that?"

For the nth time, I glared at them.

There's nothing to be funny about!

"He slapped me so I did the same, in both sides" I continued. The three went silent like they were waiting for my next sentence. "Serves him right though, no one even dare to slap me"

"Guess you found your match?" Yoongi said.

I drank the alcohol straight for the last time and wiped my mouth,

"I guess I did"


"You're awake" Taehyung said while rushing towards Jimin on the bed.

"Taehyung? W-what happened? Where am I?" He continously asked. "You passed out so I decided to bring you here at my place, don't worry, you're safe here"

Jimin tried his best to sit down but "Aww!" He exclaimed, "Easy Jimin, don't force yourself" Taehyung helped him to sit down on the bed from laying.

He held his aching head, "Why does my head aches?" He asked, Taehyung just sighed and said that it's because of stress.

"I-I'm sorry for disturbing you Taehyung. Thankyou but I'm going home" Jimin said then tried to stand up but his head really hurts, "Awww!" He exclaimed, Taehyung straight came up and guided him to sit again, resting his back on the headboard.

"You should rest for awhile Jimin, don't worry. You're not a burden" he explained. "I'm just gonna get something for you at the kitchen, stay there" Taehyung said then went straight at the kitchen as he said.

Jimin tried to remember what happened until he did, he started crying again. Jungkook is really scary. He thought.

What did he do to deserve this?

He felt the pain on his wrist, he looked at it and it's now covered with a cast, he sniffed when he remembered the scene earlier, "I don't want it to happen again" he whispered while wiping his tears.

"Jimin?" Taehyung came with a tray full of foods. "Don't cry" he shushed him as soon as he reached the bed. He put the tray on the table beside him and sat beside Jimin.

"T-thankyou for saving me" Jimin said. Taehyung just smiled, "No worries" he replied.

Jimin suddenly blushed when he remembered that he admire Taehyung! Omygod! "I cooked soup for you"

"Y-yeah thanks" he said. Taehyung was about to put a spoonful on his mouth when he exclaimed, "Ah! I can do it!" Jimin said.

Taehyung looked at his hand with a cast, "No Jimin, look at your hand. It's okay. I insist" He said.

In the end Jimin lost and he just let Taehyung to feed him. Wow, he cooks well.

"Did you really cooked that?" Jimin asked while in the middle of swallowing.

Taehyung frowned of the sudden question, "Why?" He asked back.

"It's tasty" he answered and smiled which Taehyung replied with a smile back, "I used a soup ready mixture so I just put it in the pan to heat it up" he explained while laughing.

"I even almost got it burned" he added.

They just laughed and Taehyung accompanied Jimin for awhile to ease his pain.

It's past six in the evening and they're watching on netflix while eating junkfoods. "Thanks for taking care of me, Tae" Jimin started.

"Ofcourse Jimin"

Jimin looked back at the screen to continue watching but Taehyung just starred at Jimin for a whole minute.

I won't let anyone do this to you again, Jimin.

If only I could tell you..

"Tell me what Tae?"




I hope there's still someone r3ading this huhu that's all! Sorry for the lame and slow update! I'll try to catch up everytime I can!]

© craesents.

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