Chapter 16 Month 1 Sonic's View

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                      Finding Keanna
Same Day, September 26th Saturday

I snuck into Scrourge's base. I went into  the vents where there were no security cameras. I kept looking into each one until I heard a girl crying. It sounded like... Keanna..? I tried hard to hear where her crying was coming from. It was close. I went to where it was coming from to realize that there was  no vents going in there.

"Let me out!" I heard Keanna shout as she banged against a door. "I can barely breathe! There's no air able to get in here!"

"Thats the idea!" I heard Scrourge shout. "Soon you'll have no air, so it's either you die, or you give me what I want!"

"NEVER!!! NOT EVEN WHEN I'M DEAD!!!" Keanna shouted angrily.

"Fine! Than die!" Scrourge shouted, than he angrily stomped away. I heard Keanna whimper.

"Hedgehog will come for me... I know he will..." She whispered to herself. "But for now I gotta stay calm... Deep breaths in, and deep breaths out..." She said to herself. I heard her breathing.

"He'll Never come for you!" I heard Scrourge shout.

"Yes he will! I Know he will!" She shouted back.

"And Why Would he come for you? You're just like a piece of trash to him! A piece of trash that nobody wants! You're nothing to him! You Are Nothing!" He shouted back at her.

"He'll come for me..." She said. "I know he will..." I couldn't take it anymore.

"Let her go!" I shouted, jumping down from the vent and I attacked Scrourge.

"Hedgehog!" She shouted. "You came!"

"Of course I came!" I shouted to her as I fought Scrourge.

"Oof!" Scrourge shouted as he fell to the ground. I knocked him out.

"Sonic!" Keanna shouted. Her voice sounded panicy. "I can't breathe!"

"Hang on! I'm coming!"

"Hurry!" She shouted. I tried to spin dash the door down, but it wouldn't budge. I kept trying.

"HELP!!!" Keanna shouted, I heard her gasping for air. It was almost too late. Could I save her?

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