Chap. 2 - The confertaion

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Talking - (person) hello

Action - (person) *picks up a water bottle and throws it* YEET!

Mind - (person)  'did I leave the stove on?'

Shouting - (person) WHAT I CANT HEAR YOU!!!

Whispering - (person)  hey can I know the Wi-Fi password please

On scroll - (person) [hello hello hellllloooo?]

Arthur's comment - < *waves* >


Third person

As steve pointed towards his old family everyone else was taken back by this except Blake And Weiss, Summer started to cry a little as steve said that.

(Summer) It is *sniffle* really you

Summer then used her speed to try and hug steve but was meant with a door to the face, Summer stood at the front door holding her head as she pouted a bit, as steve re-opened the door he looked at ozpin.

(Steve) Look oz I know you want us to join but our answer is a no, and will always be a no so may i please ask you and everyone you came with to leave our home.

Summer and the rest of her family looked down in shame as ozpin took a drink out of his mug...... {the fuck he get that?}.

(Ozpin) Well yes but i hope we can reason out why you will not come.

(Steve) *sighs* Fine come on in make yourself at home, but keep the rose and everyone else in their family away from me and alex.

Steve said as he opened the door wide enough for everyone to enter, once everyone was inside they were amazed at the interior of the house, the living room was decorated with pictures of the two brothers doing alot of things such as fishing, hunting, bowling and much more, the living room also had a black couch and a black arm chair, on the wall is a 32 inch flat screen tv, along with a trophy case in the fair corner.

(Jaune) wow nice tv does it have netflix?

(Steve) yes

(Jaune) 3D?

(Steve) No that is a stupid fucking gimmic and everyone knows it!

Jaune jumps at the sudden shouting as steve sighs and walks into the kitchen followed by ozpin, glynda, summer and tie, everyone else did somthing, nora, jaune and ren were looking around the house, pryyha, blake and weiss were looking at the trophies, yang and ruby were looking at the photos on te wall along with qrow and raven, team CVFY were sitting on the couch chatting.

(Yang) wow, I never thought i would see alex and steve smile so much

Yang said as she looks at a picture of alex and steve holding up a trophy of first place baking.

(Ruby) ya i know what you mean sis, but do you think he would ever have smiled like this if they stayed with us?

(Qrow) no....i know its the sad truth, but thinking about what we did to them i highly dought that we can fix our mistakes.

(Raven) Your right qrow and i cant believe your not drunk for once.

(Qrow) I promised to myself, if we ever found one of the boys i would stop drinking for a day, if both then i would stop drinking for a week.

Yang, ruby, and raven looked at qrow with a really look.

With steve

Steve is currently sitting down across from ozpin, glynda, summer and tai as alex is seen taking his seat next to steve.

(Ozpin) now since we are all here lets begin shall we, i would like both you and alex to join beacon academy.

(Steve) well oz i say no, but alex is a person so ask him.

(Alex) no

(Ozpin) well...can i know the reasons as to why?

(Alex) Well me and Steve hate huntsman and huntreses, second we don't follow a sorta chain of command very well, finally it's because of your connections with them.

Alex said as he points to summer and tai

(Ozpin) I see well this is a problem hmmm, what if I payed you?

(Steve) How much we talking?

(Ozpin) 50 million yien a week

(Alex) hmmmm, that sounds good but for both of us of individually?

(Ozpin) individually

(Steve) Hmmm, fine I'll go but I am not wearing some stupid uniform

(Alex) hmmm, I follow Steve so I'll go but only if we get a dorm to ourselves and you keep them away.

(Ozpin) agreed, I will come back for you tommorow morning and you can start you initiation the same day in the afternoon.

(Tai) now wait one minute

Everyone turned to two as he sits up

(Tai) We like to discuss some things with our sons ozpin, first we like you two come home we miss you and we are sorry

(Steve) sorry doesn't fix anything tai

(Summer) please my little kitty and wolf come back home just for one day

(Alex) No, you abused us and neglected us why would we ever come back with you even just for a minute?

Summer and tai both looked down, as steve was watching he sighed and stood up making everyone confused.

