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After that encounter with Fang, Darius promised to himself that he'd set sail without hesitation towards the Regimere.

His sailors were already beyond ready and the only problem they have to face now are the guards waiting outside.

Darius knew that the captain he had talk to earlier would be one of his problems as soon as he saw her standing right next to their ship once more.

She wasn't barking orders. Her hands laid still on the sword strapped on her side. There were no other shipments coming so Darius knew she was there to guard the Medusa.

Her eyes pierced over the surroundings. Like a hawk hunting its prey. No one gets past her unless you can eventually change her mind, Darius thought to himself. He was hesitant.

He eventually held a breath and prayed to heavens this woman wouldn't dare point a dagger to his throat or impale him with the sword she had.

Both of them are worst case scenario, knowing fully well that this woman shows no mercy.

As soon as they were near the Medusa, the cold voice of the woman echoed and the other sailors of Everfrost turned towards their direction. “Halt there, mate.”

Darius felt his blood go cold as she met him with her sword drawn and pointed at his throat. "Advice from one captain to another, leave before I hang your head as a trophy in my own damn ship."

She threatened. It may sound as a joke but knowing this woman, she takes things literally. Darius stood his ground, however.

He didn't say anything but he nodded and backed away from the sword while looking over his shoulder to his crew.

They all seemed terrified but Darius knew that he atleast need to try to reason with the woman.

He could've had sneaked off but he knew that he'd get caught easily if there were people inside their ship to ambush them.

And that wouldn't give them more chances to leave Everfrost. It would just make the woman more infuriated.

“Let me explain why we're here.” He tried to make it as peaceful as possible. His voice low and his tone gentle yet stern enough that she couldn't turn into a raging beast when she hears him out.

"I'm just following orders here, mate. I don't need to listen to your blabbering mouth. Ophelia's orders,"  the woman spat in anger.

Darius stepped back, making sure that the sword wouldn't reach as much when he decides to dodge if ever this woman attacked him.

"If you're here to get your little ship back, it ain't happening." The woman continued before scoffing. "The only way you could do so is to face my crew. And let me tell you, we love collecting treasures."

"His head will suffice, captain Zschova!" Someone shouted in the back as her crew went to cheer their captain on. Zschova just smirked.

"You heard them."

"My head is not going to be a souvenir. I'd rather keep it attached to my head."

Zschova noticed how Darius didn't make any sudden moves so she puts away the sword and laughed at his cowardice. "That's what I thought."

Darius had another thought, however. He made a step forward, but this time the captain lets it be. "Let's make a deal."

"I don't do deals. Fight me or back off."

"We won't even fight. We'll give you our weapons but we'll be gone by sunrise. Deal?"

He was hoping for some sort of agreement that would get his crew off the hook but none came.  The captain was stubborn and wanted nothing to do with him. Maybe she just has some sort of grudge against him.

But that would be impossible, we just met her here, he thought. She couldn't have possibly have known him the first time they arrived.

That is unless Ophelia already told her about him. 

"I have no need for your weapons."

Darius cleared his throat, looking at the crew behind him. Aloysius seems uncertain, his eyebrows furrowed and wanting to leave.

Calista's eyes were wide as she feared that the woman can easily kill her lover. Yet Darius didn't give up so easily and even pointed at the Medusa.

“We can trade you some of our goods if you want. Supplies for such voyage.” He smiled slightly.

"I have no interest of trading. I know what you're doing," The captain narrowed her eyes and kept the cold tone in her voice.

Darius made no move this time but the stoic expression in his face remained. A laugh then erupted in the captain's ship.

“Still got the guts, ey? You should be scared, mate! A lot of heads are displayed right here." A man came right outside to look at the woman before taking a good look at Darius.

He gave a loud mocking laughter as he walked towards Darius.

His oceanic eyes stared at him intently as Zschova stared at him intently with her red ones. Almost like an eye of the dragon. 

The other pirates also followed his lead, curious of what he was about to say.

Suddenly, the man laughed and waved his hands. "Let them go."

Zschova scowled at the man before shaking her head in disagreement. "Brother, you must be crazy."

The man didn't listen to his sister and gave one last smirk at Darius' crew. "Let the snake kill them instead."

"After all, such ventures cost a price," he continued before walking past at the crew and leaving to go to the town.

Aloysius looked back at where the man went before focusing his eyes at the sea. Snake. He had heard of tales before but he was never so certain if it was true.

The only thing he was so sure of was that Gryndale was indeed dangerous, as seen that the others had been avoiding it also.

Zschova remained silent, contemplating before walking to the side and nodding at Darius. "Well, my brother has a point. Besides, before you could even reach Ophelia, she would've came back with the remains of the ship anyway."

"Your brother mentioned a snake," Darius tried to ask her but she only remained stoic.

Darius knew she would never answer him. Who was he to ask? Zschova was probably even waiting for their demise. Catching on, the woman scoffed.

"You know, my offer still stands. Decapitating your head, that is."

Aloysius called out to Darius and nods. Darius was hesitant but decides to lead his crew to the Medusa.

Whatever lies within the waters of Gryndale, he knew he had to have the courage to face it.

That was a better option than going back, being imprisoned, and killed anyway. So he took one last glance at the captain before taking a deep breath and leaving Everfrost.

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