Answering you comments & Chapter 6-Mask

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Okay so wattpad is giving me problems and isn't letting me respond to your comments. It is really ticking me off so I made a chapter about it.

Owlkeys: thank you. I know!!! Stupid tomato head! Also I hate those feels they are the worst feels.

Miraculousloverfan: I love your poem. Do you mind if I put it in the description of this story? I will give you credit of course!

And for those who like the song: I love this song too! It is almost two years old now I think. I listen to it while writing this story just to get a little inspiration from it.

Hopefully wattpad will let me answer comments again. If they don't, I swear I will rip my hair out. If anyone knows of a way to fix this please tell me. It's this new update. I never had problems with the old one. I hate this. I don't like doing this without giving you a chapter so here it is.

Marinette's POV
I couldn't help but think this was my fault. I brought Adrian to my house so I could kept a close eye on him. I know he was suffering, and I hate to see him in this state. It was true that Nathaniel and I were dating. I didn't think twice about it, and now look where that lead me. Adrian will probably never trust me ever again. It's my fault though. I was upset he didn't visit me last night like he has been doing. Plagg came to me this morning to tell me about Adrian's plans. I'm thankful he came to me.

Adrian was now sleeping on my chaise. He was exhausted. I looked at him. His bandages were soaked with blood, his cheeks were soaked with tears, and his soul and heart. Crushed. He didn't deserve this lifestyle. Unfortunately, he did have much of a choice.

I thought about the words he said to me earlier. He said that I said he was nothing to me. He must have overheard us talking. He said he loved me. Was that true? He said that he gave me his heart and I-I crushed it. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. This really was all my fault wasn't it. He needs love, and I didn't give him that. Should I break up with Nathaniel?
(write your answers in the comments! Just so you know, he will still feel pain either way sorry. I do have a plan for him to get better. Just not yet.) I'm not sure. I wanted to give him want he needs. I just don't know if I can. He also said no one has ever cared for him except his mother. I did care, but he couldn't see it. He was blinded with pain and suffering.

"No! Mom! Princess! Don't leave me! PLEASE!" Adrian jolted out in bed. I rushed over to him.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He stared at me for a few moments.

He turned away from me. "Why am I here? Why can't you just bring me home." His voice was cold emotionless. This wasn't like him at all.

"What do you mean?! I had to look after you?! You just tried to kill yourself! It would be irresponsible for me to just leave you!" I yelled. My parents weren't home right now. Thankfully.

"You already left me. Why can't you do it again? Just bring me home." He looked at his hands. His right hand was really hurt. I went to the bathroom to get the bandages. I grabbed them out of the cabinet and came back to my room. Adrian was gone. Plagg wasn't here either.

"Tikki! Spots on!" I went out my window in search of a black cat or a blond model. I spotted Chat jumping towards his house. I went after him. I entered his window. He was laying down in his bed as Adrian. "If you are going to be home, I am going to have to baby proof this room."

He didn't respond. So I started taking every sharp object, anything that he could possibly hurt him self. I went to his bathroom and took his medicine. Leaving only two Advil. Once I was done, I threw it all out the window into a garbage bin. I looked at Adrian. He was holding a picture frame. I got a little closer, and it was a picture of his mother. A single tear hit the glass. I went up to him and put an arm around him. "She is very beautiful." I said.

"Yeah." was all he could muster. He had a deep love for his mother. He needed his mother.

"Is she dead?" I asked gently.

"Maybe." he said back. "I have to go. I have fencing lessons today." He went to his closet picked out some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. About twenty minutes later he came out. You could barely tell anything was wrong. His makeup was so well done. He covered up his wounds with his clothes.

"Wow. You can barely tell." I said. "But I know." I whispered to myself.

"Good. I was worried you could tell a little. You can leave now," he said smiling. His smile looked so real but I knew it was fake. I tear escaped my eye.

"How can you do that? Pretend nothing is wrong. Like nothing happened. Even your smile. I know it is so fake but it looks so real." I asked. More tears came out. I felt so bad for Adrian. He never deserved this. How can my life be so good and his so bad? It didn't make sense.

He put a hand on my shoulder. "I feel numb to pain. It isn't hard to mask my feelings. I have gotten used to it." He put his ring on and headed out the door. That's how he does it. He is just so used to it that he can act like he is okay? No one should be used to this type of pain. Adrian put up a wall around him. He didn't let people see who he really is. It is a mask over a mask over a MASK.

A/N: These last two chapters aren't as long as I would like them so be. I will make the next one longer I promise! Thanks for the support. This "book" is really been successful thanks to you guys! Thank you so much! I thought today that Marinette POV would be important. For those who are suffering. They don't know the other side of this. The people that love them that watch them suffer. I thought it was very important for people to know. I hope you had a fantastic day! See you all in the next chapter! Love you!
Remember live, love, learn!
Signing off, ~Epic

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