(Steve) I think we are done here, ozpin we have made our descion and we will not change our minds now please leave, and for the rose, xia long and branway family you are forbiddon to ever step foot on this island again.


(Steve) I will do what i like with my island and home summer, now leave and never return.

Both tie and summer nodded as they got up and started to leave with ozpin and glynda, they got everyone else and left not before ozpin dropped his scroll number into a jar that says 'vacation lien'.

Time skip brought to you chibi steve cooking a piece of steak

We now see alex cooking some pancakes as steve is looking at his scroll tapping somthing before he stands up, alex looks at steve

(Alex) Another job?

(Steve) Ya, its a solid assiantion misson i can do it by myself since you dont like blood shed alot.

Steve said as he streches popping a few bones in his back.

(Alex) alright and before you go i made you a new weapon.

(Steve) Really? Thanks bro, were is it?

(Alex) Its in the armory, its name is called thorned rose, its a pistol that turns into a scythe.

(Steve) thanks, gives me a reason to start using some of my clips ive stored up.

Steve said as he starts walking to the armory, leaving alex alone until a knock on the front door is heard, alex is abit surpised but flips the last pancake off and starts heading towards the door, while putting his left hand behind his back and summoning one of his agony.

Alex the opens the door to see a man wearing a black jacket with zome red outline on it, his hair is red but his eyes sre coverd with a mask he also has bull head horns, looking behind him alex could see at least 50 white fang goons.

(???) Hello is this the home of Alex and Steve gate?

(Alex) Depends on what you want adam.

(Adam) So you know of me, good then you should come with me peacefully or things could get messy

Alex smiles sweetly as he slams the door in his face, adam sighs as he signal for the attack only to here nothing, Adam turns around to see steve in his mercenary suit standing over white fang goons dead bodies.

(Steve) ops sorry about that.

(Adam) *pissed* YOU MOTHER FUCKER!

Adam draws his katana and charges at steve only for steve to block with his energized sheild and stab adam in the gut with cresenct, Adam spits out some blood onto steve helmet as he holds his side, he then smirks as steve is confused until steve house blows up making steve turn around to see, white fang bull heads and boats armed to the teeth with weapons adam starts laughing as steve runs to his now blown up home, looking through the rubble he finds alex badly injured.

Steve then gently sets alex down on the ground switching his gear to thorned rose in its pistol form on his leg, suddenly a white circle covers steve fist as he turns around looking at an army of at least one thousand white fang goons pointing their guns at him, steve then hits beside him creating cracks in the air.

Everyone looks confused until a giant shadow covers everyone, looking up the white fang goons could see two tsunamies, steve picks up alex and jumps into the emergency room hatch as the tsunami crashes onto the island killing all the white fang members.

A little time later we see three bull heads heading towards the now destroyed island, in the first bull head are teams RWBY and CVYF with ozpin and glynda, the second bull head holds teams JNRP and STRQ with iron wood and winter, the final one has a medic team on it, they are flying to the island to see if everyone is alright, once the two bull heads land they emeditly see dead bodies of the white fang along with adam taures who is remarkably alive, winter quikly cuffs adam as summer looks around worried about her sons.

(Summer) STEVE, ALEX!

Tie, Qrow, Raven, Ruby and Yang all start shouting for alex and steve, they soon find the hatch and start to open it, once opened they see steve with a patched up alex on a matress, summer quikly goes down the ladder as steve points a gun at her then lowers it.

(Steve) Oh its only you, did you come to with anyone else?

(Summer) Yes we have a bull head full of medics incased somone was to get hurt, please come with us

(Steve) Fine but hold still

Summer nods as steve gently picks up alex earning a groan from him, steve then hands steve to summer as white cirles cover his fist soon steve walks over to the stairs that is covered by debres and punches it blowing it away.

(Steve) well come on summer

Steve says as he takes back akex gently and starts running with summer in toe, everyone sees alex as they rush to his side, steve manages to doge them as he gives alex to the medic team on the third bullhead with adam on it.

{Question - who should get adam weapon? Steve or alex?}

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